Russo-ISC, a SP-4 ISC model, functioned as a crime scene analysis droid for the Jedi Order. Stationed at the Jedi Temple, he operated during the Clone Wars, a period of conflict involving the Galactic Republic against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. In the year 21 BBY, Russo took on the role of a crime scene investigator, collaborating with Police Inspector Tanivos Divo in the investigation surrounding the murder of Trandoshan assassin Nack Movers. Movers had been killed by his girlfriend, Ione Marcy, and his bodyguard, Cassilyda Cryar.
As the Clone Wars progressed, Russo continued his service to the Jedi. In 19 BBY, Jedi Master Mace Windu tasked him with aiding the Jedi in their investigation into the bombing of the Jedi Temple hangar. Within the Temple's hangar, he encountered Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano, both of whom had also been assigned to the case. Despite circulating rumors suggesting a Jedi's involvement in the bombing, Skywalker persuaded Russo to include Tano in the witness interviews. These interviews occurred in the Jedi Temple medical bay, where they discovered that Jackar Bowmani was responsible for the bombing. Russo then examined security footage, leading to the revelation that Bowmani had been exposed to nano-droids that entered his bloodstream, effectively turning Bowmani into a living bomb, leaving only his hand intact. Following the arrest of Bowmani's wife, Letta Turmond, by Skywalker and Tano for providing her husband with the nano-droids, Russo re-examined the security footage and verified that Bowmani had acted alone, confirming that no Jedi had assisted him.
Constructed on Coruscant, the galactic capital, Russo-ISC was a SP-4 ISC crime scene analysis droid with masculine programming, who served both the Jedi Order and the Coruscant Security Force during the Clone Wars. The Jedi Order's modern role expanded from guardians and peacekeepers to include crime-prevention and detective work. To that end, Russo worked with Jedi investigators and local law enforcement, providing updates on the evidence he gathered.
As the dark side of the Force grew, it impacted investigators' ability to use their intuition and connection to the Force, which led to the increased use of Russo and other analysis droids. This trend continued into the Clone Wars as the Jedi's focus shifted to military commanders, a role they were never comfortable in.
Russo and the other analysis droids collaborated with investigators to solve mysteries and analyze crime scenes, as the Jedi increasingly relied on technological resources at the Jedi Temple. This included using the Temple's advanced analysis equipment and facilities to assist his team and Jedi Knights in their investigations.

During the second year of the Clone Wars, in 21 BBY, Trandoshan assassin Nack Movers was slain by his girlfriend Salenga Ione Marcy and Terrelian Jango Jumper Cassilyda Cryar, who was also his bodyguard and assistant. The three lived together in a skyrise apartment in the upper east side of the Jrade District. Marcy and Cryar had grown close and plotted against Movers without his knowledge. Police Inspector Tanivos Divo had been monitoring them. Divo's report on Movers's murder, after the investigation with Russo, noted that Movers had ignored Marcy's concerns when he made a lecherous advance towards Cryar, leading Marcy and Cryar to plot Movers's death.
Jedi Master Tera Sinube and Padawan Ahsoka Tano discovered Movers's body while searching Nack Movers's residence for the thief who stole Tano's lightsaber. Cryar fled with the stolen lightsaber, while Sinube determined Marcy was involved in Movers's murder and ordered police droids to arrest Marcy, who then fled Mover's home. Sinube, Tano, and police droids later caught and arrested both women.
Russo joined the investigation, creating a crime scene report alongside Divo. Divo noted that Movers had previously evaded the law due to his connections, which prevented his crimes from being discovered. Movers's protection kept him safe in his skyrise apartment until his murder.
Movers was trained as a Malkite poisoner, and Russo detected that he had been contaminated with Sennari, the same drink he used to poison his victims, with 11.3 of the Sennari extract appearing in his bloodstream. Russo and Divo's examination of the scene revealed that Movers's death was near-instant after convulsions from the poison. Divo's file commented that justice had caught up to Movers from someone he took for granted, Marcy, and that it was ironic he suffered the same fate as his victims.
Russo's analysis revealed Movers's ID number was COR143817TRND195441.37, he was 1.75 meters tall, and weighed 104 kilograms. The rest of Russo's blood sample analysis revealed non-contaminant substances, including a potassium level of 5.2 K, a sodium level of 155 Na, a urea level of 6.4, creatinine and glucose levels of 130, and a copper level of 33 Cu.
All of Russo's analysis results were noted in Divo's file. Divo's grandson, New Republic police commissioner Exantor Divo of Hosnian Prime, later catalogued the case in his security files written in 34 ABY entitled Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious.

As the war continued, public opinion of the Jedi Order and their generals declined. In 19 BBY, during the final year of the Clone War, fear, anger, and doubt led to an attack on the Temple, resulting in the bombing of one of the Temple's hangars. The bombing killed twenty-six people and wounded dozens more. This terrorist strike at the heart of the Jedi Temple highlighted the unpopularity of the war on Coruscant and the fragility of the Jedi's image as protectors.
Rumors spread that a Jedi might have betrayed the Order and planned the attack, so Jedi Master Mace Windu assigned Russo to find the perpetrator. The Jedi Council also assigned Anakin Skywalker and his apprentice Ahsoka Tano. As Skywalker and Tano entered the wreckage of the damaged hangar, they discussed the possibility of a Jedi being responsible. Tano doubted that a Jedi could bomb a sacred place, killing colleagues and servants. However, Skywalker reminded her that some Jedi, like Dooku and Pong Krell, disagreed with their approach and went rogue, making everyone a suspect. All Skywalker and Tano knew, like Russo, was that doubt made the truth unclear.
In the hangar, they met Russo and other analysis droids already investigating the debris. Russo stated that only analysis and investigation would reveal the truth. Skywalker requested that Russo and Tano interview witnesses together. Russo requested to interview witnesses alone, as rumors of a rogue Jedi would make witnesses ill-disposed towards Tano. Skywalker disagreed, requesting Russo bring Tano, as the bombing killed Jedi, clone troopers, and Temple workers.

While in the medical bay, Tano noted the witnesses' distrust, as many had worked in the Temple for years. Russo explained that fear made even trusting individuals irrational. One injured witness believed Jackar Bowmani was responsible. Tano asked the Pantoran about Bowmani's identity while Russo looked him up on his datapad. The Pantoran said Bowmani was a maintenance crew member who had been working all morning in the section where the blast occurred and that was the last place the Pantoran saw him. Russo then showed the Pantoran an image of an Abyssin male, and the Pantoran confirmed it was Bowmani. Russo asked if he had seen Bowmani since the explosion, and the Pantoran replied no. Tano thanked him, and she and Russo headed back towards the doors to the medical bay doors.
On their way out, Tano told Russo their next mission was to find Bowmani. At the doors, Skywalker informed them that the rumor about a Jedi being responsible was growing. Skywalker told them he sensed increased anger and confusion throughout the Temple. In response, Tano told Skywalker she and Russo had a lead, and they were looking for Bowmani, as she showed Skywalker the holographic information of Bowmani on an imagecaster. Russo informed Skywalker one of the witnesses saw Bowmani in the vicinity before the bomb exploded and Bowmani had been unaccounted for since the explosion. Skywalker responded that no one just disappears. Russo stated that the bombing must have therefore been well planned out. Skywalker told Russo and Tano it had to be well planned out to get past Jedi. Skywalker left to talk with Chief of Security Cin Drallig, while Tano and Russo continued their investigation.
As Skywalker approached Drallig on the Temple's steps, he witnessed a crowd of angry protestors rallying against the Jedi for their violence during the war. The protestors were also demanding an end to the war as Russo and Divo later reported. Skywalker showed Drallig the hologram of Bowmani on the imagecaster, telling the Chief of Security to be on alert. Letta Turmond was one of the protestors in front of the Temple. She identified Bowmani in the hologram and informed the Jedi she was Bowmani's wife, claiming she had been trying to reach him since she heard of the explosion. Skywalker took Turmond in for questioning, where Turmond insisted that Bowmani would never bomb the Temple and demanded Skywalker find him.

Russo created a composite of the crime scene by assembling data from security sensors, as well as efficiency and safety monitors that covered the hangar facility. He holographically projected these streams of data over the bombing site, enabling an in-context analysis of the explosion to be conducted. Russo and his team were then able to walk through varying points of the bomb site, and throttle backward and forward in the timeline, to piece together the chain of events.
After the holographic projection was assembled, Russo and Tano scanned the reconstruction of the explosion, studying the remains of the gunships and other debris. Tano used the trajectory of the debris to conclude the precise origin-point of the blast. Russo questioned why there was no bomb residue. When Skywalker arrived, Tano informed him that she and Russo were under the assumption that whoever else blew up the hangar triggered a ship to explode. Russo used the shrapnel to see if that could help identify the perpetrator. Tano speculated that based off what the Pantoran witness told them, Bowmani may have planned to bomb the hangar and kept quiet.
Russo informed Tano and Skywalker he discovered an anomaly that should not have been there. He moved the holographic display around to reveal pieces of debris from the blast origin. They contained nano-droids, which where 1.5 nanometer-long microscopic droids of a highly volatile nature. These droids were usually undetectable, except by dedicated sensors. They were illegally reprogrammed, allowing them to reconstitute carbon-based matter into dangerously unstable configurations, which in turn enabled them to create violent explosions, such as the Temple bombing. After Russo's revelation, Skywalker instructed him to go through security footage and check if Bowmani went to any other part of the Temple.

In the Jedi Temple central security station, an analysis droid gave Skywalker a datapad with the file on Bowmani. Skywalker read it, revealing to Tano that Bowmani was the foreman of all the gunships, bombs and weapons and specialized in nano-weaponry. Skywalker and Tano then walked over to the security monitors Russo was scanning at a high speed. Skywalker questioned Russo if the monitors were going too fast for him to comprehend. Russo responded it was simple data and at that pace, he could view hundreds of hours of footage. The pace Russo could view the holographic security footage was far faster than any Jedi could view them.
Skywalker asked Russo if he found Bowmani, to which the droid lifted up his optics and scanning visor, and replied he had not. In response, Skywalker informed Russo he was going to gather some Jedi to search the Temple, telling Russo and Tano if Bowmani was still there, he could be planning another attack. Russo gestured to the other analysis droids and replied that instead of Jedi he had droids who could complete the task much faster. As Tano and Skywalker left the room, Russo turned to the other droids, giving them their next assignment.
After Russo did further investigation, he reported to Skywalker that he and his fellow analysis droids had found Bowmani. Skywalker and Tano had just finished their latest report to the Jedi High Council and Skywalker ordered Russo to lock down all exits so Bowmani could not escape. When Skywalker and Tano arrived in the hangar, they scanned the room, confused on why they could not find Bowmani. Skywalker asked Russo where Bowmani was and Russo replied part of him was in the hangar. Skywalker told him it was a bad time for jokes, before Russo revealed to them that only Bowmani's hand remained. The rest of Bowmani exploded as he was the bomb. The nano-droids triggered the carbon bomb to explode, resulting in Bowmani's death, along with eleven other maintenance workers, as well as eight clones and six Jedi, while dozens of others were wounded. Russo gave Tano a handheld sensor which revealed Bowmani's hand was covered in nano-droids. Tano asked how the droids got in Bowmani's bloodstream. Skywalker told Russo and Tano they needed to search Bowmani's home for evidence.
As Skywalker and Tano searched Bowmani's home, Tano used handheld sensors to discover nano-droid traces in the disposal, confirming that Bowmani consumed them in his food. A confused Turmond soon arrived and Tano scanned her body, confirming she did not have any nano-droids on her. Skywalker told Turmond they were taking her in for further questioning, however, Turmond attempted to flee from them immediately after leaving the building. The Jedi quickly tracked Turmond down, blocking her escape. Turmond's mouth slipped, with her declaring Bowmani was dead, despite Skywalker and Tano only telling her that he made the bomb. Skywalker asked Turmond if she fed the nano-droids to Bowmani. Turmond confessed that she fed Bowmani the nano-droids, before being taken into custody.

Back in the Temple, Skywalker and Tano reported to Windu and Yoda that Turmond was being held in cell in the Temple to await further questioning. Russo contacted Tano on an imagecaster. He was pleased to report to the Jedi that no other nano-droids were found in his search of Temple. He also was relieved that based off the security footage, Bowmani acted alone, meaning no Jedi was involved. Tano thanked Russo for his assistance in the investigation. After the transmission ended, Windu told Skywalker and Tano he believed they could guess Turmond's motives. Public opinion was swaying against the Jedi the longer the war progressed, with Turmond being one of the many people who had lost faith in the Jedi. Turmond was later transferred to military custody and was detained at the Imperial Inspectorate HQ where she revealed to Tano that a Jedi had convinced her to feed the nano-droids to Bowmani. However, Turmond was strangled to death before she could reveal to Tano the name of the culprit. Ultimately, Skywalker proved that Tano's close friend Barriss Offee was the Jedi who had masterminded the bombing of the Temple hangar and murdered Turmond. Offee had directed Turmond to feed the nano-droids to Bowmani, and she subsequently framed Tano for the bombing and Turmond's death.

Russo-ISC, standing at 1.8 meters (5 feet, 11 inches) with black sensors, was a SP-4 ISC crime scene analysis droid with masculine programming. His blue and silver metal plating, seen on ISC droids, was normally absent from other analysis droids, as Russo and his ISC counterparts did not need the same level of irradiation cleaning.
Russo was a no-nonsense analysis droid and team leader, commanding the other analysis droids connected to the Jedi Temple's sensor and security networks. His pride, perception, and independence enabled him to take on hard cases. Like many ISC droids, Russo had a quirky personality, with a unique speech pattern punctuated by flipping his optics and scanning visor while making dramatic statements.
Russo excelled at crime scene analysis and interrogation, wanting to interview the Temple bombing witnesses alone. He worked with Ahsoka Tano to interrogate witnesses in the Temple's medical bay. Russo's tracking and pattern recognition allowed him to quickly scan security footage, concluding that Jackar Bowmani acted solo in the Jedi Temple hangar bombing. Russo led other analysis droids, including regular SP-4 droids, while working with the Jedi to solve crimes. Russo frequently made brusque statements, which took Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano time to get used to. He also analyzed data to construct a timeline of events, interviewing witnesses and suspects, comparing data with crime scene reconstructions, and checking surveillance to confirm or discard alibis.
Like all SP-4 ISC units, Russo had an optics and scanning visor, giving him the same magnification and scanning abilities as a JN-66 analysis droid. He also carried a datapad to filter and prioritize information, standard among ISC units.

Russo-ISC debuted in "Sabotage (episode)," the seventeenth episode of the fifth season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which premiered on February 9, 2013. He was voiced by Dee Bradley Baker, who also voiced the clone troopers. Russo's speech pattern, name, and visor-flipping habit are nods to David Caruso's character Horatio Caine from CSI Miami.