Raskta Lsu

Raskta Lsu, an Echani female Jedi Master, served as a soldier within the Army of Light under the command of General Hoth. She received her name in honor of the Echani legend, Raskta Fenni, who was widely regarded as the most skilled warrior of her era. Driven by a desire to match and eventually surpass her namesake's reputation, Lsu dedicated her entire Jedi career to the intensive development of her combat abilities. Over time, her lightsaber proficiency reached such heights that many considered her unmatched in its use. Her exceptional combat prowess earned her the distinguished title of Weapons Master within the Jedi Order. Lsu demonstrated her remarkable skills throughout the New Sith Wars, engaging in numerous battles against the Sith's Brotherhood of Darkness.

A decade following the final campaign that concluded the war on Ruusan, Raskta Lsu was chosen by Lord Valenthyne Farfalla to be part of a Jedi team tasked with a mission to Tython, the legendary birth world of the Jedi. Their objective was to eliminate the last two Sith Lords remaining in the galaxy, Darth Bane and Zannah. Upon their arrival and landing on the Deep Core planet, Farfalla's Jedi team confronted the Sith, and Lsu once again displayed her lightsaber skills. She fought with great valor, standing as the only Jedi among the five who could match Bane's power with the blade. However, she was ultimately defeated by Darth Zannah's cunning, who ambushed Lsu from behind and impaled her, thus ending the Jedi Master's life.


Life as a Jedi

Raskta Lsu, named in honor of the legendary Echani warrior Raskta Fenni, was herself an Echani, a species whose culture was deeply rooted in achieving personal perfection through physical combat. As a young woman, she was determined to emulate Fenni, who was celebrated by many as the greatest warrior of her time. Consequently, she embraced the traditions of her people, dedicating her entire existence to mastering martial skills.

Gifted with Force-sensitivity, Lsu gained acceptance into the Jedi Order and eventually attained the rank of Master. During her time within the Order, she focused minimally on enhancing her Force abilities, instead dedicating herself to mastering the lightsaber. Lsu's proficiency with the lightsaber was said to be unparalleled by any other duelist alive. Recognizing her extraordinary talents, her fellow Jedi bestowed upon her the highly esteemed title of Weapon Master of the Order. Within the Temple, Lsu was entrusted with the responsibility of training all Padawans in lightsaber combat. One Padawan in particular, a young human male named Sarro Xaj, sought to emulate Lsu's path to lightsaber mastery. Recognizing the fervor in her student, she provided Xaj with exclusive, personalized training in the use of the double-bladed lightsaber.

The Sith War

When Lsu's combat skills were requested for service in Lord Hoth's Army of Light during the final campaign of the New Sith Wars, her Padawan, Xaj, accompanied her. She fought alongside Hoth, wielding two blue-bladed lightsabers against Lord Kaan's Brotherhood of Darkness. She became a feared figure among the Sith, and by the war's conclusion, it was believed that she had personally killed as many Sith Lords as had been destroyed by the thought bomb.

Three years after the war ended, Lsu concluded Xaj's training, deeming him worthy of becoming a Jedi Knight of the Galactic Republic. She continued to perform her duties as Weapons Master of the Temple, while honing her own combat skills. Seven years later, she was summoned when rumors began circulating about surviving Sith Lords from Kaan's Brotherhood still operating in the galaxy. A Jedi Knight named Johun Othone had encountered a young man named Darovit, who claimed to possess proof of at least two living Dark Lords. Othone promptly reported this information to his former Master, Valenthyne Farfalla, who resolved to investigate. Farfalla requested the assistance of Master Lsu and the Ithorian Master Worror Dowmat, both of whom had served with Farfalla on Ruusan, to aid him in his mission. Accompanied by Xaj, Othone, Worror, Farfalla, Lsu, and her companions swiftly departed for the planet Tython aboard her personal attack cruiser, the Justice Crusader, with the intention of eliminating the Sith once and for all.

Mission to Tython

Lsu wields her twin lightsabers during the Duel on Tython.

Despite expressing reservations about the potentially perilous hyperspace route to Tython, Lsu was reassured by the Ithorian Master Worror, who served as the Crusader's navigator. Using the coordinates he provided, Lsu piloted the vessel, with Xaj serving as the ship's gunner, and Farfalla providing operational support for all three. Upon entering Tython's atmosphere, the Jedi detected two other starships parked near a massive fortress as they scanned the building for life-forms, discovering three. The Crusader landed via autopilot, and Lsu and her companions immediately entered the fortress. Upon discovering two doorways, Knights Othone and Xaj were ordered through one, while Lsu and Farfalla took the other, with the plan to prevent the Sith from escaping. Worror remained in the doorway behind his fellow Masters, providing support for the entire team through his Jedi battle meditation abilities. The two Sith, Darths Bane and Zannah, were prepared and waiting, and immediately engaged their adversaries in combat.

Lsu was the first to confront Darth Bane, only to discover that he was covered in impenetrable orbalisk armor. Despite Bane's advantage, Lsu continued her assault, supported by Farfalla with defensive shield-walls. She was forced to save her fellow Jedi from Bane multiple times, both from the Sith Lord's powerful Force abilities and his superior lightsaber skills. Lsu also observed that Bane wielded a curved-hilt lightsaber, which gave him a significant advantage over his opponents, as curved-hilt lightsabers were uncommon and most Jedi had never encountered one.

When Bane appeared to be retreating, he suddenly disengaged from Lsu to attack the source of her team's Force-empowerment: Master Worror. Othone saved the Ithorian with a Force push, a maneuver that disrupted Worror's concentration and interrupted his battle meditation. Othone jumped over to where Masters Lsu and Farfalla were, and the three of them engaged Bane from all sides, with Lsu in the center, blending her style and attacks with those of her comrades. However, during the brief disruption in Worror's meditation, Lsu's former Padawan Xaj was overwhelmed by Darth Zannah's Sith mind tricks, and was killed. Unaware of and unprotected from the danger approaching from behind, Lsu was impaled by Darth Zannah. She was the second Jedi to perish on Tython, with Farfalla, Worror, and Othone following soon after.


Following her death on Tython, the Jedi High Council, alerted to Darth Bane's existence by Caleb of Ambria, dispatched a team of Jedi, including Masters Tho'natu and Obba, to eliminate him. On Ambria, at Caleb's camp, the Jedi discovered the lightsaber hilts of the slain Jedi, including Master Lsu's. Upon the team's arrival, they were attacked by a deranged Darovit, whom they believed to be Bane suffering from overexposure to the orbalisk armor. After killing him, they concluded that the Sith were extinct, and returned the lightsaber hilts to the Temple.

Upon returning to the Temple, the Jedi created a memorial to honor those Jedi who were responsible for the destruction of the Sith. All five Jedi's lightsaber hilts were embedded into a large white stone block in the gardens surrounding the base of the Tower of First Knowledge. Beneath each hilt was a depiction of its wielder, along with their name.

Personality and traits

Raskta Lsu was a tall, well-muscled, fair-skinned woman with the pure-white hair and silver eyes characteristic of the Echani race. She was an ambitious young woman who sought to achieve complete perfection in her skills and worked tirelessly to reach that goal.

As a responsible Jedi Master, Lsu readily accepted and fulfilled her duties as Weapons Master by training all the Order's younglings in lightsaber combat. She also possessed confidence in her own dueling abilities, and readily answered the call to serve as a soldier in the Jedi's Army of Light. Her determination to defeat the Sith was evident as she fought on the front lines during the Ruusan campaign.

Lsu's awareness of her own skills also gave her an air of confidence; when she realized that her colleague Farfalla would only hinder her against Darth Bane, she did not hesitate to inform him of this. Farfalla also acknowledged her superior skill, and allowed Lsu the space she needed to directly confront the Dark Lord, something he himself was incapable of.

Powers and abilities

As the esteemed Weapon Master of the Jedi Order, Raskta Lsu's greatest talents lay in lightsaber combat. Her Echani ideals of achieving perfection through mastery of one's physical self were integrated into her Jedi training, and she was eventually recognized by her peers as the most skilled duelist of her time.

A master of all forms of lightsaber combat, Lsu favored Jar'Kai, which she implemented with two blue blades. Lsu's proficiency in battle allowed her to seamlessly switch between dueling styles, a tactic that often confused her opponents. She could duel a single adversary with multiple partners, leveraging their unique styles to maximize the effectiveness of her own. Lsu was also skilled with the double-bladed variant, which she trained her Padawan, Sarro Xaj, to use. She was even familiar with the hooked-handle lightsaber, to the point of being able to immediately recognize it in the heat of combat.

When facing an opponent wielding such a weapon, Lsu could modify her own technique to compensate for the slight variations resulting from the curved-hilt's usage. Jedi Knight Johun Othone considered her a terrifying figure to behold on the battlefield. She eschewed the use of armor, a common trait among Echani, relying solely on the blue-bladed lightsabers in each hand for protection.

However, Raskta Lsu demonstrated significantly less talent in Force applications. She had traded all study in the ways of the Force for exclusive devotion to lightsaber training. As a result, her melee skills largely compensated for her limited Force abilities.

In battle, Lsu required shielding from others while she eliminated her foes. During her duel with Darth Bane, she was nearly killed by a Force Wave, saved only by Farfalla's shield. However, Bane's Force Wave technique was incredibly advanced, and Lsu would have died on the edge of a sharp rock. The presence of a Jedi proficient in battle meditation amplified Lsu's fighting prowess exponentially, though she remained a formidable combatant even without such support, and was the only participant who could face Darth Bane, even with her comrades also boosted by Worror's technique.

Despite her extensive combat experience, Lsu's natural danger sense instincts did not protect her from Zannah, who used a spell of concealment to mask her approach, leading to the Echani's demise.

Behind the scenes

Author Drew Karpyshyn conceived the character of Raskta Lsu for the second novel in his Darth Bane series, titled Rule of Two, which was released in 2007. In 2012, she received her first visual depiction in the reference book The Essential Guide to Warfare, in an image created by the artist Chris Scalf.

