Jackar Bowmani

As a munitions expert within the Jedi Temple, Jackar Bowmani was a male Abyssin. During the Clone Wars, he entered into marriage with Letta Turmond. At the behest of Jedi Barriss Offee, Turmond administered nano-droids to her husband, transforming him into a living bomb that ultimately exploded inside the hangar of the Temple.


Jackar Bowmani, an Abyssin male, held the position of munitions expert, serving as the foreman overseeing all gunships within the Jedi Temple hangar on Coruscant. He was married to Letta Turmond, a human female. Turmond stated that Bowmani harbored a strong desire to work for the Jedi, dedicating himself to successfully navigating the rigorous entry assessments.

Turmond grew dissatisfied with the Jedi Order's involvement in the Clone Wars. Influenced by the disillusioned Jedi Padawan Barriss Offee, she covertly administered modified explosive NM-K reconstitutor nano-droids to Bowmani. This was a plot to weaponize him as a bomb against the Jedi. The scheme orchestrated by Offee and Turmond reached fruition when Bowmani detonating within the Jedi Temple hangar, resulting in the killing of six Jedi, multiple Republic clone troopers, and various other hangar personnel. All but one of his arms were destroyed in the process. The incident resulted in twenty-six fatalities, including Bowmani, with dozens more sustaining injuries. Significant damage was inflicted upon numerous starships and the hangar itself.

Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and Padawan Ahsoka Tano were summoned to investigate the bombing. They received a tip from a Pantoran worker injured in the explosion, who suspected Bowmani's involvement. After the SP-4 ISC analysis droid Russo-ISC located Bowmani's hand, the only remains of his body, and discovered it saturated with nano-droids, Skywalker and Tano initially believed the deceased technician had been a suicide bomber. However, a search of his residence revealed Turmond's role in administering the droids, leading to her arrest. The full scope of the plot, with Bowmani as an unknowing participant, was eventually uncovered, including Barriss Offee's involvement. Ultimately, Tano, whom Offee had almost successfully framed for the bombing and Turmond's murder, departed from the Jedi Order, disillusioned by the Jedi High Council's lack of support during the ordeal.

