Rebel saboteurs
A saboteur was a person who intentionally disrupted or interfered with the functionality of a physical device or system. These sabotage actions sometimes occurred in wartime, with spies and double agents, such as Clone Sergeant "Slick" and the astromech droid R3-S6, committing acts of sabotage against the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. Letta Turmond, an anti-Jedi activist, was also considered a saboteur because of her involvement in the bombing of the Jedi Temple hangar. Similarly, former Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano was labeled a saboteur after Barriss Offee falsely implicated her in the bombing and other offenses.
Galen Erso, a scientist coerced by the Empire to aid in the design and construction of the Death Star, devised a drawn-out strategy to undermine the station from within. While appearing to fully cooperate with the project, Erso secretly incorporated a two-meter wide thermal exhaust port into the station's schematics, which directly accessed the station's power core. Since the port was shielded against energy weapon attacks, Erso exploited his colleagues' lack of vigilance to create a crucial weak point. This weakness could potentially be exploited by enemy forces if a bombing aircraft managed to breach the station's defenses and precisely target the small opening. Erso's plan ultimately succeeded, although the target proved so challenging during the Battle of Yavin that pilot and Jedi Knight apprentice Luke Skywalker had to rely on the Force to successfully strike the target. Nevertheless, Erso's act of sabotage provided Skywalker with the crucial opportunity to destroy the battle station.