A human female inhabitant of Coruscant, a major [planet](/article/planet], was named Letta Turmond. She was married to Abyssin Jackar Bowmani and she vocally opposed the Jedi Order's involvement as military officers within the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. She strongly believed they had become warmongers. Later, as part of her protests, she participated in the bombing of the Jedi Temple in 19 BBY, one of several individuals who took responsibility.
Turmond, following instructions from the fallen Jedi Padawan Barriss Offee, used her husband to carry out the bombing by implanting explosive nano-droids inside him. Bowmani, working as a munitions foreman at the Temple, detonated, killing himself along with numerous Jedi and Republic clone troopers. Subsequently, Turmond was apprehended by Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, and imprisoned by the Republic. She wanted to reveal the mastermind behind the bombing to them. However, as she was about to expose Offee, the fallen Padawan secretly strangled Turmond, silencing her to protect her identity.
Letta Turmond, during the Clone Wars, was the wife of Jackar Bowmani, an Abyssin who was employed by the Jedi Order as a munitions expert within the Jedi Temple hangar on Coruscant. Eventually, Turmond developed a negative view of the Jedi, seeing them as nothing more than soldiers and weapons. She conspired with a mysterious Jedi and put nano-droids into her husband's meals. These explosive nano-droids transformed Bowmani into a living bomb, leading to an explosion in a hangar of the Jedi Temple. This resulted in the deaths of six Jedi, along with many Temple workers and clones, and injured many more.
While the Jedi investigated the bombing, Turmond was protesting the war near the Jedi Temple's entrance. When Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker showed a hologram featuring her husband to Jedi Master Cin Drallig, she was brought inside the Temple for questioning. Expressing worry about her husband, Turmond learned that the Jedi suspected Bowmani of the bombing. She rebuked Skywalker for the accusation, denying her husband's involvement and was then released. However, after Skywalker and his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, conducted a more thorough investigation, they discovered that Bowmani had been detonated by nano-droids in his bloodstream. Skywalker and Tano went to Turmond's home to search for traces of the nano-droids. While none were found on Turmond herself, they were present in the food, leading Skywalker and Tano to take Turmond back to the Temple for further questioning.
Once outside her home, Turmond tried to evade the Jedi, pushing Tano down and jumping onto a passing vehicle. She hopped from vehicle to vehicle, with Tano and Skywalker chasing her. Cornered by the two Jedi in an alley, and under increased suspicion, she accidentally revealed that Bowmani was dead. Skywalker then pointed out that no one had mentioned Bowmani's death. Turmond then confessed to feeding her husband the nano-droids.
Turmond was taken into Jedi custody, but was later moved to a Republic military base. From prison, Turmond requested to speak with Tano, refusing to talk to anyone else. Upon Tano's arrival, Turmond explained that a Jedi, dissatisfied with the war, had suggested she feed Bowmani the nano-droids. This Jedi wanted to make a statement to the Republic that the Jedi should not be in charge of the military. Turmond feared this Jedi and would only reveal their name if Tano protected her. However, before she could name the Jedi, Barriss Offee Force-choked her. Tano tried to save Turmond, but failed, and Turmond died. Clone Commander Fox, who witnessed the event on security footage and believed Tano was choking the prisoner, arrived after Turmond's death and arrested Tano for the murder.
Turmond's motivation for helping to bomb the Jedi Temple stemmed from her belief that the Jedi had become warmongers. Her involvement in the attack was intended to highlight what she perceived as the Jedi Order's hypocrisy during the war. She did not hesitate to use murder and terrorism to express her views. This is why Barriss Offee used and manipulated Letta for her own purposes. However, when Offee threatened Turmond's life, Turmond was willing to tell Ahsoka Tano about Offee's involvement in the bombing in exchange for protection, a decision that ultimately cost Turmond her life when Offee choked her to death.
Letta was also a convincing actor, feigning distress and anger at the Jedi's accusations against her husband Jackar. However, considering that Letta murdered Jackar in such a horrific and deceptive way and her later admission that feeding him nano-droids wasn't her idea, it's unclear if she ever truly loved him.
Turmond was a human female standing at 1.8 meters (5 feet, 11 inches) tall, with dark hair, brown eyes, and tan skin. She had several tattoos on her face.
Letta Turmond demonstrated skill in sabotage, turning her husband Jackar Bowmani into a living bomb by feeding him nano-droids, which subsequently devastated a Jedi Temple hangar. She was also known as an activist, participating in a protest alongside friends and family members of other victims of the Jedi Temple bombing.