The Starkiller aerial defense force comprised First Order TIE Fighter Pilots and held the responsibility of safeguarding Starkiller Base. This force was involved in the Battle of Starkiller Base, after which, due to the First Order's loss, it underwent restructuring. Remaining personnel, including individuals like Lieutenant Poldin LeHuse, were reassigned to provide escort duty for the [Supremacy]](/article/supremacy) from aboard Resurgent-class Star Destroyers.
The starfighter unit known as the Starkiller aerial defense force was charged with guarding Starkiller Base, the superweapon of the First Order. During the Battle of Starkiller Base, this unit met its demise when Poe Dameron, a pilot from the Resistance, took out a crucial oscillator, setting off a chain of events that resulted in the destruction of the planet.
Following this defeat, those who survived the unit were moved to Resurgent-class Star Destroyers, with a strong desire among many to avenge their failure and demonstrate their value. Consequently, several of these survivors later fought in the First Order's counterattack. Notably, Poldin LeHuse, a former member of the unit, inflicted severe damage on the Raddus by obliterating its main bridge, leading to the death of the majority of the Resistance High Command.