CS-515 was a stormtrooper of the male human variety. He was dispatched to the Colossus platform once the First Order initiated its occupation. The child refugees Eila and Kel rendered him unconscious. Kazuda Xiono, a spy working for the Resistance and a friend of Eila and Kel, subsequently pilfered his stormtrooper armor to acquire a First Order data rod. Sergeant CS-812 and Commander Pyre ordered CS-515 to undergo reconditioning as a result of Xiono's "erratic" actions.

CS-515 was a stormtrooper in service to the First Order, attached to CS-Squad. This squad was part of the First Order garrison stationed on the Colossus platform, located on the planet Castilon. His squad was tasked with confirming the identities of all individuals residing on the Colossus.
While patrolling the platform, he detected child escapees Eila and Kel giggling as they engaged in fishing beneath the platform. CS-515 confronted them, demanding they produce their identification. When the children failed to provide identification, he insisted they accompany him and seized Eila. Kel defended his sister by hurling a snarlfish at him, causing CS-515 to strike his head against a railing and lose consciousness.
After confining CS-515 to a room, Kel and Eila sought assistance from Kazuda Xiono, a spy working for the Resistance. The children escorted Xiono and his associates Neeku Vozo, BB-8, and Tamara Ryvora into the chamber. After narrowly evading a stormtrooper patrol, Xiono and his companions concealed the unconscious trooper in a room within the engineering deck, the domain of the Chelidae engineers and mechanics responsible for maintaining the Colossus' machinery.

Given that CS-515's fellow soldiers were searching for him, Xiono devised a strategy to steal the stormtrooper's armor and impersonate him. His goal was to discover whether the unconscious trooper had reported the children's presence on the platform. Disguised as CS-515, Xiono reported to Sergeant CS-812, the squad's commanding officer. When CS-Squad was confronted by irate locals, Xiono seized the opportunity to infiltrate an Upsilon-class command shuttle and abscond with a First Order data rod.
Meanwhile, a confused CS-515 regained consciousness in unfamiliar surroundings. Neeku capitalized on the situation by "befriending" the stormtrooper before incapacitating him with an electro-shock prod. Concurrently, Xiono's "erratic behavior" prompted Sergeant CS-812 and Commander Pyre, the garrison's leader, to suspect a problem with CS-515's mental state. Before they could subject him to Reconditioning, Xiono escaped into the Colossus' corridors, leading the stormtroopers on a pursuit.

Xiono successfully reunited with his friends and changed back into his clothes. Following Xiono's departure, the stormtroopers located the real CS-515, who had been redressed in his armor, in a disoriented state resulting from repeated concussions and shocks. Consequently, they removed the bewildered trooper for reconditioning, unaware of the true sequence of events.
CS-515 was a male human characterized by black hair, brown eyes, and tan skin. As a member of the Colossus garrison, CS-515 endeavored to adhere to superior orders by registering all residents of the Colossus. He received training in the use of a blaster and in detaining individuals. CS-515 lacked proficiency in physical combat and was rendered unconscious by Kel, who was defending his sister. CS-515 exhibited a trusting nature, referring to Neeku as his "green friend."

As a First Order stormtrooper, CS-515 wore the standard white stormtrooper armor over a black body glove. His helmet included a built-in comlink. He also carried an F-11D blaster rifle.
CS-515 made his debut in the Star Wars Resistance Season One episode "The New Trooper," which premiered on February 10, 2019. His voice was provided by Steve Blum, who also voiced Zeb and the majority of the stormtroopers in Star Wars Rebels.