In the year 34 ABY, during the early stages of the First Order-Resistance War, the First Order dispatched its forces on a mission to locate and capture the Colossus. This mobile supertanker fuel depot, an ally of the Resistance, had successfully escaped from the planet Castilon after overthrowing the First Order's military occupation.
Before the First Order-Resistance War began, the First Order aimed to utilize the Colossus, a refueling station stationed above Castilon. This was part of their broader strategy to dominate all remaining supertanker fuel depots in the galaxy, establishing a vital supply route for their fleets needing fuel. They initially attempted to persuade Captain Imanuel Doza, the Colossus's owner, into accepting First Order "protection" from pirates. To achieve this, the First Order employed Kragan Gorr and his Warbird gang to launch multiple attacks on the Colossus.
Following a failed abduction of Torra, Captain Doza's daughter, Doza conceded to a military occupation of the Colossus. Around the time of the Hosnian Cataclysm, Kazuda Xiono, a Resistance spy, and Jarek Yeager, a former New Republic starfighter pilot, spearheaded a rebellion against the First Order, regaining control of the Colossus. Subsequently, the Colossus fled into hyperspace.
Captain Phasma, fearing that the Resistance leader General Leia Organa would exploit the Colossus as a valuable asset, instructed Commander Pyre and Agent Tierny of the First Order Security Bureau to prevent the Resistance from acquiring the refueling platform. Unable to secure the station, she commanded its destruction, threatening Tierny and Pyre with death should they fail. Agent Tierny and Commander Pyre then sought assistance from Tamara Ryvora, a local, exploiting her resentment towards Xiono and Yeager for what she perceived as their "betrayal," to locate the platform. To gain Ryvora's loyalty, Agent Tierny secured her a position within the First Order starfighter corps.
The Colossus emerged from hyperspace at a distance of three parsecs from the Ileenium system, the location of the Resistance base on the planet D'Qar. The recent battle had inflicted considerable damage on the Colossus', including its laser cannons, deflector shields, sublight engines, and gravity systems. Xiono, Torra, Neeku Vozo, the Nikto mechanic, and CB-23, Xiono's BB-series astromech droid, attempted to repair the ship's gravity systems but were attacked by MB-13A, a First Order BB-series astromech droid that had remained on board during the escape. MB-13A attempted to transmit a signal to the First Order, but Xiono and Torra managed to eject the droid into space.
Burdened by guilt for concealing his identity as a spy, Xiono sent a comlink transmission to Ryvora, apologizing for his dishonesty. Jace Rucklin, another local who had become a First Order TIE Fighter Pilot cadet, discovered Ryvora listening to Xiono's message. Rucklin persuaded the conflicted Ryvora to report the comlink transmission to Commander Pyre and Agent Tierny. Using Xiono's comlink transmission, the First Order tracked down the Colossus.
Concurrently, the Colossus arrived in the Ileenium system, only to find that the Resistance had evacuated from D'Qar. Furthermore, the platform was unable to replenish its dwindling food, water, and fuel supplies due to the destruction of the Resistance base by First Order forces. The Colossus was unable to jump into hyperspace because its hyperdrive lacked coaxium fuel.
With the consent of Captain Doza and Yeager, Xiono, Vozo, CB-23, and the Warbird pirates embarked on a salvage mission to extract coaxium from the wreckage of the Mandator IV-class Siege Dreadnought Fulminatrix. Before they could complete their mission, Commander Pyre's Resurgent-class Star Destroyer, the Thunderer, emerged from hyperspace and dispatched a battalion of TIE/fo space superiority fighters to attack the Colossus.
Ace Squadron, led by Hype Fazon, led the TIEs on a chase while Xiono, Vozo, and the Warbirds completed their excavation. During their return to the Colossus, the pirates managed to shoot down a TIE fighter using one of the sail barge Galleon's laser cannons. Kaz and Neeku successfully loaded the coaxium into the receptacle in the Colossus' hyperdrive chamber while Ace Squadron returned to their hangars. The Colossus managed to escape into hyperspace just before Commander Pyre's gunners could destroy it.
After the skirmish in the Ileenium system, Captain Doza tasked Yeager and Xiono with training the Aces, who, despite their racing skills, lacked combat experience. Despite Fazon's initial reluctance towards teamwork, the expanded Ace Squadron developed trust after an encounter with a jakoosk on the ice moon Celsor 3. Meanwhile, Ryvora, Rucklin, and Lin Gaava began their training, and Ryvora's faith in the First Order was tested when Lieutenant Galek reprimanded her for prioritizing teamwork over adhering to mission objectives.
The Colossus' food supplies were replenished when Xiono and Torra hunted the jakoosk, persuading the civilians who were planning to leave the station to remain on board.
Tierny conceived a plan to hire a saboteur to infiltrate the Colossus and disable it, making it an easy target, but Pyre was skeptical. Nenavakasa Nalor, a Nikto engineer whose past as a slave had instilled in her the belief that it was always best to be on the "winning side," was hired for the job. She tracked it for several days before faking severe damage to her ship and sending a distress signal that was picked up when the station's long-range scanners were repaired. Yeager suspected a trap, but Xiono and Vozo, pointing out there was also a chance it wasn't a trap, persuaded him and Doza to okay a rescue, although Xiono was ordered to bring along San as she was a better shot than him.
When Xiono and San docked with Nalor's ship, Xiono immediately invited her onboard the Colossus to help repair it after learning she was an engineer. Hitting it off with Vozo, Nalor used the repairs to cover for her sabotage of the station, actually fixing the platform too well by repairing and reactivating systems that the Colossus lacked the power to be able to have on constantly. After a suspicious San searched Nalor's ship with Xiono and uncovered the truth, the engineer fled, with Vozo seriously hurt by her deception.
As the Thunderer closed in, Vozo and Xiono worked to undo the sabotage, with the removal of a K-spline Nalor had installed being the final piece necessary to allow the Colossus to activate its thrusters and escape, Nalor having already vanished into hyperspace aboard her own vessel. Displeased at the sabotage's failure, Tierny and Pyre agreed to have Nalor executed if they should meet her again.
As various supplies began to run out, the Colossus made several stops. It first stopped at Drahgor III when nearly out of fuel, as the planet housed a fuel refinery owned by the flock of station resident Flix. Although Flix was on bad terms with his cousin Flanx, who ran the refinery, an encounter with Karnex Dragons repaired their relationship, gaining the Colossus the fuel for free.
The station later stopped by the planet Ashas Ree, which had a single outpost, when supplies ran low. Captain Doza gave Freya Fenris, Torra and Xiono the last of the Colossus' credits, but the discovery that the outpost was abandoned meant they did not have to spend them, as Fenris ordered Torra and Xiono to gather the left-behind supplies since there was no use leaving them to waste. Xiono, however, secretly allowed refugees Kel and Eila to stow away aboard his shuttle because they wanted some time outside, and he and the children discovered an ancient Sith temple, with archaeologist Mika Grey trapped inside. Grey had been attempting to recover an ancient Sith relic to keep it out of the First Order's hands, but eventually destroyed it to kill the squad of First Order Raiders who were pursuing her, and captured Xiono, Torra, Fenris, the children, and their droids. Having lost her ship, Grey accepted an offer to come aboard the Colossus.
While traveling through the Outer Rim Territories, Torra's birthday came around. For six years when Leia formed the Resistance, the Dozas left Castilon annually on that day to meet up with Torra's mother Commander Venisa, who left at that time to join the group. Captain Doza activated a signal beacon so Venisa would know where to meet, trying to keep up the tradition, but the beacon also attracted the attention of the Colossus' pursuers. A skirmish ensued, during which the Aces fought to defend the station while Doza awaited his wife's arrival. However, the Colossus was eventually forced to retreat without meeting Venisa when its shields became nearly depleted. Ironically, Venisa arrived at the rendezvous point immediately after the space station's departure, and she and her droid Torch were then captured by Agent Tierny. Venisa and Torch swiftly escaped the Star Destroyer, with Venisa imparting some advice to a conflicted Ryvora before doing so. On the Colossus, Torra considered heading out on her own to see her mother, but was talked out of it by Xiono, who, along with the rest of the Aces, gave Torra a gorg birthday cake in order to make her feel better.
With the Colossus running low on money, Fazon had the idea that Captain Doza take the station to Vranki's Hotel and Casino in the Voxx Cluster, where Fazon had raced prior to coming to the fuel depot, in order to earn money. There, manipulation by casino owner Vranki the Blue nearly led to the Aces being forced to stay at the casino and race for the Hutt before Xiono and Torra managed to win the final race Vranki set them, freeing the Aces and earning the Colossus half a million credits.
Later, the Colossus passed through space controlled by the Guavian Death Gang. Eager to leave the area as soon as possible without being noticed, Doza had the station pass through a large asteroid field on the way out of the region. However, the Colossus was seen by a Guavian scout, who escaped after Xiono's Fireball malfunctioned and prevented him from pursuing. Subsequently, Guavian forces confronted the space station on the edge of the asteroid field, demanding a "toll" of one million credits or else the Colossus would be seized and the residents handed over to the First Order. Doza refused, and in the ensuing skirmish, the Aces managed to destroy most of the Guavian ships after Xiono hit on the idea of taking advantage of their lesser maneuverability compared to the Aces' starfighters. The Colossus subsequently escaped into hyperspace after clearing the asteroids.
The Colossus' trans-binary deflector, an important part that protected the station's residents from cosmic rays, eventually began to fail. The part was vital, as without the protection it provided, cosmic rays would kill the station's residents. To that end, Xiono, Vozo and CB-23 were sent to infiltrate the Titan, a supertanker fuel depot under the control of the First Order, and steal a replacement. Coincidentally, the Titan was hosting an important meeting attended by the disgraced General Armitage Hux, as well as Commander Pyre, whose attendance led to Ryvora and Rucklin being sent onboard the Titan for a supply run.
Inevitably, Xiono and Vozo were recognized as a result, but Ryvora's conflicting loyalties led her to covertly assist Xiono and Vozo when she overheard them talking about the true purpose of their mission, allowing the mission to succeed. Hux was furious with Pyre for the escape of the Resistance infiltrators, especially since the Colossus was now the only supertanker fuel depot the First Order did not control. He reiterated the late Phasma's orders for Commander Pyre to find and destroy the station. Suspecting Ryvora of aiding the Resistance agents, Agent Tierny told Pyre if they played their cards right, they could use her to destroy the Colossus.
After receiving a distress call from Resistance secret agent Norath Kev, Xiono, Yeager, Synara San, and CB-23 undertook a mission on the planet Varkana to rescue the spy. Their mission was complicated by the presence of bounty hunter Ax Tagrin, who alerted Pyre. Though Xiono and Kev managed to escape, Tagrin captured Yeager, Synara, and CB-23.
To avoid detection, Captain Doza brought the Colossus into a nearby red gas giant. Tagrin was able to use Yeager's Star Commuter 2000 shuttle's transmitter to detect the Colossus. Commander Pyre dispatched his Star Destroyer under the command of Lieutenant Galek to pursue the station. Doza took the Colossus into hyperspace but the Ace Squadron stayed behind to rendezvous with Xiono's team.
After Xiono's team managed to escape Tagrin and the First Order and flee offworld, Ace Squadron rescued them from TIE fighters. Approaching Varnaka's upper atmosphere, they were intercepted by three squadrons of TIE fighters dispatched by the Thunderer. However, Torra arranged for the Colossus to pick them up. The station exited hyperspace and picked up the ships before retreating again.
Later, the Colossus traveled to the remote ocean world Aeos Prime. After the Aeosian Queen granted the Colossus residents sanctuary, Xiono attempted to rendezvous with Resistance agent Norath Kev. While leaving Aeos Prime in the Fireball, Xiono was pursued by a spider probe droid. Commander Pyre had dispatched several probe droids to hunt down the Colossus.
Xiono managed to destroy the probe droid but not before it transmitted his whereabouts to Commander Pyre. Xiono managed to warned Captain Doza and Yeager, who prepared the Colossus for departure. Commander Pyre brought his Star Destroyer to Aeos Prime and deployed several TIE fighters and TIE/se Bombers to destroy the Colossus. The station was defended by Ace Squadron and their new Aeosian allies, who rode Krakavora steeds.
During the dogfight, Xiono flew Yeager's racer and attempted to missile strike on the Star Destroyer's bridge. However, First Order TIE cadet Tamara Ryvora intercepted and destroyed the missile. Despite their efforts, the Colossus managed to escape into hyperspace. Commander Pyre's forces lost several TIE fighters and at least one TIE bomber. Due to her services, Ryvora got promoted to Second Squadron Commander by Agent Tierny.
As the hunt continued, Captain Doza agreed to lend the Ace Squadron to assisting Venisa's Jade Squadron with the evacuation of Resistance recruits from Dantooine, which was being blockaded by the First Order. Jade Squadron's other wingmates included Xiono's fellow New Republic wingmate Hugh Sion and Norath. Meanwhile, Agent Tierny summoned Ryvora to her office to make sure she was alright after noticing her agitated mood caused by Galek again at the briefing. Tierny confided that she had doubted Ryvora's loyalty until she surrendered her comlink from the Colossus.
Ryvora later saw action during a skirmish with Commander Doza, Jade Squadron and the Aces, who broke through the First Order blockade of Dantooine. Following the death of Lieutenant Galek during the fight at the hands of Commander Doza, Ryvora was promoted to Squadron Leader and Lieutenant much to Rucklin's fury. Despite the loss of one Resistance ship carrying recruits, Ace and Jade Squadrons succeeded in evacuating the two remaining ships. As a result of the engagement above Dantooine, Captain Doza decided to commit the Colossus to supporting the Resistance and allowed Jade Squadron and the recruits to stay.
Following the suppression of the Aeos system, Ryvora was horrified by the destruction of the Aeosian village that had aided the Colossus. She contacted Xiono and Yeager and made arrangements to defect from the First Order.
Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, displeased with Commander Pyre and Agent Tierny's failure to destroy the Colossus, ordered them to intensify their efforts to eliminate the rogue refueling station, threatening them with death if they failed. An opportunity arose when Ryvora took her TIE/sf squadron on a training mission to the planet Castilon, intending to rendezvous with Xiono and Yeager. When Rucklin realized Ryvora's disloyalty, he attempted to stop her but was knocked out. After Ryvora shot down the other two TIEs, she reunited with Kaz, Yeager, and CB-23 aboard their Atmospheric Assault Lander.
Commander Pyre and Agent Tierny caught up with Ryvora, trapping her and her friends' shuttle in their tractor beam. Tam and Rucklin were captured by Pyre and Tierny, who sentenced them to death. Rucklin, who was still loyal to the First Order, revealed that the Colossus was in the Barabesh system in an attempt to save his life. However, his pleas were ignored. Meanwhile, Xiono, Yeager, and CB-23 managed to escape and infiltrated the Thunderer.
Since he didn't want to take chances, Pyre ordered the Thunderer to set a course for the Barabesh system to investigate, intending to destroy the Colossus once and for all or else Supreme Leader Ren will kill him and Tierny while she gave orders to hunt down the remaining fugitives. Xiono and Yeager managed to free Tam and Rucklin from their captors. Tam agreed to help her friends send a warning to the Colossus in the engineering deck. With Rucklin still loyal to the First Order, Ryvora knocked him unconscious.
Reaching the depths of the engineering decks, sent a subspace frequency to the Colossus, warning the station that the First Order tracked them down. Though the group reached a hangar, they were captured by Commander Pyre and his stormtroopers. CB-23 managed to escape and hide in the ship's crawlspaces.
Tam, Kaz, and Yeager were brought onto the Star Destroyer's command bridge where Pyre and Tierny intended them to watch the destruction of the Colossus. However, the Colossus residents had decided to join the fight against the First Order instead of fleeing. Ace and Jade Squadrons, alongside Synara San launched attacks on the Star Destroyer's engines while the residents repelled First Order boarding parties.
CB-23 managed to lower the Star Destroyer's deflector shield, allowing the Aces and Jades to destroy the warship's engines. Tam, Kaz, Yeager, and CB-23 escaped the bridge and fled the stricken ship following a duel with Pyre. Tierny attempted to convince Supreme Leader Ren to send reinforcements but he was incensed with Pye’s and her failure and killed her.
The destruction of the Thunderer ended the First Order's hunt for the Colossus. The Colossus residents began rebuilding their lives while Tam was welcomed back as a hero by her friends, the Doza family, and Ace and Jade Squadrons.
Kaz led Yeager and Torra to take part at the Battle of Exegol. Yeager's ship, alongside the Blue Ace, and the Fireball, along with Captain Doza taking the Colossus, to join the Citizens' Fleet, helping the Resistance defeat the Sith Eternal forces. The battle marked the final demise of Darth Sidious, publicly known as Emperor Palpatine, and ushered a galactic-wide uprising against the First Order.
The First Order's hunt for the Colossus comprises the main plot of Star Wars Resistance Season 2, and was first mentioned in season premiere "Into the Unknown." The hunt first appeared in the following episode, "A Quick Salvage Run."