Second mission to Doza Tower

During the assignment on the Colossus platform, Kazuda Xiono embarked on a subsequent operation within Doza Tower, aiming to uncover evidence of potential collusion between Captain Imanuel Doza and the First Order. Unbeknownst to him, Doza's daughter, Torra, aided him. She had secretly left the tower that day after her father tried to confine her to her quarters for protection during a meeting with the First Order's Commander Pyre.

Through interactions with Torra, Kaz successfully acquired details regarding Doza's meeting with Commander Pyre, which took place in Doza's office. During this endeavor, Kaz encountered Jace Rucklin, a former acquaintance who still harbored resentment towards him. Rucklin then informed Doza about an intruder in his office. While concealed within Doza's office, Kaz made the discovery that the Captain had previously served as an Imperial officer.


In the year 34 ABY, Resistance Captain Poe Dameron enlisted the young New Republic pilot Kazuda Xiono to serve as a spy. Kaz was then assigned to the Colossus platform, which was a spaceport situated on the oceanic planet of Castilon. Poe's mission for Kaz was to identify the source supplying the First Order with fuel and provisions. Poe successfully persuaded his longtime friend Jarek Yeager, who managed a repair shop, to supervise Kaz. To maintain his disguise, Yeager employed Kaz as a mechanic.

While based on the Colossus, Kaz managed to infiltrate Doza Tower, the central command and residence of Captain Imanuel Doza. He discovered that the First Order was attempting to pressure Captain Doza into accepting an agreement with them. Kaz narrowly avoided being killed by First Order stormtroopers commanded by Major Elrik Vonreg. Later, Kaz became aware of the massacre perpetrated by the First Order on the planet Tehar.

During that time, the First Order collaborated with Kragan Gorr's pirate group, known as the Warbirds, to launch two attacks against the Colossus. These assaults eroded public confidence in Captain Doza's Ace Squadron and turbolaser defenses, which were meant to protect the Colossus from pirates. Following the second assault, Captain Doza began considering the First Order's offer of protection for the Colossus. Doza's choice to cancel several races, a vital element of the Colossus' economy, also made him unpopular among the residents.

The mission

Befriending Torra Doza

In anticipation of his scheduled meeting with First Order Commander Pyre, Captain Doza took measures to ensure his daughter Torra Doza's safety by confining her to her quarters. Resentful of her father's constraints, the resourceful teenager successfully slipped out of her room. While using a concealed exit leading to the Colossus marketplace, Torra encountered Kaz and his droid companion BB-8. Poe had tasked Kaz with gathering information that would connect Captain Doza to the First Order.

At Torra's suggestion, they explored the marketplace together, but they had to cut their visit short due to the hostility Torra received from merchants and customers who were unhappy with her father's management of the Colossus. Torra then invited Xiono to the tower to engage in a game of Flight Simulator Squadron. Shortly thereafter, Commander Pyre arrived aboard an Upsilon-class command shuttle.

Within Doza Tower, Kaz, Torra, and BB-8 visited the Aces' Lounge, where the Aces were socializing. Kaz also ran into his former racer friend Jace Rucklin, who had taken on a hospitality job due to the loss of his racer. Rucklin harbored a grudge against Kaz for the loss of his racer, which he blamed on Kaz despite the fault being entirely his own.

The life of a spy

As the trio made their way to Torra's room, they observed Commander Pyre handing Captain Doza a datapad containing the details of the offer, which he instructed his droid 4D-M1N to place in his office. Pyre was attempting to persuade Captain Doza to permit the First Order to establish a presence on the Colossus to safeguard the platform from pirates. Kaz and BB-8 determined that they needed to acquire the information stored on the datapad for the Resistance.

Inside Torra's room, Kaz and Torra engaged in a game of Flight Simulator Squadron. However, their game was interrupted by 4D-M1N, who had arrived to check on Torra. Kaz managed to conceal himself, but the droid spotted BB-8 and identified him as an intruder. Torra successfully deactivated 4D's attack mode. With 4D distracted by Torra's pet voorpak Buggles, Kaz and BB-8 quietly left Torra's room and proceeded to Captain Doza's office. Kaz entered the office while BB-8 stood guard outside. However, Rucklin witnessed Kaz entering the room and reported his presence to Captain Doza.

Inside Doza's unoccupied office, Kaz successfully downloaded the datapad's contents onto a memory stick. After BB-8 alerted him that Captain Doza and Rucklin had entered the turbolift, Kaz hid in a closet. While Rucklin attempted to convince Doza that he had seen Kaz enter the office, Kaz discovered an Imperial officer's uniform inside the closet and realized that Doza had previously served as a Captain in the "Old Empire". Seeking to conceal his past identity, Doza scolded Rucklin for wasting his time and dismissed him from the office.


Before Captain Doza could search the closet himself, his daughter Torra entered the room and inquired about the agreement with the First Order. After the Dozas had departed, Kaz exited the office through the turbolift entrance and reunited with BB-8. Kaz informed BB-8 that Captain Doza was a former Imperial officer and was now collaborating with the First Order.

Before Kaz and BB-8 could escape Doza Tower, they encountered Torra, who offered to assist him in sneaking out in exchange for an explanation of his activities in her father's office. Kaz proposed revealing the truth at Aunt Z's Tavern. She aided Kaz and BB-8 in exiting Doza Tower through the trash incinerator. There, they narrowly avoided being incinerated along with the rubbish.


As a result of his second mission to Doza Tower, Kaz learned that Captain Doza had been an Imperial officer and then started to believe that he was working with the First Order. After Kaz, Torra, and BB-8 escaped the trash incinerator, Torra demanded to know if Kaz was a spy. He stated that he had left the New Republic Defense Fleet to become a racer. Although Torra appeared to accept his explanation, she remained privately skeptical and wondered about his true identity.

Later, Kaz presented a copy of the First Order's proposal to Captain Dameron during a mission to Station Theta Black. Doza ultimately decided to accept First Order protection following a kidnapping attempt against his daughter Torra by the Warbirds.

