The First Order TIE pilot corps, which also went by the names First Order starfighter corps and TIE corps, functioned as the Starfighter Corps within the First Order. This corps was made up of First Order TIE Fighter Pilots. Members of this corps engaged the Resistance fleet in pursuit and fought in the Battle of Crait. A number of these pilots, previously part of Starkiller Base's TIE defenses and having survived its destruction, were particularly motivated to eliminate the Resistance, seeking to redeem themselves following their inability to protect Starkiller Base from its destruction.
The Starfighter Corps for the First Order was the First Order starfighter corps, alternatively called the First Order TIE corps, or the TIE pilot corps. This Corps was composed of First Order TIE Fighter Pilots and saw action in various engagements during the First Order-Resistance War. The military organization of the First Order starfighter corps included units such as squadrons and fighter battalions.