CS-Squad was a Stormtrooper Corps squad of the First Order military, specifically an infantry unit. In the year 34 ABY, Commander Pyre and Sergeant CS-812 led CS-Squad to the Outer Rim world of Castilon. Their assignment was to enforce the First Order's occupation of the Colossus refueling station. Following several pirate attacks on the platform, they acted as peacekeepers, a presence that was appreciated by some residents, including the human mechanic Tamara Ryvora. However, the First Order's security measures were not universally welcomed, and a riot broke out among the Colossus' alien inhabitants.
CS-Squad also had the duty of finding spies who threatened the First Order's interests, in addition to their peacekeeping duties. Consequently, stormtroopers routinely inspected, arrested, and interrogated citizens, which caused widespread discontent. During the occupation, Resistance operative Kazuda Xiono impersonated CS-515, a member of CS-Squad, in order to spy on the First Order. Pyre and CS-812 noticed that "CS-515"'s behavior was unusual for a stormtrooper, and they suggested a memory wipe. Xiono, however, switched places with the genuine CS-515, which resulted in the arrest of the real soldier, while the imposter remained free.