In the year 34 ABY, amidst the First Order-Resistance War, Venisa Doza, a Resistance pilot, and her astromech droid, Torch, fled the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer. This vessel was under the command of Agent Tierny of the First Order Security Bureau. Venisa and Torch's escape occurred after they were captured during an attempt to link up with the Colossus, a mobile space station helmed by Captain Imanuel Doza, Venisa's husband.
During the time of the Galactic Civil War, Venisa Doza served as a starfighter pilot for the Rebel Alliance. She successfully persuaded Imanuel Doza, an Imperial officer, to desert the Galactic Empire. Following the Empire's downfall, they married and started a family, having a daughter named Torra Doza, who inherited her mother's combative spirit and piloting talent. Venisa and Imanuel shared a deep love and were inseparable. Imanuel managed the Colossus, a mobile refueling platform, stationed on the planet Castilon.
Frustrated by the New Republic's lack of action against the First Order, Princess Leia Organa, a veteran of the Rebellion, stepped down from her position in the Galactic Senate. She then formed a paramilitary group known as the Resistance, which attracted numerous like-minded individuals, including C-3PO, Admiral Gial Ackbar, Temmin Wexley, and [Poe Dameron](/article/poe_dameron], a New Republic pilot. Venisa shared Organa's concerns regarding the First Order and joined the Resistance six years before the First Order-Resistance War commenced. To maintain their family ties, she and her family arranged to meet in space once a year on Torra's birthday.
Before the Hosnian Cataclysm, the First Order occupied the Colossus after orchestrating a kidnapping attempt targeting Torra. A diverse resistance cell, spearheaded by Kazuda Xiono and [Jarek Yeager](/article/jarek_yeager], a Rebellion veteran, successfully drove out the First Order forces with the assistance of Doza and Torra. Subsequently, Captain Doza piloted the Colossus into hyperspace, fleeing from the First Order.
Even though the First Order was still hunting the Colossus, the Doza family decided to uphold their yearly reunions. Captain Doza activated a [signal beacon](/article/signal_beacon] in space. However, the First Order intercepted the signal and dispatched the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer, under the command of Agent Tierny from the First Order Security Bureau, to pursue the station. To prevent further damage to the station's deflector shields, Captain Doza was compelled to cancel the rendezvous.
Not long after the dogfight, Venisa Doza and her astromech droid, Torch, emerged from hyperspace aboard their X-wing starfighter. Venisa briefly engaged in combat with First Order TIE fighters, disabling two before being ensnared in the Star Destroyer's tractor beam. Recalling previous encounters with the First Order on Bakura and Rakata Prime, Venisa opted to feign defeat. Torch entered hibernation mode, simulating fried circuits.
Agent Tierny instructed that the defiant Venisa be escorted to the Star Destroyer's detention area for interrogation. First Order stormtroopers inspected the ship and Torch, searching for information, only to find them seemingly inoperable. The stormtroopers discarded Torch into a waste container destined for the trash compactor. However, the droid reactivated and set out to find his master.
Tamara Ryvora and Jace Rucklin, First Order TIE Fighter Pilot cadets, witnessed Venisa being escorted to her cell. Ryvora, a former resident of the Colossus who found the prisoner strangely familiar, secretly visited Venisa in her cell out of curiosity. After Ryvora removed her helmet, Venisa recognized her as Tamara Ryvora, mechanic Yeager's apprentice and adopted daughter. Although Ryvora remained loyal to the First Order and identified herself by her First Order designation DT-533, Venisa attempted to reason with her, trying to convince her that the First Order was not as benevolent as Ryvora believed. Venisa cautioned Ryvora that the First Order was solely driven by a lust for power and disapproved of individuality.
Venisa revealed her identity to Ryvora, confirming her relationship with Captain Doza and Torra. Immediately after, Torch crept up behind Ryvora and incapacitated her with a shock. Feeling sympathy for Ryvora, Venisa decided to take her home as a "hostage." En route, they were intercepted by Rucklin, who engaged Venisa in a verbal confrontation. Venisa challenged Rucklin to shoot her and Ryvora, but the cadet hesitated. Venisa remarked that there was still a chance for Rucklin to abandon the First Order. While Rucklin was distracted, Torch lowered a blast door, trapping Rucklin on the other side.
On their way to the hangar bay, Venisa explained to Ryvora her reasons for joining the Resistance. They were then cornered by stormtroopers, leading to a gunfight with Venisa. Torch managed to seal the stormtroopers behind a blast door, enabling the three of them to reach the hangar bay.
Upon reaching the hangar bay, Venisa instructed Torch to create a diversion by detonating a fuel tank using a detonator. While in the hangar, Venisa informed Ryvora that Yeager missed her and considered her a daughter due to the loss of his own daughter. Respecting Ryvora's continued loyalty to the First Order, Venisa stunned her, but not before advising her to stay away from the hangar.
To mislead Agent Tierny and her stormtroopers, Venisa had Torch commandeer a TIE fighter, which began firing upon the parked TIE fighters and fuel tanks, causing further chaos. Tierny's stormtroopers shot down the starfighter as it left the hangar. However, Torch ejected safely into space. With the First Order distracted, Venisa re-entered her X-wing and flew out of the hangar, meeting up with Torch. Together, they escaped into hyperspace.

Venisa Doza's successful escape represented a minor victory for the struggling Resistance against the formidable First Order. Following Venisa's escape, Agent Tierny interrogated Ryvora, who admitted to being held captive by the prisoner but concealed the Resistance pilot's identity. Suspecting Ryvora of dishonesty, Tierny warned that the First Order had "eyes everywhere" and that the Security Bureau required a complete account of her encounter with Venisa.
Torra was saddened by the missed reunion with her mother. She took offense when Hype Fazon, the Ace leader, made a dismissive comment regarding her father's decision to use a signal beacon. Xiono subsequently learned about Torra's mother, Venisa, from Neeku Vozo and Yeager. Torra initially considered using her racer, Blue Ace, to locate her mother but decided against it, realizing that it would only attract the First Order's attention. To uplift Torra's spirits, Xiono, Vozo, and the other Aces created a green jelly cake with a [gorg](/article/gorg] inside to celebrate her sixteenth birthday.
Venisa Doza's escape from the First Order was first depicted in the Star Wars Resistance season 2 episode "Rendezvous Point," which premiered on Disney XD on November 24, 2019.