Jedi Weapon Master

A Jedi Weapon Master was a designation bestowed upon Jedi Masters who dedicated themselves to the study of physical combat, utilizing the Force, particularly with unconventional weapons or fighting styles, within the Jedi Guardian division's specialized training.


These individuals, some of the Jedi Order's most skilled combatants, existed for centuries, though their numbers were always small. While the title had been given out prior, it wasn't until the Jedi ace Crix Sunburris, a Guardian, detailed the qualifications for specialization in his contribution to The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force.

Weapon Masters would dedicate years to mastering their chosen weapon, often setting aside their lightsabers. Their exceptional skill earned them respect both within and outside the Order. Achieving mastery with a double-bladed lightsaber, lightsaber pike, quarterstaff, San-Ni staff, whips, or flails, was sufficient for recognition as a Weapon Master by the Jedi High Council. Furthermore, proficiency with ranged weapons like blasters or using one's own body as a weapon also qualified for this distinction.

During periods of intense conflict, such as the Great Hyperspace War and the Great Sith War, Weapon Masters were more prevalent. However, following the supposed destruction of the Sith, their numbers dwindled within the Order. It is believed that none survived the Great Jedi Purge.

Thon and Vodo-Siosk Baas were two well-known Weapon Masters from the Great Sith War era. After the Ruusan Reformation, Raskta Lsu became one of the most famous Weapon Masters. Later on, Master Waldan Bridger was particularly known for his skill with the ancient San-Ni staff. Before the Clone Wars, Sora Bulq, Anoon Bondara, and Mace Windu stood out as some of the most celebrated Weapon Masters of their time.

Behind the scenes

A Rodian Weapons Specialist, wielding twin swords.

The term Jedi Weapon Master first appeared in Star Wars Gamer #9 as a prestige class for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game, and it was also included in the Power of the Jedi Sourcebook.

It was also featured in the video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords as one of the six prestige classes available to a level 15 character, specifically one of the three light side options. Within the game, this class is the counterpart to the Sith Marauder, as both emphasize individual blade strength and are better suited for direct combat compared to other prestige classes like the stealth-oriented Sith assassin (similar to the Jedi Watchman) and the Sith Lord, which, like the Jedi Master, enhances the player's Force abilities.

In the Star Wars Miniatures set called Champions of the Force, the Jedi Weapon Master character bears a resemblance to Cin Drallig.

