
Pyre was a human male who functioned as both an officer and a Stormtrooper Commander within the Stormtrooper Corps of the First Order's Army during the New Republic era. His primary objective involved collaborating with First Order Security Bureau Agent Tierny in their pursuit of the Resistance, with a particular focus on a cell operating from the supertanker fuel depot Colossus, a structure originally constructed by the Galactic Empire. Ultimately, he met his demise on the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer Thunderer, the shared vessel of both himself and Tierny.


Commander in the First Order Army

Commander Pyre served as an officer a Stormtrooper Commander the Stormtrooper Corps of the First Order.

As an officer and commander of stormtroopers, Pyre, a human male, served within the Stormtrooper Corps of the First Order's Army amidst the Cold War conditions existing between the First Order, the galactic government of the New Republic, and the Resistance, a paramilitary group aligned with the New Republic. He and Major Elrik Vonreg suggested to Captain Phasma a collaborative effort with pirates, leading to a partnership with Captain Kragan Gorr and the Warbird gang. The intention was for them to sufficiently attack the supertanker fuel depot Colossus, situated on the oceanic planet Castilon within the Western Reaches of the Mid Rim Territories, in order to prompt Captain Imanuel Doza to cede control to the First Order, utilizing it and others constructed by the Galactic Empire as a military supply route to replenish their fleets for the impending war against the Resistance. Following the pirates' unsuccessful attack, Kragan reported to Phasma and Vonreg, at which point Phasma voiced her disappointment and acknowledged her initial skepticism towards the idea.

Searching for Kel and Eila

Pyre's stormtroopers hunted two children, Kel and Eila, on the Colossus refueling station.

Subsequently, Pyre, accompanied by two stormtroopers, was dispatched to the Colossus to search for Kel and Eila, two young individuals who had fled the destruction inflicted by the First Order upon their village on the planet Tehar. Arriving via Upsilon-class command shuttle, Pyre and his troopers commenced their search in the marketplace, questioning the residents about the fugitives' whereabouts. Eventually, the commander identified Kel and Eila in the company of Kazuda Xiono, a mechanic who, unbeknownst to Pyre, was a spy for the Resistance.

Pursuing the fugitives across the station, Pyre and his troops eventually cornered them within the engineering room, where Kel declared their preference for death over capture before seemingly leaping to their demise. Subsequently, Pyre reported to Phasma that his mission was accomplished, stating the children were "no more." Unbeknownst to Pyre, Kazuda Xiono, along with his friend Neeku Vozo, and the Chelidae engineering staff had orchestrated a deception, faking Kel and Eila's deaths, and the former reported the incident to Resistance pilot Ello Asty, who relayed the information to the leader of the Resistance, General Leia Organa.

Discussing sanctions

Pyre represented the First Order during its negotiations with Captain Imanuel Doza alongside Major Elrik Vonreg.

Following another pirate assault on the station, Captain Doza contacted Pyre to request a review of the proposal presented by him and Major Vonreg to halt the pirate raids. The First Order officer responded positively, indicating his intention to arrive and discuss the matter.

Pyre returned to the Colossus and met with Doza to discuss sanctions that would permit the First Order to station a garrison on the station, providing protection against pirates. When queried about the number of stormtroopers to be stationed, Pyre assured Doza that sufficient forces would be deployed to neutralize any threats, emphasizing his men's capabilities. Doza then inquired about the duration of the occupation, to which Pyre responded that establishing a precise timeline was challenging due to the unpredictable nature of pirates. The meeting concluded with Doza stating his need for time to review the sanctions before making a decision. Pyre advised against excessive delay, expecting a prompt response, and was subsequently escorted off the station.

As Pyre prepared to board his shuttle, Jace Rucklin approached, requesting to speak with Doza regarding Xiono's unauthorized access to his office to copy the First Order's proposal under the direction of his mentor, Commander Poe Dameron. When asked if there were any concerns, Doza assured Pyre that the matter was manageable, prompting Pyre to depart the Colossus.

Attempted theft of a phase connector

Pyre was in contact with Teroj Kee, who was a mercenary of the First Order.

Subsequently, Pyre dispatched mercenary Teroj Kee and two stormtroopers to the Colossus with the objective of acquiring a phase connector from the Office of Acquisitions during the absence of its owners, Orka and Flix. Given that the phase connector had already been preordered for a mining colony offworld, Kee proceeded with its theft. Kee later reported to Pyre that the transport carrying the device had been sabotaged and destroyed. Pyre acknowledged the unfortunate turn of events, stating that Phasma would be displeased, before instructing Kee to return immediately with his men.

Kidnapping of Torra Doza

Pyre and Phasma engaged in a conversation with Kragan, expressing their growing impatience with his unsuccessful raids on the Colossus in compelling Captain Doza to seek their assistance. Gorr demanded triple payment to compensate for his losses, threatening to withdraw from their agreement otherwise. With Phasma's approval, Pyre instructed Gorr to kidnap Captain Doza’s daughter Torra to force him to relinquish control of the station.

Following Gorr's inside agent's assistance in abducting Torra on the Colossus, Pyre dispatched Vonreg to deliver Gorr's payment, intending to deceive him with a staged rescue. This ruse successfully convinced Doza to permit the First Order to station a garrison on the Colossus, while also fostering goodwill among some of the residents.

Occupation of the Colossus

Searching for a pirate spy

Pyre later communicated with Captain Doza, who voiced his concerns about the stormtroopers undermining his authority. The former Imperial officer reminded Pyre that the First Order's presence was intended only until the pirates were dealt with. Pyre countered that the First Order was taking necessary measures to protect the Colossus and its inhabitants, emphasizing Doza's reliance on their protection and his past experiences with the evil Empire, which he realized before he defected, as well as his bodyguard droid 4D-M1N.

Searching for a pirate accomplice

Captain Doza accepted the presence of Commander Pyre's stormtroopers on the Colossus as a deterrent to piracy.

Shortly thereafter, Pyre arrived to meet with Captain Doza, who informed him that the pirate spy he was seeking had escaped, leading him to believe that the presence of so many stormtroopers on the Colossus was no longer necessary. Pyre argued that someone on the platform had aided in her escape and stated his intention to locate them. Doza then emphasized his continued command, to which Pyre was compelled to agree.

Pyre later inquired about Doza's reasons for leaving the Empire years prior. Doza insisted that it was a personal choice and that Pyre would not comprehend even if he were to explain. At that moment, Sergeant CS-812 and his squadron entered Doza's office. Pyre requested that Doza leave so he could speak with his stormtroopers in private. As soon as Doza departed, Pyre received information from Phasma that a full garrison was armed and en route to the Colossus, with instructions that sympathizers on the platform could remain while dissidents would be arrested or otherwise "dealt with."

Pyre then demanded their personal reports, and CS-812 volunteered CS-515, who summarized his patrol in an unprofessional manner. Having been previously informed by CS-812 about his suspicions of CS-515's erratic conditioning, Pyre ordered the defective stormtrooper to be taken to their transport for a complete mental wipe and reprogramming. CS-515 subsequently escaped, prompting CS-812 to initiate pursuit. CS-515 was eventually captured, although the First Order was unaware that Xiono had replaced him earlier to conceal an incident involving Kel and Eila.

Taking control

Later, during a race hosted by the Colossus, Pyre communicated with Doza via hologram, asserting that the races posed a security risk. When Doza defended the benefits of "positive morale" outweighing the risk, Pyre inquired whether he knew how the pirates had managed to infiltrate the Colossus, to which Doza reiterated that as long as he was in charge, the races were permitted to continue. Pyre then conceded, but promised that the discussion was not over.

Pyre seized control of the Colossus from Doza, placing the station under the direct rule of the First Order.

Pyre later returned to the Colossus once more to meet with Doza again, stating his intention to brief him on security matters and insisting that he cancel all races until further notice. Although Doza protested that this would jeopardize the station's livelihood and community, Pyre acknowledged his concerns but countered that with the First Order defending the station, he could not risk an accident involving undisciplined non-military pilots in the air. Doza was ultimately compelled to concede to Pyre's demands, recognizing that openly defying the First Order would endanger his constituents.

Pyre later led a group of stormtroopers to Jarek Yeager's Repair Station, where he located Team Fireball, with the exception of Xiono. Upon Xiono and his astromech droid CB-23's entry into the hangar, Pyre informed him that he and his friends were under arrest by order of the First Order, citing that his racer had been caught by Major Vonreg flying in the Dassal system within the forbidden Sector Epsilon 51-3 of the Unknown Regions with Dameron two days prior.

However, Kaz and his friends managed to escape from Pyre and his stormtroopers, except for Tamara Ryvora, who surrendered due to her sympathy for the First Order, stemming from her youth and limited understanding of the Empire's evils. Subsequently, Pyre assumed control of the Colossus, arresting Captain Doza for "insubordination" and shooting 4D-M1N when she was ordered to stop the First Order.

Battle of Castilon

When Xiono and his Resistance cell retook the Colossus, Pyre and First Order Security Bureau Agent Tierny attempted to prevent his escape but failed and fled with Ryvora, who had joined the First Order.

In the aftermath, he returned to his Resurgent-class Star Destroyer, the Thunderer, with Agent Tierny. Captain Phasma ordered them to destroy the Colossus to prevent it from falling into General Organa’s grasp, recognizing its value as a resource to her, and warned them that failure would result in their deaths, which she would personally oversee. Pyre then inducted Ryvora into the First Order as a TIE fighter pilot cadet codenamed DT-533.

Ventures following the Battle of Castilon

After Ryvora turned in her comlink, Pyre used it to trace it's signal

Following Ryvora's allegiance to the First Order, she surrendered her comlink, which Pyre utilized to locate the Colossus orbiting D'Qar. They intercepted the Colossus cell during a salvaging operation for coaxium from the Fulminatrix, which had been destroyed after the Battle of D'Qar. Despite their near success, the Colossus managed to escape in time.

Sometime later, Pyre observed Lieutenant Galek overseeing a training exercise and noted its promising results, with Galek highlighting DT-533 as a prime example—much to Pyre's satisfaction. When one of the cadets, Jace Rucklin, lost control of his fighter due to friendly fire, his TIE began hurtling toward the Star Destroyer. DT-533 broke off her attack and assisted in guiding him away from danger. Pyre referred to DT-533 as a "hero" before departing, embarrassing Galek.

Pyre is informed by Nalor that her sabotage on the Colossus was done.

After Tierny hired Nenavakasa Nalor to sabotage the Colossus. Nalor reported its location to the First Order, and contacted Pyre to inform her that her work was done. Pyre credited her account with payment for her contribution before Nalor fled. Despite his doubts, Pyre was impressed that the agent's plan seemingly succeeded as the Thunderer arrived at the Colossus's location. However, Xiono and Vozo worked swiftly to repair the damage done to the Colossus and successfully its systems back online before having the station evacuated. After the Colossus made it's escape Pyre pointed out that Nalor had failed to sabotage the station entirely. Tierny indicated that the First Order should execute the engineer if the First Order ever found her again.

In their efforts to destroy the Resistance, Pyre worked closely with the disgraced officer General Armitage Hux, whom he met before, in a planet-by-planet sweep, killng everyone who opposed the First Order. At another point, Hux and Pyre were both to attend an important meeting aboard the Titan, a supertanker fuel depot in the service of the First Order. Prior to the meeting, Lieutenant Galek mentioned Pyre's meeting to Rvyora, as her flight instructor wanted her and Rucklin, codenamed DT-798, to go on a supply run to the station. Unknown to them, Xiono, Vozo, and CB-23 were also aboard, as they were undercover to steal a trans-binary deflector for the Colossus. However, Xiono, due to his disguise as a technician, was separated from his compatriots by Hux, as the officer needed a guide to take him to the tower briefing room since the crew was unable to provide proper directions. Once their turbolift arrived, Pyre stood outside its door and greeted the General, making Xiono hide his face behind his datapad and disguise his voice. Pyre apologized for not meeting Hux directly upon arrival, explaining that they had not expected to have a meeting aboard the Titan on such short notice.

In response, Hux said Supreme Leader Kylo Ren wanted an update on the First Order's stock of refueling stations and hunt for the Resistance cells. After being asked for the truth, Pyre confirmed he had difficulties in acquiring a few, mentioning that one had become the headquarters of a Resistance cell, although he stated new intelligence would give them the chance to destroy it. Hux demanded he make it happen and there should be no more excuses, as he wanted every Resistance cell in the galaxy quashed and the Stormtrooper Commander said he understood after being asked. Once at the tower briefing room, Hux, Pyre, and the latter's stormtroopers entered, but Xiono was left outside, allowing him to reunite with his allies. After doing so, he warned Vozo that Pyre was aboard, meaning they needed to leave before he recognized them.

Commander Pyre and General Armitage Hux met to discuss the Supreme Leader's goals for the First Order.

CB-23 learned the deflector they needed was in the hyperdrive chamber, which the three eventually made it to. However, CB-23 was spotted by Rucklin, leading him to the hyperdrive chamber as well. Recognizing Xiono from his time on the Colossus, he informed security about their presence. In the meeting, Pyre mentioned that, planet by planet, security was moving in the last of the Resistance cells, but the station's security alarm soon interrupted the conference. After Hux demanded to know what was happening, Pyre was informed there had been a Code Three in Engineering, which upseted Hux, as the Stormtrooper Commander stated the Titan was secure. After Xiono and Vozo, who had managed to take the deflector, made it to sector 1305's blast door, Pyre, two stormtroopers, and Hux spotted them. Pyre was surprised to see Xiono again, although he needed to tell Hux that Xiono was a Resistance spy. Pyre ordered the stormtroopers to fire, but CB-23, who was currently in the hangar, closed the blastdoor to save Xiono and Vozo. Hux demanded they get the blast door open, but the two Resistance agents escaped to the hangar. Hux and Pyre did make it to the hangar, but they were unable to stop Xiono, Vozo, and CB-23 from entering an AAL-1971/9.1 Troop Transport.

Pyre was one of the stormtroopers who fired on their transport and ordered to not let them escape, but the Resistance forces managed to escape to lightspeed. Afterwards, Hux demanded to know why Pyre could let the infiltration happen, he stated it was of no consequence, as they took the defector, making him believe the Colossus was becoming desperate. In response, Hux told the Stormtrooper Commander that desperation could be a dangerous thing, and reiterated the late Captain Phasma's orders for him and Tierny to find and destroy the Colossus. Pyre then contacted Tierny and informed her Xiono was on the Titan, stole a binary deflector, and escaped. She asked if Ryvora contacted him, making Pyre say she was reportedly with Rucklin who turned them in. After hearing this, Tierny noted if they worked the situation correctly, Ryvora could help them destroy the station.

After being contatcted by the bounty hunter Ax Tagrin, Pyre asks for his report. The Iktotchi tells him that he has snagged three more members of the Resistance and says that his usual rate applies. When Pyre thanks him for his services to the First Order's cause, Targrin tells him to save it or his price goes up and says that he serves the winning side who right now is them. He sends Pyre the coordinates and says that he wants the prisoners then he'll have to come to the Iktotchi. Pyre asks if the Resistance members are worth his time, to which Tagrin responds by telling him that Norath Kev is one and is accompanied by a kid he identified as Kaz an old man. Pyre says that they will meet him at the rendezvous point shortly.

Pyre orders Galek to continue her search for the Colossus.

On the _Thunderer_, Pyre, accompanied by Tierny, journeyed to [Varkana](/article/varkana). There, he boarded his personal shuttle, escorted by a pair of [troop transports](/article/aal-1971/9.1_troop_transport) filled with stormtroopers, for a landing on the planet. Upon his meeting with Tagrin, Pyre discovered that Tagrin had only captured Jarek Yeager, [Synara San](/article/synara_san), and CB-23. Tagrin immediately demanded payment, but Pyre refused, stating that he only saw a traitor and a [pirate](/article/pirate), not the three Resistance operatives Tagrin had promised to deliver. Tagrin insisted he would locate the remaining agents and reminded Pyre to fulfill his part of their agreement. Pyre concurred but cautioned Tagrin that if his own forces found them first, Tagrin would receive nothing.

Aboard the _Thunderer_, Pyre contacted Lieutenant Galek, who reported that they had not detected the _Colossus_. Pyre instructed her to continue the search. Meanwhile, at the spaceport, Pyre and two stormtroopers connected CB-23 to a device designed for torture. A [tech stormtrooper](/article/unidentified_tech_stormtrooper_(varkana)) verified that the droid's memory core remained intact but was heavily shielded. When Pyre inquired about decrypting it, the stormtrooper explained that the droid was actively blocking their attempts. Pyre then ordered the stormtrooper to disable the droid's defenses and extract the names of agents, base locations, military codes, and any other information that could be used to dismantle the Resistance. CB-23 was then subjected to electric shocks in an attempt to break her defenses.

Tagrin then contacted Pyre, who impatiently asked what he wanted, and to be ready to pay up because he had found what they were looking for. Tagrin had hacked the [Star Commuter 2000](/article/star_commuter_2000) shuttle used by the Resistance agents and provided Pyre with the coordinates of the _Colossus_'s hiding place. Pyre contacted Galek and dispatched her to the given coordinates, ordering her to locate and destroy the _Colossus_. However, the _Colossus_ executed a jump to hyperspace. Galek informed Pyre of this development, prompting him to order Agent Tierny and the tech stormtrooper to dismantle CB-23 in search of information regarding the _Colossus_'s whereabouts. CB-23 was once again subjected to electric shocks.

    alt="Pyre was stunned by Xiono."
Pyre was stunned by Xiono.

Upon exiting the building, Pyre encountered Kaz and Norath, who were disguised as First Order stormtroopers. Pyre demanded their call sign, to which Kaz responded with "425" before firing at Pyre, accidentally stunning him instead of killing him. Pyre regained consciousness and pursued the fleeing Resistance members alongside his stormtroopers, only to find them escaping in their shuttle with Tagrin incapacitated. He and his troopers opened fire on the transport, but were unable to prevent its departure. Pyre ordered Galek to direct their TIE fighters to pursue the escaping shuttle, but they were unable to prevent it from leaving Varkana.

### Battle on Aeos Prime and Dantooine

After deploying probe droids, Pyre learned from one that the _Colossus_ had sought refuge in the [Aeos system](/article/aeos_system), at which point he and Tierny obtained an image of Xiono. After locating the ship, he dispatched TIE fighters and [TIE/se Bombers](/article/tie/se_bomber) to attack, but the ship managed to escape once more. When Tierny expressed concern that General Hux would be furious about the _Colossus_'s continued evasion, Pyre dismissed her worries, stating that he was more concerned about Supreme Leader Ren than the disgraced officer.

Shortly thereafter, aboard the _Thunderer_, Pyre oversaw a briefing involving Tierny, Galek, and three First Order cadets regarding recent reports of Resistance activity near the Outer Rim planet [Dantooine](/article/dantooine). Pyre ordered the _Thunderer_ to set course for the planet, as the [TIE squadron](/article/unidentified_first_order_tie_squadron) patrolling the area had lost contact. Upon arriving at Dantooine, the _Thunderer_ [attacked](/article/blockade_of_dantooine) a group of Resistance escorts and Ace Squadron pilots who were protecting three [shuttles](/article/resistance_shuttle) carrying Resistance recruits. During the ensuing dogfight, Rucklin destroyed [one](/article/shuttle_two_(resistance)) of the shuttles, but Galek was killed, and the remaining Resistance escorts and recruits successfully escaped.

### Final stand and death

    alt="Supreme Leader Kylo Ren threatened to kill Commander Pyre and Agent Tierny if they failed to destroy the Resistances Colossus cell again."
Supreme Leader Kylo Ren threatened to kill Commander Pyre and Agent Tierny if they failed to destroy the Resistance's Colossus cell again.

As punishment for aiding the _Colossus_, Agent Tierny and Commander Pyre took part in the [suppression of the Aeos system](/article/suppression_of_the_aeos_system) with thirteen _Resurgent_-class Star Destroyers. Pyre and Tierny reported the suppression to General Hux via hologram in her office, but he stepped aside, allowing Supreme Leader Ren to address them. Ren made it clear that he wanted the Resistance's _Colossus_ cell destroyed and used [the Force](/article/the_force) to compel them to aim their blasters at each other, emphasizing that he would not tolerate further failures and was granting them only one more chance.

Disheartened by the First Order's actions on Aeos Prime, Ryvora sent a message to Xiono and Vozo, requesting a meeting on Castilon. As Pyre informed Tierny that he would soon have a report from operations, a [First Order pilot](/article/unidentified_first_order_special_forces_pilot) aboard the _Thunderer_ reported that [sensors](/article/sensor) indicated Ryvora's squadron had jumped to Castilon. Pyre exchanged a look with Tierny and remarked that the new squadron leader must have been feeling nostalgic. Tierny then discovered that Ryvora had betrayed the First Order. With this information, the _Thunderer_ traveled to Castilon to intercept her. Eventually, the vessel captured Ryvora and those who had come to her aid—Xiono, Yeager, CB-23, and Rucklin—catching their shuttle in a tractor beam. After Pyre accused Ryvora of [treason](/article/treason) and demanded to know the whereabouts of her conspirators, she claimed she acted alone, but DT-798 revealed that others were inside the [shuttle](/article/shuttle). At Pyre's command, he ordered two stromtroopers to search their transport.

Rucklin then revealed to Pyre and Tierny that the _Colossus_ was in the Mid Rim's [Barabesh system](/article/barabesh_system) but was nonetheless escorted away by stormtroopers despite his claims of innocence. Xiono and Yeager, hiding in the hangar bay with the shuttle, fled as stormtroopers searched it. One [stormtrooper](/article/unidentified_first_order_stormtrooper_(thunderer%27s_hangar)) emerged from the captured ship, informing Tierny that it was set to [self-destruct](/article/self-destruct_mechanism). As she, Pyre, and the troopers retreated, the transport exploded, knocking Pyre unconscious. CB-23, Xiono, and Yeager were discovered within the hangar, and a firefight erupted. Pyre eventually joined Tierny, pursuing Xiono and Yeager out of the hangar and behind a blast door. After they disappeared, Pyre informed Tierny that the _Thunderer_ was en route to the Barabesh system to confront the _Colossus_, leaving the station with nowhere to hide. After she questioned whether they would face consequences if he was wrong, Pyre ordered the _Thunderer_ to set course for the Barabesh system.

On the _Thunderer_'s bridge, a [stormtrooper](/article/unidentified_first_order_stormtrooper_(thunderer%27s_bridge)) informed Pyre that Ryvora had escaped and joined Xiono and Yeager as they fled from First Order forces and were last seen in [turbolift G-27](/article/turbolift_g-27). After Pyre expressed his belief that all of the [turbolifts](/article/turbolift) had been locked down, the [trooper](/article/trooper) responded that the lifts had been, though it appeared the trio had tampered with turbolift G-27. With this, the commander left with the stormtrooper to deal with the situation. The fugitives snuck to the engineering section of the Star Destroyer and transmitted a message to the _Colossus_, warning their colleagues that the First Order was on its way. Pyre joined the search, leading a group of stormtroopers back to the hangar and setting up an ambush for the Resistance members. Eventually, Pyre successfully captured the entire group save for CB-23 and brought them to face Tierny on the _Thunderer_'s bridge. Whilst the agent had her attention on Yeager and Ryvora, Pyre mocked Kaz stating that it was amusing that his efforts amounted to nothing and says they will be arriving at the _Colossus_ soon. Kaz responded that they had already warned them and that the _Colossus_ would be long gone by the time he arrived.

The _Thunderer_ arrived in the Barabesh system near the _Colossus_, to the dismay of the captured trio on the bridge, who had hoped the refueling station had fled. Pyre ordered all cannons to prepare to open fire and for all TIE squadrons to be launched. A bridge lieutenant informed Pyre and Tierny that the combined forces of Ace and [Jade Squadrons](/article/jade_squadron) were attacking their thrusters. At Tierny's directive, Pyre left the bridge to prepare a boarding party.

    alt="Pyre tries to Xiono with a laser ax."
Pyre tries to Xiono with a laser ax.

While directing troopers to their transports in the hangar, Pyre received word of the prisoners' escape. He discovered Yeager attempting to rappel from the rafters and exchanged fire with the mechanic. Yeager caused a crane nearby to explode as the firefight progressed, resulting in him losing his footing. After recovering, Pyre chased the prisoners through the burning hanger to prevent them from escaping. He detonated a canister, causing the Resistance group to be thrown across the hanger and knocking Ryvora and Yeagar unconscious. He attempted to kill Xiono with a [Laser ax](/article/bl-155_laser_ax), but CB-23 intervened. Pyre managed to badly damage CB-23 before Xiono defeated him, knocking him unconscious with a deactivated laser ax. The _Thunderer_ then exploded, destroying it and killing Pyre, Rucklin, and the crew. Tierny met her end at the hand of Leader Ren for the cell's survival.

## Equipment

    alt="Pyre used a gold-plated version of the First Order stormtrooper armor and the F-11D blaster rifle."
Pyre used a gold-plated version of the First Order stormtrooper armor and the F-11D blaster rifle.

Pyre was equipped with [gold-plated stormtrooper armor](/article/pyre%27s_armor), a [black](/article/color) [pauldron](/article/pauldron), and a [gold](/article/gold)-plated [F-11D blaster rifle](/article/f-11d_blaster_rifle).

## Behind the scenes

Pyre is a character that was conceptualized for the animated series _Star Wars Resistance_. [Liam McIntyre](/article/liam_mcintyre) provides the character's voice. [Dave Filoni](/article/dave_filoni), the show's creator, chose the black-and-gold color scheme for Pyre's armor. [Brandon Auman](/article/brandon_auman), the show's writer and executive producer, believed that the color scheme was likely a reference to the [Pittsburgh Steelers](, Filoni's hometown football team.
    content="Star Wars Resistance: Meet the Pilots"

    content="Star Wars Resistance — The Triple Dark (First mentioned)"

    content="Star Wars Resistance — The Children from Tehar (First appearance)"

    content="Star Wars Resistance — Synaras Score (Appears in hologram)"

    content="Star Wars Resistance — Secrets and Holograms"

    content="Star Wars Resistance — Dangerous Business (Appears in hologram)"

    content="Star Wars Resistance — The Doza Dilemma"

    content="Star Wars Resistance — The First Order Occupation (Appears in hologram)"

    content="Star Wars Resistance — The New Trooper"

    content="Star Wars Resistance — The Disappeared"

    content="Star Wars Resistance — Descent"

    content="Star Wars Resistance — No Escape: Part 1"

    content="Star Wars Resistance — No Escape: Part 2"

    content="Star Wars Resistance — Into the Unknown"

    content="Star Wars Resistance — A Quick Salvage Run"

    content="Star Wars Resistance — Live Fire"

    content="Star Wars Resistance — The Engineer"

    content="Star Wars Resistance — Station to Station"

    content="Star Wars Resistance — The Missing Agent (Appears in hologram)"

    content="Star Wars Resistance — Breakout"

    content="Star Wars Resistance — No Place Safe"

    content="Star Wars Resistance — Rebuilding the Resistance"

    content="Star Wars Resistance — The Escape"