Jarek Yeager's daughter

A human female was born as the daughter to Jarek Yeager, a renowned racer, and his wife. Tragically, around the year 20 ABY, this daughter and her mother met their death in an unfortunate accident during a racing event where their father was a participant. Adding to the tragedy, Yeager's brother, Marcus Speedstar, who was also the daughter's uncle, was involved in the same race. Speedstar's reckless decision to overload his racer with coaxium hyperfuel led to a crash of his racer. Yeager placed the blame for the deaths of his wife and daughter squarely on his brother's shoulders. This accusation sparked a bitter feud that persisted for numerous years, until Marcus Speedstar finally located Jarek Yeager on the planet Castilon in 34 ABY, where Yeager ultimately accepted his long-awaited apology.


Early life

Yeager's daughter with their parents on Batuu

The daughter of Jarek Yeager, a celebrated racer, and his wife was a human female. A snapshot exists of the daughter alongside her parents on the planet Batuu. Yeager, once a pilot within the New Republic Defense Fleet, transitioned away from the military following the downsizing and chose the profession of a racer to financially support his wife and daughter.

Around the time of 20 ABY, the daughter, along with her mother, attended a racing event featuring both Yeager and his brother, Marcus Speedstar. Speedstar, in a desperate attempt to outperform his older brother, excessively used the unstable coaxium to power his racer. During the competition, this ship, fueled by coaxium, exploded and crashed, resulting in the death of both Yeager's daughter and wife. This devastating event led to a separation between Yeager and Speedstar for over ten years, as Yeager held Speedstar accountable for the tragedy, and Speedstar initially declined to offer an apology.


Yeager preserved the family photograph taken on Batuu within his repair station located on the Colossus refeuling station. During his time stationed on the Colossus, Yeager developed a strong affection for Tamara Ryvora, a mechanic within his team, eventually regarding Ryvora as a daughter figure.

In 34 ABY, Kazuda Xiono, a Resistance operative working for Yeager, stumbled upon the photo of Yeager with his wife and daughter while secretly exploring Yeager's station. The photograph piqued Xiono's interest, as he was unaware of Yeager's family history. Later that year, Speedstar arrived on the Colossus to participate in the Platform Classic and seek reconciliation with his brother. However, Yeager continued to avoid Speedstar, still unable to forgive him for his involvement in his daughter's death. Witnessing the strained relationship between the brothers, Xiono spoke with Speedstar and learned about the tragic circumstances. Yeager ultimately entered the race to compete against Speedstar, and during the competition, Speedstar confessed that shame had prevented him from apologizing sooner, pleading for Yeager's forgiveness and revealing his long search for him to express his remorse. Yeager ultimately chose to accept the apology, and after the race, the two brothers embraced. When Speedstar inquired if they were now on good terms, Yeager replied that they would be eventually.

Yeager came to think of Tam Ryvora as similar to a daughter.

Later that year, Venisa Doza, a pilot and former colleague of Yeager's, was captured by the First Order. While held aboard the Star Destroyer Thunderer, Doza encountered Ryvora, who had left the Colossus after a disagreement with Yeager to become a First Order TIE fighter pilot. As Doza learned about Ryvora's situation while using her as a hostage during her escape, she revealed that Yeager missed her and considered her like a daughter, adding that Yeager was already burdened with the pain of losing his own daughter.

Personality and traits

Yeager's daughter possessed dark skin, black hair, and brown eyes.


During the family's visit to Batuu, the daughter wore yellow overalls, white shoes, a white top, and bracelets on both arms.

Behind the scenes

The first appearance of Jarek Yeager's daughter was in a photograph featured in "Fuel for the Fire," the fourth episode of the first season of the animated series Star Wars Resistance, which was broadcast on October 21, 2018. Kilian Plunkett, an artist, created the family photo.

Brandon Auman, the head writer and executive producer of Resistance, stated that Yeager's protectiveness towards those he cared for on the Colossus stemmed from the loss of his family, including his daughter. He believed that Yeager assumed a fatherly role towards Ryvora and hesitated to allow her to fly due to his awareness of the inherent risks involved in racing.

