Station Theta Black, a space station situated in the Unknown Regions, served the First Order during the era of the Cold War. Its purpose was to extract and refine dedlanite for the creation of blasters. It was affixed to an asteroid within an extensive asteroid field.
By the year 34 ABY, Station Theta Black had been taken out of service and was awaiting its destruction. On the designated demolition day, two Resistance pilots, namely Commander Poe Dameron and Kazuda Xiono, accompanied by astromech droids BB-8 and CB-23, arrived at the station. They were there to investigate coordinates obtained by the Resistance, which were a result of Xiono's espionage operation on Castilon.

Despite Xiono's apprehension about entering the station, Dameron insisted on proceeding. Once inside, the pair neutralized a sentry droid, which triggered an alarm that was transmitted back to Starkiller Base. This prompted Captain Phasma to personally oversee the demolition, and she also dispatched Major Elrik Vonreg along with his squadron. CB-23, who had commandeered the X-wings and concealed them among the asteroids, alerted Dameron, Xiono, and BB-8 to the First Order's impending arrival. The trio then navigated to the control room, where they successfully copied data pertaining to the station's mining activities. Subsequently, they fought their way to the main hangar's catwalks, where CB-23 retrieved them with the fighters.
Simultaneously, Phasma's stormtroopers were strategically placing explosives throughout the station in preparation for its destruction. Following the departure of the Resistance fighters, Phasma and her stormtroopers evacuated aboard their shuttle. Dameron and Xiono engaged Vonreg and his squadron in a brief skirmish near the station, but Phasma ordered Vonreg to withdraw as the explosives were about to detonate. As the station was destroyed, the First Order ships had already departed, forcing Xiono and Dameron to outrun the resulting shockwave while maneuvering through the asteroid field. Dameron successfully evaded the blast, while Xiono found refuge behind an asteroid to shield his fighter. Subsequently, the two returned to a Resistance corvette to relay their findings to General Leia Organa.
The episode of Star Wars Resistance with the same title marked the debut of Station Theta Black.