Bene, a human female Padawan who was attuned to the Force, served the Jedi Order during the Galactic Republic's concluding era. In the Clone Wars' final days, she met her end at the hands of Darth Vader, the Sith Lord, during the enactment of Order 66 and the assault on the Jedi Temple.

During the Clone Wars' last days, Bene functioned as a Jedi Padawan when Sheev Palpatine, the Supreme Chancellor who was secretly the Sith's Dark Lord Darth Sidious, branded the Jedi Order as traitors against the Galactic Republic. On Coruscant, as Order 66 was executed, the Sith Lord Darth Vader and the 501st Legion advanced upon the Jedi Temple with the purpose of eradicating everyone inside, Bene included. As the clone troopers invaded the Temple, Bene, along with Padawan Whie Malreaux and Battlemaster Cin Drallig, engaged Vader in combat. Despite their collaborative efforts, Bene, Malreaux, and Drallig were all killed by the newly appointed Lord of the Sith, with Malreaux being the first to be defeated. Bene then joined Drallig in an attack on Vader, but Vader deflected Bene's lightsaber before seizing her by the throat and choking her while simultaneously battling Drallig with one hand, killing the Jedi trainee before finishing off Drallig.
The Temple's surveillance system documented the duel between Bene and Vader, enabling Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi to learn of her fate while examining the security recordings. Recognizing the Sith leading the assault as his former apprentice, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, Kenobi stopped the holographic recording because he could not bear to watch it until the end. The death of Bene, along with the other Jedi in the Temple, prompted Kenobi to confront Vader on Mustafar, where the two former comrades fought until Kenobi emerged victorious.
Bene was a youthful human female with brown hair, brown eyes, and light skin during the Clone Wars period. She joined in the defense of the Temple, resisting a former Jedi who had become a Sith and his legion of clones. She was among the Jedi who attempted to defeat Vader, but she ultimately perished while defending the Temple.
Being a Jedi, Bene was Force-sensitive, meaning she had a profound connection to the Force. She received training in lightsaber combat and wielded a blue lightsaber, though her skills in dueling were insufficient to overcome Vader.
Mousy McCallum, the daughter of Rick McCallum, who produced the Star Wars prequel trilogy, played Bene in the 2005 movie Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith.