"Station Theta Black" marks the eleventh installment in the first season of the animated television program, Star Wars Resistance. This particular episode was initially broadcast on December 9, 2018.
The episode commences with an expansive panoramic view of the Colossus. Within Jarek Yeager's repair shop, Yeager occupies his office space when R1-J5, affectionately known as "Bucket," enters, inquiring about the authorization for Kazuda Xiono to use the racer named Fireball. Yeager states that he felt he had little choice but to allow Kaz to use the Fireball. He predicts that Tam Ryvora will discover this fact imminently, initiating a countdown.
Almost immediately, Tam strides into the room, urgently demanding information about the Fireball's whereabouts. She questions whether he permitted Kaz to borrow the ship. Yeager requests a moment of patience, emphasizing that the Fireball technically remains his property. Tam retorts that Kaz won't progress far without a functional stabilizer. She mentions that Kaz departed before she could replace all of the worn stabilizers, implying this was her safeguard against the unauthorized use of "her" ship. Yeager responds with a subdued, "Oh no."
While piloting the Fireball above the planet Castilon, BB-8 emits a series of beeps. Kaz reassures him, stating that he performed a swift diagnostic check of the ship's systems and anticipates meeting Poe Dameron shortly. Suddenly, the stabilizer begins to malfunction. Kaz remarks that the Fireball requires a warm-up period, provided the stabilizer holds. Kaz quickly learns from BB-8 that the stabilizer is inactive. With the instrumentation displaying errors, he informs BB-8 that they are in a precarious situation and will miss their rendezvous with Poe. Kaz anticipates impending doom and expresses his gratitude for having known BB-8.
As they speed through space, Kaz gazes at the console and implores the Fireball to avoid exploding. Just as hope seems lost, a Resistance CR90 corvette emerges from hyperspace, and Kaz hails Poe. Poe instructs him to remain calm, assuring him that they have him secured in a tractor beam. He advises Kaz to reduce speed, as they will guide him in from that point. Kaz expresses his gratitude to Poe, who promises to dispatch mechanics to inspect the ship during their debriefing. Poe comments that he is still surprised Kaz is flying that "death trap."
Walking down the CR90 corvette's corridor, Kaz expresses his hope that they can repair the Fireball. BB-8 beeps, indicating that it is beyond repair, a sentiment with which Kaz concurs. Kaz is greeted by Poe, accompanied by CB-23. Poe jokes that Kaz wouldn't explode as long as BB-8 is nearby. Kaz is taken aback, and BB-8 rolls onto his foot while eagerly greeting Poe. BB-8 then communicates with CB-23 in Binary.
Poe informs the two "love droids" that they will have ample time to catch up later. He inquires about what Kaz has brought for him. Kaz presents a decrypted copy of the First Order's proposal to Captain Imanuel Doza. Poe commends Kaz for his contributions to the Resistance and informs him that the "boss" wishes to see him. Kaz is surprised to learn that General Leia Organa is present. The two enter the briefing room, while BB-8 and CB-23 observe.
Inside, Poe greets General Organa and announces that Kaz has delivered the First Order proposal as promised. Kaz hands her the proposal. General Organa expresses her gratitude for Kaz's efforts and assures him that her staff will examine it immediately. Based on Kaz's reports, Leia informs him that the Resistance has identified a potential flight path through the Unknown Regions that might lead to a First Order outpost.
Kaz is intrigued, but Poe clarifies that this is what he is about to investigate. Poe invites Kaz to join him, stating that this is his mission and that he can choose his wingman. Kaz expresses his appreciation. General Organa reminds Poe that his mission is strictly for reconnaissance and that he is not to engage the enemy. Poe replies that he typically avoids engagement unless provoked. General Organa reiterates her orders to avoid engaging the enemy, and Poe confirms his understanding. As Kaz and Poe leave the room, BB-8 and CB-23 follow them.
Emerging from hyperspace, Poe and Kaz approach an asteroid field. When Poe asks Kaz if he is prepared, Kaz responds that he is never fully prepared for anything, but that has never stopped him. Poe praises his attitude, complimenting him for thinking like a Resistance pilot. Kaz admits that he is not yet accustomed to life-or-death situations. Poe agrees and says that nobody ever truly gets used to it. Kaz asks what they are searching for. Poe replies that he will recognize it when he sees it. Kaz spots something artificial, and the two fly past two buoys, prompting Poe to remark on their helpfulness. The buoys continue to transmit, their red lights illuminated.
BB-8 informs Kaz that they are detecting something large. Poe instructs them to power down to avoid detection and to drift to mimic asteroids. The two approach a First Order station constructed within an asteroid. CB-23 beeps, and Poe notes that there appear to be no life forms or active droids aboard. Poe orders him to prepare for landing, but Kaz reminds him that General Organa specified a surveillance mission. Poe counters that they will conduct surveillance from within.
The two land their fighters inside a hangar. Kaz questions the purpose of the station. Poe responds that it is the largest installation he has seen the First Order construct. Kaz believes it seems too easy and asks what would happen if the First Order returns. Poe orders CB-23 to remotely fly their ships into the asteroid field and conceal them. He states that he will contact her for a pickup. CB-23 departs with the two fighters, while BB-8 remains with Poe and Kaz.
Poe instructs Kaz and BB-8 to explore and determine the station's purpose. Poe hands Kaz a blaster and asks if he knows how to use it. Kaz replies that he had some target practice in the New Republic Navy using simulated weapons. Poe is critical of simulated weapons, but Kaz insists that he was proficient. Poe emphasizes that this is real, that he could be shot, and that he might need to return fire.
The two take a turbolift to a corridor, which they find deserted. Kaz expresses his uncertainty about what they are looking for. Poe says they are searching for information and asks Kaz if he can locate a computer terminal to access their records. BB-8 locates a rectangular terminal, and Kaz instructs him to connect to see what he can discover.
BB-8 complies and indicates that the news is not good. Kaz reads the computer screen and discovers that the station is not abandoned but is being prepared for demolition. Poe asks when, and Kaz instructs BB-8 to find out. The droid attempts to check, but the control room loses power.
Suddenly, the three are confronted by a boxy First Order sentry droid, which unfolds and extends several antennae. Kaz inquires about its identity and states that he thought there were no active droids present. Poe counters that it appears active. He tells Kaz that they must locate the control room quickly. Kaz retorts that he doubts the droid will provide directions.
The droid unleashes electrical antennae, forcing Poe and Kaz to retreat. Poe and Kaz fire at the droid but fail to penetrate its armor. As Kaz misses, Poe tells him to pretend to shoot something. Kaz says he hasn't seen him shoot anything. Poe manages to shoot the droid in the heart, disabling it. Kaz remarks about their non-engagement rule, but Poe clarifies that the droid does not count. Kaz counters that it will if it triggers an alarm. Poe reassures Kaz that they did not trigger an alarm, but Kaz remains skeptical.
Meanwhile, at Starkiller Base, Captain Phasma and Major Vonreg receive an alert from a hologram displaying Station Theta Black. The Major asks if she required his presence. Phasma informs him that Station Theta Black is scheduled for demolition today. When he asks how this concerns him, she informs him that they will accompany the demolition crew because there are intruders on the station. When Vonreg asks if it is the Resistance, she replies that they will find out. She orders the Major to assemble his squadron and prepare for immediate departure.
Back at Station Theta Black, Kaz suggests to Poe that they should leave because the First Order could arrive at any moment. Poe responds that he cannot be certain and insists on discovering the station's purpose. BB-8 agrees with Kaz, annoying Poe. Kaz says that it because BB-8 knows that I am on a mission and that it goes according to plan. BB-8 follows the two humans.
Meanwhile, in the asteroid field, CB-23 is monitoring the two starfighters. She observes an Upsilon-class command shuttle, Major Vonreg's red TIE Interceptor, and three TIE/sf space superiority fighters emerging from hyperspace and heading towards Station Theta Black. CB-23 alerts BB-8, who beeps.
As they walk through the corridors, Kaz tells Poe that this is a large station and that they are likely to get lost. Poe tells him that he worries too much and that worse things can happen. Suddenly, BB-8 races past and accidentally rolls over Kaz's foot. He informs Poe and Kaz that the First Order has arrived. Realizing that the First Order is present, Poe looks out a transparisteel window to see a shuttle landing in the hangar bay while TIEs fly past.
Inside the hangar, Captain Phasma disembarks with several stormtroopers carrying explosives. A stormtrooper reports that the hangar is empty and speculates that the intruders have already left. Phasma disagrees and says that there are life signs moving to the upper level. The stormtrooper thinks the intruders are probably scavengers. Phasma tells him he has no interests in his theories and orders him and his men to find them. She tells him to spread out the explosives and adds that she wants this station completely destroyed.
Observing from above, Kaz questions the purpose of the explosives. Poe responds that Kaz read that this place is slated for demolition. He says they are trying to get rid of any evidence of what they are doing. Poe says they need to find out what is going on. Below, Phasma orders the stormtroopers to place the explosives in every quadrant and that not a shred of evidence must be left. Poe tells BB-8 to find the control room. While Phasma watches her troops, BB-8 leads Poe and Kaz through the corridors into the control room. Poe enters the circular control console while Kaz looks at the dashboards.
Poe says he is not finding anything apart from a lot of encrypted data including jump transmissions and some kind of log. Kaz finds a computer screen and says that this station is actually a mining and processing station. He says they are mining the asteroid for dedlanite, adding that they have 200 million kilos of the stuff. When Kaz asks what is dedlanite, Poe says that is the stuff they use to make blasters.
Kaz remarks that is a lot of blasters. Poe orders BB-8 to copy the data and tells Kaz that they will be getting out of here. Poe tells CB-23 to stand by for pick up and to wait for his signal. BB-8 finishes downloading the data and the exit the command center only to encounter two stormtroopers with a set of explosives.
One of the stormtroopers order Poe and Kaz to lower their blasters. Poe tells them to take it easy because they don't want to engage them. The lead stormtrooper reiterates his order to lower their blasters. Poe says he is not engaging them but is just pointing his blaster at the explosives. Kaz says that is technically engaging. The stormtrooper issues his final warning and orders them to put down their blasters. Poe tells Kaz to prepare to engage as they back away from the explosives.
The stormtrooper tells them not to move but Poe tells Kaz to keeping back up. Kaz responds that when the trooper with the blaster tells him not to move I tend not to move. Poe tells Kaz to just move down the hallway. Just then, they are cornered from behind by two more stormtroopers. Poe tells Kaz that is doesn't matter and to just move back by a few more steps.
The lead stormtrooper reiterates his order to drop their weapons. Poe tells Kaz not to do it yet. Poe tells the stormtroopers that if they know what is good for them to let him and his friend out of here. The lead stormtrooper orders his men to terminate them on his mark. Poe then fires at a panel shutting the blast doors. A gunfight breaks out and the explosives set goes up in flames.
Meanwhile, another stormtrooper tells Captain Phasma that the intruders are on Level Two and are heading back towards the main hangar. Phasma believes they have them and orders her men to follow her. On Level Two, Kaz is pursued by two more stormtroopers. Poe is also pursued by two stormtroopers but manages to shoot one down. He and BB-8 flee through the corridors only to bump into another pair of stormtroopers. Poe knocks one down while BB-8 electrocutes the other. Meanwhile, Kaz manages to trap his pursuers behind a set of blast doors.
Poe toward the hangar only to run into the path of Phasma and two stormtroopers. He and BB-8 then flee the other way as Phasma and her men give chase. Poe and BB-8 avoid two more stormtroopers converging on them. Meanwhile, Kaz flees into a bridge and sees Poe and BB-8 running on the adjacent bridges, Turning a corner, Poe exchanges fire with Phasma and her troopers. One stormtrooper falls off the bridges.
Kaz manages to use the crane to damage one of bridges, causing a stormtrooper to fall off. He and BB-8 then help Poe up. Captain Phasma lands on top of a pile of crates and survives. Kaz tells Poe that he needed to do the saving for once. Kaz says he is fine with that. Using a comlink, Poe tells CB-23 to bring those birds fast. CB-23 flies the X-wings remotely to the hangar, crossing paths with Major Vonreg and his TIE escorts.
Major Vonreg sees the enemy ships. Poe, Kaz, and BB-8 flee to the end of their bridge which protrudes into space. They jump down on a walkway where they are met by the X-wings. Poe jumps into his X-wing while BB-8 and Kaz jump onto the second one. Kaz almost loses his balance on the nose but manages to jump into the cockpit.
Inside the hangar, Phasma tells her remaining stormtroopers to return to the shuttle and that they are remotely detonating the station at once. Poe and Kaz escape on their X-wings with the droids. Phasma and her troops depart on their shuttle. Major Vonreg and his TIE escorts attack the Resistance X-wings. Kaz tells Poe they need cover because they are sitting ducks out here.
Poe tells Kaz to do a big left and they fly around the asteroid space station. Major Vonreg chases Poe while the three TIEs Chase Kaz's X-wing. With Kaz unable to shake off his TIE pursuers, Poe flies behind the TIE fighters and takes one out. Kaz thanks Poe. Vonreg and the remaining TIEs continue the pursuit and inflict some damage on Kaz's X-wing.
Kaz warns Poe that the TIE Interceptor is shooting fast. Poe tells Kaz to stay with him because they can outrun them. Fleeing into space, the Resistance X-wings are caught between Vonreg and his wingmates and Phasma's shuttle. Poe tells Kaz to do a "big" now and they fly over their pursuers.
Phasma orders Vonreg to break off his attack. Vonreg protests that he almost had them. Phasma counters that he will die when she blows the station. Vonreg and his wing mates comply and fly away from Station Theta Black. Kaz notices the First Order is retreating and asks why. As they depart from the station, the asteroid explodes. Poe replies that here is your answer and tells Kaz to get out of here.
The two Resistance X-wings flee the fiery wave. Kaz thinks he is not going to make it and says they need to jump out of here. Poe says they can't jump with those asteroids in their path. The two quicken their pace. Kaz dives beneath an asteroid as Poe and CB-23's X-wing escapes the conflagration. Poe calls for a Kaz and flies back into the debris field. He asks Kaz and BB-8 to come in over the intercom.
CB-23 is worried while Poe calls for Kaz and BB-8 over the intercom. After a wait, Kaz says loud and clear. Poe finds Kaz's X-wing hiding in a cavern under an asteroid. Poe is impressed that Kaz used the asteroid as a shield and says he is smarter than he looks. Kaz replies that he has his moments while BB-8 beeps in agreement. Kaz asks BB-8 to let him have this moment of victory. Poe tells a Kaz he earned it and the two return to base by jumping into lightspeed.
Aboard the Resistance CR90 corvette, Poe and Kaz deliver the intelligence that BB-8 obtained to General Organa. Poe tells General Organa that the First Order is clearly making weapons and a lot of them. Organa softly says it would seem so. Kaz adds that if the other senators are just like his father there is no way they are going to believe that the First Order is a threat because of this intel.
Organa agrees with Kazuda since several of them are profiting from the creation of these weapons. While this information is not important to the Senate, Organa reassures them it is invaluable to her efforts. Kaz says he is grateful he can help her Resistance in anyway. Organa tells Kaz that the Resistance does not belong to him alone and that she helps guide it. She reassure him that everyone can do a part in it just like what he is doing now.
Kaz admits that he never thought of it this way. General Organa says she wishes she had more people like Kaz. If she believes what the First Order is planning, Organa opines they are going to need all the help they can get. Kaz says there are a lot of people who would help if they would know what is at stake. Organa says she hopes that Kaz is right before exiting the briefing room.