Serving the Jedi Order during the Clone Wars, Cin Drallig was a human male Force-sensitive Jedi Master. He held the positions of Battlemaster and Chief of Security within the Jedi Temple. Leading the Jedi Temple Guard and instructing others in lightsaber combat, he was derisively called "the Troll" by some Jedi. Tragically, Drallig met his end at the hands of Darth Vader during the attack on the Jedi Temple.
Originating from Lavisar, Cin Drallig, a human male with Force-sensitive abilities, became an apprentice under the tutelage of Yoda, the Grand Master of the Jedi High Council. Through dedicated practice and a deep connection to the Force, Drallig accumulated extensive knowledge and experience, ultimately becoming the Battlemaster of the Jedi Order. Achieving the rank of Jedi Master, Drallig also commanded the Jedi Temple Guard and served as the Chief of Security for the temple throughout the Clone Wars. As a Jedi Master, he imparted his lightsaber skills to aspiring Jedi like Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. Despite his reputation as a formidable duelist, he was given the mocking title "the Troll" by his fellow Jedi.

In the year 21 BBY, Cad Bane, employing specialized technology and cunning, bypassed Drallig and the Temple's security, infiltrating the Holocron Vault. Subsequently, a Jedi holocron was successfully stolen.
During the Clone Wars, the Jedi Temple suffered a bombing perpetrated by Padawan Barriss Offee. In the aftermath, the Jedi initiated an investigation to uncover the culprits. Skywalker approached Drallig, who was on duty with the Temple Guard at the Temple's entrance, where protests against the war and the Jedi's involvement were taking place. Skywalker presented Drallig with a holographic image of their suspect, Jackar Bowmani, requesting him to be vigilant. This led to the detention of the suspect's wife, Letta Turmond, after she was identified from the holographic image, ultimately revealing Turmond's involvement in the attack on the Jedi Temple.

Later, the Temple faced an attack led by Captain Rackham Sear of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. During this assault, Drallig, accompanied by two Temple Guards, moved to secure the quarters of the Jedi younglings. He intervened just in time to bisect a small explosive drone before it could detonate in a room filled with younglings. He instructed the guards to remain with the younglings and neutralize any further explosives. Drallig then joined Masters Mace Windu and Kenobi, reporting that the younglings were safe but that explosions were occurring throughout the Temple from an unknown source. Master Depa Billaba and Initiate Caleb Dume brought the attack to an end by confronting Sear on the Temple's roof, where he took his own life by jumping off the building.

As the war drew to a close, Skywalker succumbed to the dark side of the Force, transforming into Darth Vader, the apprentice of Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith. Vader, accompanied by the 501st Legion of clone troopers, launched an assault on the Jedi Temple, while Sidious issued Order 66, compelling the clones to betray the Jedi Order. Drallig fought valiantly to defend the Jedi Temple, alongside Padawans Whie Malreaux and Bene, both of whom fell in lightsaber combat against the enraged Darth Vader. Drallig himself confronted Vader, but ultimately failed to halt the Sith Lord's destructive path.
In the wake of Drallig's demise, Masters Yoda and Kenobi returned to the Temple, where they discovered a security hologram documenting Drallig's final duel against Darth Vader, alongside Padawans Bene and Whie.
Later, the holocron of Cin Drallig was auctioned off on Denon and acquired by Rin Praji, a noble, who safeguarded it at his estate on Kaikielius.

Cin Drallig was known as a composed and steadfast Jedi Master, a distinguished leader who oversaw the Temple Guard at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. His height was 1.74 meters, equivalent to 5 feet and 9 inches. He possessed dark blond hair, blue eyes, and a fair complexion.
In Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, Cin Drallig was played by Nick Gillard, the stunt coordinator for the prequel trilogy. The character's name is a tuckerization derived from Gillard's name (Cin being Nick spelled backward without the K, and Drallig being Gillard spelled backward). In "Sabotage," the seventeenth episode of the fifth season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, the animated television series, Robin Atkin Downes provided the voice for Drallig.