The Imagecaster, alternatively referred to as a holo-messenger, represented a specific type of handheld personal holoprojector shaped like a disc. It was manufactured by the SoroSuub Corporation.
This imagecaster was a resilient, compact device. It featured a disc-shaped body with three arms that could be rotated downwards to create a stable tripod. It had the ability to project three-dimensional images formed through light beam interference and could store up to one hundred minutes of projected visuals. The image quality was functional, rather than exceptional, and displayed the "scan lines" characteristic of holoprojectors during the time of the Imagecaster's introduction.

Beyond functioning as a standalone image projector and recorder, the Imagecaster could be connected to the Hush-98 comlink, which was also a SoroSuub product. This allowed the user to transmit a hologram while creating a simulated face-to-face interaction. The Imagecaster's outer ring included three curved prongs that could be rotated downward, enabling the device to connect to larger image projectors or stand on a flat surface. Due to its robust design, the SoroSuub Imagecaster was designed for use in the field, and it was frequently used by groups such as the Jedi Order.
The members of the Jedi Order commonly used Imagecasters during the final decades of the Galactic Republic. Qui-Gon Jinn, a Jedi Master, possessed one of these devices when he traveled to Tatooine during the Invasion of Naboo. Before going to a junkyard in the hopes of finding parts to repair a T-14 hyperdrive generator, Jinn loaded his imagecaster with images of Queen Amidala's royal vessel.
During the Clone Wars, Count Dooku, the leader of the Separatist faction, had a 2-1B surgical droid use an imagecaster to get in contact with Rush Clovis. This same imagecaster provided Clovis with information related to the secret accounts of the Muuns.
Sabine Wren acquired an imagecaster. Wren used this imagecaster to store secret plans for a holomap, but Jyn Erso discovered it and gave it back to her. It was among her collection of keepsakes and personal items stored within her LothalNet comm tower E-272. The imagecaster contained a hologram recording from her friend, Ezra Bridger.
The Holographic disguise matrix was developed using the Jedi Imagecaster as its foundation.

During the production of the Obi-Wan Kenobi television show, the prop team created a damaged holoprojector prop for use in the series. The wiring was intentionally made to be visibly exposed.