A designation given to one of the three distinct divisions within the Jedi, a Jedi Guardian stood alongside the Jedi Consular and Jedi Sentinel. In stark contrast to the Sith Warrior, who embraced the dark side, the Jedi Guardians excelled in combat and wielded the power of the light side. Their function within the Jedi Order remained remarkably consistent throughout its history. This role was meticulously documented by the esteemed Guardian Jedi ace Crix Sunburris in his seminal work, The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force.

Guardians, more so than Consulars or Sentinels, dedicated themselves to martial training and combat. Originating from the Order's founders on Tython, their purpose was to protect the vulnerable and uphold the laws of the Galactic Republic. As such, Guardians were frequently seen as representatives of the Order, embodying the classic Jedi weapon: the lightsaber.
Jedi Knights who chose the path of the Guardian invested their time and energy in perfecting their combat skills, often constructing their lightsabers with a blue crystal, though this was not mandatory. This color symbolized unity and solidarity within the class. Master Sunburris advised dedicating three hours daily to running, unarmed combat, and lightsaber drills. While crucial during the Republic's turbulent early years, the Guardians assumed an even greater role following the Ruusan Reformation. With the Republic Army disbanded, the Jedi became the Republic's primary defenders. Patrolling the galaxy and collaborating with local law enforcement, Guardians tirelessly maintained order along the Outer Rim Territories and the fringes of Wild Space, combating rampant slavery and illegal activities. In addition to standard Jedi equipment, Guardians were known to carry wrist binders for apprehending criminals.
Within the Guardian class, the most accomplished and knowledgeable Jedi Masters were bestowed with the prestigious title of "Warrior Master". Legend holds that two Warrior Masters, alongside two Sage Masters, were instrumental in establishing the Jedi Temple on Coruscant around 4000 BBY. These Four Masters were commemorated with bronzium statues at the base of the main entrance stairs along the Processional Way.
These specialists chose to wield weapons beyond the standard lightsaber, sometimes using unconventional tools to defeat their enemies. A rarity within the Order, Weapons Specialists employed double-bladed lightsabers, lightsaber pikes, flails, whips, and even blasters.
These instructors were essential for training Jedi Initiates at the Temple. Chosen by the current Jedi battlemaster after years of frontline combat experience, these instructors guided the next generation of Jedi. While many Jedi held the title of battlemaster during the New Sith Wars, it eventually reverted to representing a single Jedi at each academy, who recommended potential instructors to the Jedi High Council for approval.

The Jedi aces, part of the Jedi Starfighter Corps, were exceptional pilots and dogfighters. Flying various starfighter models throughout the Order's history, Aces utilized their heightened battle awareness to achieve unparalleled firing accuracy and precision, surpassing the capabilities of non-Force-sensitive pilots. Initially, the Aces served alongside the Republic Navy, but after its disbandment, they collaborated closely with local defense fleets.
These specialists were experts in galactic policing, ensuring law enforcement along the Outer Rim. Perhaps the most recognizable branch of the Guardian class, Peacekeepers worked with Sector police and local militias to maintain order throughout the galaxy. The Peacekeepers stationed on Coruscant formed the Temple Security Force, safeguarding the Jedi Temple and the surrounding Temple district.
The term Jedi Guardian originated in the Star Wars Roleplaying Game. It was later incorporated into official canon in The New Essential Chronology and Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force.
In Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Jedi Guardian is a playable Jedi class on Dantooine. The class also appears in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, along with two prestige classes: Jedi Weapon Master for the light side, and Sith Marauder for the dark side.
Despite their focus on combat and lightsaber skills, some Jedi Guardians possessed exceptional Force abilities rivaling those of Jedi Consulars. Examples include Mace Windu, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Luke Skywalker. Conversely, some Consulars, such as Yoda, Shaak Ti and Kit Fisto, were skilled enough with a lightsaber to contend with Guardians.
The Jedi Guardian figure in the Star Wars Miniatures set Champions of the Force resembles Atris. An earlier Jedi Guardian miniature resembled the Rodian Jedi Weapons Master depicted in the Jedi Academy Training Manual.
In the Star Wars: The Old Republic MMO, the Jedi Guardian is an advanced class for the Jedi Knight. This class excels in heavy armor, inspiring allies, and enduring prolonged combat. The Imperial equivalent of this archetype is the Sith Juggernaut.