Mission to Station Theta Black

During the era of the Cold War, Commander Poe Dameron of the Resistance, along with Kazuda Xiono, were dispatched on a task to the Unknown Regions. Their objective was to determine the First Order's activities at Station Theta Black.


In the time of the New Republic era, Commander Poe Dameron of the Resistance enlisted Kazuda Xiono, a pilot of starfighters in the New Republic, to serve as a spy. Xiono was stationed on the Colossus platform, located on the planet Castilon, and given the mission to uncover the source of fuel being supplied to the First Order, a remnant of the "Old Empire." To maintain his disguise, Xiono took a job as a mechanic working for Jarek Yeager, a former racer and a veteran of the Galactic Civil War.

Following his second mission to Doza Tower, Kaz obtained information regarding an understanding between Captain Imanuel Doza and Commander [Pyre](/article/pyre], the First Order's representative. Accompanied by BB-8, Kaz traveled in the Fireball into space and met with a Resistance CR90 corvette. There, Kaz and Poe attended a briefing with General Leia Organa.

Based on the intelligence reports provided by Kaz, the Resistance had managed to calculate a potential flight path into the Unknown Regions. General Organa believed that this path might lead to a First Order base and assigned Poe and Kaz the task of investigating the coordinates. Organa also cautioned Poe against engaging the enemy. CB-23 and BB-8 accompanied Poe and Kaz on this task. Since the Fireball lacked a stabilizer, Kaz piloted a T-70 X-wing starfighter.

The mission

Exploring the station

Poe and Kaz journeyed in their X-wings to the specified coordinates, which led them to an asteroid field. They discovered that the system hosted a First Order dedlanite mining facility known as Station Theta Black. After maneuvering through asteroids and sensor buoys, the two successfully landed their starfighters inside the station's hangar. While Poe, Kaz, and BB-8 disembarked, CB-23, under Poe's direction, remotely flew the X-wings into the asteroid field to conceal them.

The trio proceeded down a turbolift and into a corridor. There, BB-8 accessed a computer terminal and discovered that Station Theta Black was being prepped for destruction. They were also ambushed by a concealed First Order sentry droid. Poe managed to destroy the droid, but not before it transmitted a distress signal to Starkiller Base.

In response to the intrusion, Captain Phasma and Major Elrik Vonreg decided to join the demolition team at Station Theta Black. Meanwhile, Poe insisted on determining the purpose of the asteroid station, despite the reservations of Kaz and BB-8. While they explored the station, CB-23 spotted a First Order convoy consisting of an Upsilon-class command shuttle, a red TIE interceptor, and three TIE/fo space superiority fighters. CB-23 alerted BB-8, who in turn warned Poe and Kaz.

First Order entanglements

Upon arriving in the hangar, Captain Phasma instructed her stormtroopers to place explosives in every section of the station. She also tasked the troopers with watching for intruders. Despite the First Order's presence, Poe, Kaz, and BB-8 continued their effort to locate the station's control room. BB-8 eventually found the control room on Level Two and discovered that Station Theta Black was previously a dedlanite mining and processing facility. Dedlanite was used in the production of blasters.

Before they could exit the control room, the Resistance pilots and BB-8 were confronted by four stormtroopers. Following an exchange of words, Poe provoked the stormtroopers into a firefight, which caused their explosives to detonate. He, Kaz, and BB-8 managed to escape and seal the blast doors, containing the explosions. However, Phasma was alerted to the presence of intruders on Level Two and sent stormtroopers after them.

While escaping through the winding corridors, Poe, Kaz, and BB-8 managed to trap their pursuers behind blast doors. During this, Kaz became separated from his comrades. Poe and BB-8 reached the hangar only to be attacked by Captain Phasma and her stormtroopers. Kaz rejoined Poe and BB-8 as they fled on adjacent bridges. Kaz also used a crane to hinder Phasma and her troopers.

A brief dogfight and conflagration

Poe managed to contact CB-23 via radio to request the X-wings for extraction. Poe, Kaz, and BB-8 managed to escape on their fighters. Inside the hangar, Captain Phasma ordered her remaining troops to evacuate aboard their shuttle. In space, Major Vonreg and his TIEs pursued Poe and Kaz's X-wings. Poe managed to shoot down one of the pursuing TIEs, but Kaz's X-wing sustained some damage.

Before Major Vonreg could eliminate the two Resistance starfighters, Captain Phasma ordered him and his fellow pilots to disengage and leave the system, as she had set Station Theta Black to self-destruct. The First Order convoy departed the system before Station Theta Black exploded. Unable to jump into hyperspace due to the presence of asteroids, Poe and Kaz's X-wings were caught in the explosive wave from the station's destruction.

Kaz managed to survive the explosion by sheltering his fighter under an asteroid. The two Resistance pilots and their droids then returned to base.


As a consequence of Poe and Kaz's mission to Station Theta Black, the Resistance discovered that the First Order was manufacturing weapons. While Kaz was doubtful about convincing his father and other senators of the New Republic that the First Order posed a significant threat, General Organa assured Kaz that the Resistance was a collective effort and that hope remained.

Following the events at Station Theta Black, Kaz went back to the Colossus and resumed his undercover operations. Ultimately, the Resistance's warnings about the First Order's threat materialized when General Armitage Hux used Starkiller Base to annihilate Hosnian Prime, the capital of the New Republic. This marked the commencement of the First Order's campaign to seize control of the galaxy.

Behind the scenes

The mission to Station Theta Black was first depicted in the Star Wars Resistance Season One episode "Station Theta Black," which premiered on December 9, 2018.

