
4D-M1N, also known as 4D, was a command bridge droid who provided assistance to Imanuel Doza, who held the rank of captain aboard the Colossus platform, which was stationed on the planet of Castilon. She was often found within Doza Tower, but occasionally departed to carry out assignments for the station's commanding officer. The First Order's fixation on the station ultimately led to her destruction. Commander Pyre shot her down while she was trying to shield Captain Doza from being taken into custody. Following the Colossus's escaped from a First Order assault via hyperspace, 4D-M1N underwent repairs.


Assistant on the Colossus

Serving as the assistant to Captain Imanuel Doza aboard the Colossus refueling platform, 4D-M1N functioned as an intermediary, guiding visitors into the captain's office situated within Doza Tower and transmitting messages to the station's inhabitants. She also possessed the capability to defend Doza utilizing concealed blasters integrated into her shoulders and wrists. Furthermore, 4D extended her support to the other occupants of the tower, including the captain's daughter, Torra, and the other pilots belonging to Ace Squadron.

4D-M1N protests the First Order's intrusion

During a power outage, when the First Order delivered fuel to the Colossus in an attempt to convince Captain Doza to accept their offer of protection, 4D escorted Major Elrik Vonreg and a contingent of stormtroopers to Doza's office, taking a position behind the captain as Vonreg addressed him. At a later point, 4D emerged from Torra's quarters only to encounter stormtroopers pursuing Kazuda Xiono, who was secretly a spy dispatched to the platform by the Resistance. As 4D opened the door to Torra's room and stepped out, Xiono dashed in behind her and made his escape through a window. The stormtroopers followed Xiono into the room, prompting 4D to protest and request that they leave. The troopers disregarded her pleas and continued their pursuit of Xiono.

Following the escape of two children, Eila and Kel, from the massacre that occurred in their village on Tehar, the First Order issued a bounty for their capture. Upon learning that Xiono had been sighted in the marketplace alongside the children, Captain Doza dispatched 4D to summon him. She eventually located him and Neeku Vozo, escorting them both to meet with Doza. Once Doza had concluded his conversation with Xiono, he instructed 4D to accompany him and Vozo out of his office, which she did, accompanied by one of the Colossus security droids. After 4D had departed, Doza contacted Captain Phasma, informing her that the children had been spotted, unaware of the reasons behind the First Order's search for them. The two children subsequently faked their deaths in order to evade Commander Pyre and several stormtroopers, and 4D entered Captain Doza's office, informing him of the First Order's departure.

The First Order interferes

Increased security

At a later time, while Captain Doza was awaiting a meeting with the First Order, Torra entered his office, expressing her desire to leave the tower. Doza, concerned for Torra's safety, refused to allow her to leave while the First Order was present on the station. After Torra exited Doza's office, the captain instructed 4D to keep his daughter confined to her room until the First Order had departed. 4D followed Torra back to her room, informing her that she was required to remain inside for the next several hours. Torra attempted to leave for her patrol with the Ace Squadron, but 4D dismissed the need, explaining that her patrol had been covered by the other pilots. Torra, picking up her pet Buggles, attempted to persuade 4D to allow the voorpak to go outside. 4D expressed her disgust for the creature but decided to take him outside on her own, locking the door as she left.

4D-M1N enters her attack mode upon noticing BB-8

However, Torra, having deciphered the password, succeeded in escaping, but was spotted by Buggles. 4D attempted to stop Torra, but the voorpak urinated on the floor, leaving a disgusted 4D to clean up the mess. 4D later accompanied Captain Doza to meet with Commander Pyre, unaware that Torra was listening from around the corner along with Kazuda Xiono and BB-8. Doza handed 4D a datapad containing the details of the First Order's proposed security deal, instructing the droid to take it to his office. Upon completing this task, she entered Torra's room, relieved to find that she had returned. She noticed BB-8, accusing the BB-series astromech of being an intruder. 4D, activating her attack mode, cornered BB-8, but Torra convinced her to deactivate. 4D reverted to her normal state and apologized for the mistake, explaining that Captain Doza had warned her about potential droid spies. 4D was on the verge of noticing Xiono sneaking out of the room, but she was distracted by BB-8, allowing Xiono to escape unnoticed.

Under occupation

The First Order, with the intention of coercing Captain Doza into accepting their agreement, orchestrated the kidnapping of his daughter. Two pirates affiliated with Kragan Gorr's Warbird gang, Drell and Valik, gained entry to the tower with the assistance of Synara San, who was unaware of the true nature of their mission. The pirates employed an EMP grenade to disable several security droids, and 4D noticed the droids' deactivation. She reported it to Doza, also informing him that Torra appeared to be missing from her quarters. Doza ordered that 4D dispatch security droids to search the Colossus.

4D-M1N watches as Vonreg returns Torra

Upon learning of Torra's abduction, Doza instructed 4D to alert the Aces. Taken aback, 4D rushed out of the office to signal the squadron. The First Order betrayed the pirates, feigning a rescue of Torra from the kidnapping they had orchestrated, and returned her to Doza. 4D stood behind Doza during his meeting with Major Elrik Vonreg, who left several stormtroopers behind to provide additional security.

Following Torra's rescue, the First Order initiated an occupy of the Colossus. Captain Doza expressed his concerns regarding the First Order's presence, but 4D suggested that the station had become considerably safer since their arrival. Commander Pyre later returned to the station with more troopers, and 4D escorted him into Doza's office so he could meet with the captain. At a later time, Pyre visited Doza once again, to order the captain to halt the platform's races and ground the Ace Squadron. 4D escorted Pyre to the tower, alerting Doza to his presence.


After Kazuda Xiono, along with the other members of Jarek Yeager's team, were accused of being spies by the First Order, Xiono evaded capture alongside Neeku Vozo and Yeager. In order to transmit a message to the Resistance, Xiono sank the Colossus into the ocean of Castilon, leaving only Doza Tower above the surface. He and Yeager were able to swim up to, and disable, the First Order's communications jammer, and alert the Resistance of their situation. Yeager was captured, which angered Doza, who entered his office to confront Pyre, with 4D following behind him. Doza's accusations prompted Pyre to accuse him of insubordination, ordering several stormtroopers to arrest him.

4D-M1N is destroyed

Before they could carry out the order, Doza instructed 4D to stop them. Immediately, 4D revealed her combat capabilities, eliminating one trooper with her shoulder-mounted blasters. A second stormtrooper attempted to fire at her, but she evaded the shots, seizing the trooper by the arm and slamming them into the ground. She hurled the body at a second trooper who was attempting to fight Doza, knocking both of them down. She turned to shoot Pyre with the blasters concealed in her wrists, but the commander reacted faster, shooting 4D and knocking her backwards. With two more shots from Pyre's blaster, 4D deactivated, collapsing to the ground. With Doza defenseless and at gunpoint, Pyre mocked the attempt, taking him away to be imprisoned.

Repaired and joining the Resistance

With the assistance of Vozo, Xiono, and Yeager, Doza was freed from imprisonment and managed to reactivate the Colossus, escaping into hyperspace after coming under attack from the First Order. Some time afterward, 4D-M1N was rebuilt and took up a position in the command deck of the space station. Once the Colossus emerged from hyperspace three parsecs away from the planet D'Qar, she reported that their hyperdrive was out of coaxium fuel, and as such was unable to make any further hyperspace jumps. Yeager requested that 4D attempt to establish contact with the Resistance base on D'Qar.


As the droid assistant of Captain Doza, 4D-M1N possessed the ability to control numerous aspects of the Colossus, including the many security droids stationed throughout the station. She maintained surveillance over the security droids and was alerted if they were deactivated.

4D-M1N in her attack mode

She was equipped with the ability to enter a distinct attack mode when confronted with an intruder. When in attack mode, 4D confronted the intruder, her photoreceptors shifting to red and her vocabulator emitting a deeper tone. Once she had transitioned into attack mode, it proved difficult for others to persuade her to deactivate it.

4D possessed an additional combat mode, in which she could reveal blasters concealed within her shoulders and wrists, and was capable of evading blaster fire at high speed. She demonstrated considerable strength when engaged in combat in this mode, but remained vulnerable to sustained blaster fire.

Behind the scenes

Concept art of 4D-M1N

4D-M1N is a character that was conceived and developed for Star Wars Resistance, making her debut appearance in the episode titled "The High Tower," which was broadcast on October 28, 2018, with Mary Elizabeth McGlynn providing her voice. Her name was derived from the "leet" spelling of "ADMIN."

Concept art of 4D-M1N, labeled "droid4DM1N," was created for the episode by Andre Kirk and was featured in the corresponding concept art gallery on StarWars.com.

