Worror Dowmat

Worror Dowmat was a male Ithorian Jedi Master. With a background as a healer, he stood out among other Jedi because he never used a lightsaber. Instead, he aided his comrades in battle using his skills in Jedi battle meditation. As one of the many Jedi who fought against Lord Kaan's Brotherhood of Darkness during the New Sith Wars, Worror fought alongside well-known Masters like Lord Valenthyne Farfalla. During the final campaign of the war, Worror worked with Lord Hoth.

Worror's time as a Jedi Master came to an end in 990 BBY. He joined a team led by Farfalla that went to the planet Tython to take out the last Sith Lords from the Sith War, Darth Bane, and his apprentice Zannah. The Jedi thought their larger numbers would guarantee a win, but they didn't expect how strong Bane was or how clever his apprentice was. They were soon beaten by the Sith's power during their fight on Tython. Worror met his end with his companions, after Darth Bane cut his four throats with his lightsaber.


New Sith Wars

During the era of the New Sith Wars, there existed an Ithorian Jedi known as Worror Dowmat. Most of his acquaintances addressed him solely by his given name, as the complete pronunciation of his surname was exclusive to members of his native species, owing to their possession of four throats and two mouths. As a Master, Worror distinguished himself from his contemporaries by foregoing the traditional lightsaber. Instead, he opted to serve the Order as a healer, enlisting in the Jedi's Army of Light. His skills were frequently utilized, as the war resulted in numerous Jedi sustaining injuries in battles against the forces of Lord Kaan's Brotherhood of Darkness. During the Ruusan campaign, Worror acted as an advisor to General Hoth, the leader of the Army of Light, and his proficiency with Jedi battle meditation proved crucial in securing many victories under Hoth's command. Having also fought alongside Lord Valenthyne Farfalla, the Ithorian was widely recognized as a valuable asset to the Jedi's war efforts. The war reached its climax on Ruusan, where the Jedi ultimately triumphed over Kaan's Sith, although they suffered significant losses, including Worror's colleague, Lord Hoth.

Mission to Tython

A decade transpired following the conclusion of the war, during which the Jedi held the belief that the Sith had been entirely eradicated during the decisive battle on Ruusan. It was there that Kaan and his Dark Lords unleashed the devastating thought bomb. However, whispers of surviving Sith emerged when Farfalla's former Padawan, Johun Othone, brought a young man to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. This man possessed evidence indicating that at least two Sith Lords had indeed survived the destruction on Ruusan. Remembering his pledge to Lord Hoth to eliminate the Sith, Farfalla enlisted Master Worror, along with the Echani Weapon Master Raskta Lsu, to accompany him to the ancient Jedi homeworld of Tython; their mission was to eradicate the Sith once and for all.

Dowmat assisted his fellow Jedi during their duel with the Sith.

Worror joined Farfalla, Othone, Lsu, and her own apprentice Sarro Xaj aboard Lsu's ship, the Justice Crusader, where he served as the ship's navigator. He charted a treacherous course through space into the Deep Core. Lsu expressed concerns about the reliability of the hyperspace lane to Tython, but Worror assured her of its safety, and the team proceeded into the Core. Upon arriving on Tython, closely following their targets, the Jedi landed the Crusader and entered the temple of Belia Darzu, where the two Sith Lords were located. Given the temple's two entrances, Farfalla devised a plan to prevent the Sith from escaping. Knights Othone and Xaj were to enter through one door, while he and Lsu would enter through the other. Worror, armed only with the Force, was to follow behind the other Masters, providing support with his battle meditation, as he had done during the war. Upon entering, combat immediately broke out between the Jedi and Darths Bane and Zannah. Meanwhile, Worror found a corner of the room where he could focus on his meditations while staying out of the immediate conflict.

Despite Bane's aggressive offensive dueling style and Zannah's nearly impenetrable defensive tactics, Worror's battle meditation effectively enhanced his allies' abilities, maintaining the Jedi's advantage in the battle. However, when Bane realized that Worror was the source of the Jedi's empowerment, he attempted to eliminate the Ithorian. Worror's life was spared when Othone pushed him out of harm's way, but this disrupted Worror's concentration. The effects were immediately felt by the Jedi, and Xaj, Lsu, and Farfalla were swiftly defeated. With no one left to defend him, Bane simultaneously slashed Worror's four throats, inflicting mortal wounds. The Dark Lord was about to finish Othone with a barrage of Force lightning, but in a final act of defiance, Worror trapped both himself and Bane in a bubble of Force energy, causing the lightning to ricochet within. Although Worror succumbed to his injuries, his bubble caused Bane to endure the full force of his own lightning attack, leaving the Dark Lord severely weakened and on the verge of death.


After his death on Tython, the Jedi High Council, informed about Darth Bane's existence by Caleb of Ambria dispatched a team of Jedi, including Masters Tho'natu and Obba to eliminate him. On Ambria, at Caleb's camp, the Jedi discovered the lightsaber hilts of the fallen Jedi, including Master Worror's. Upon the team's arrival, they were attacked by an insane Darovit, whom they believed to be Bane suffering from prolonged exposure to the orbalisk armor. After killing him, they concluded that the Sith were extinct and returned the lightsaber hilts to the Temple.

Once back at the Temple, the Jedi established a memorial to honor those Jedi who had been responsible for the destruction of the Sith. All five Jedi's lightsaber hilts were embedded into a large white stone block within the gardens surrounding the base of the Tower of First Knowledge. Beneath each hilt was an image of its wielder, along with their name.

Personality and traits

Despite his infrequent speech, Worror possessed a resonant, deep Ithorian voice that echoed throughout the hull of Lsu's Justice Crusader. He was a devoted Jedi who never hesitated to answer the call to action. This was evident during the New Sith Wars, where he engaged in battle armed only with the Force. He was trusted by his peers and General Hoth, who valued Worror as one of his closest advisors during the Ruusan Campaign, holding his counsel in high regard. He understood the necessity of eradicating the Sith and was among those chosen by Farfalla to seek them out on Tython. However, Worror's decision not to carry a weapon contributed to his demise; when his allies fell in battle against Darth Bane, he was unable to defend himself from the Dark Lord's lightsaber strikes.

Powers and abilities

Master Worror was skilled in the operation of interstellar spacecraft, serving as the ship's navigator during galactic travels. His piloting abilities were demonstrated when he successfully guided the Justice Crusader through the dangerous hyperspace lane to Tython.

As a warrior, Worror's strengths lay not in offense, but rather in the defense and support of his comrades. Worror was unique among members of the Jedi Order in that he never carried the traditional weapon of his brethren, the lightsaber, nor did he ever wield one in battle. Instead, the Ithorian Master chose to refine his mastery of the Force and apply it in a supporting role for his colleagues when necessary. He was adept in Jedi battle meditation, a skill he implemented to considerable effect during his service with Lord Farfalla on several occasions. While Worror lacked the ability to influence the outcome of large-scale conflicts, his meditation proficiency was well-suited for close-combat situations, such as smaller skirmishes and confrontations. Complete focus was essential on his part, and any external disturbance would disrupt his concentration, causing the empowerment he was providing to cease until he could regain his focus. He was guarded in combat by other Jedi to prevent the enemy from attacking him, thereby nullifying the empowerment of his allies.

A skill attributed to his Ithorian anatomy, Worror could channel the Force through his four throats to create a powerful, offensive, sonic weapon. Worror was also proficient in creating defensive protection bubbles through the Force. However, in a creative display, he utilized a protection bubble offensively to trap Darth Bane, in order to shield the fallen Johun Othone from the Dark Lord's Sith lightning. This unconventional application of a normally defensive Force ability would prove to be Bane's downfall; trapped within the bubble, the Dark Lord suffered the full brunt of his own lightning attack, which nearly killed him.

Behind the scenes

Author Drew Karpyshyn conceived the character of Worror for the second novel in his Darth Bane series, titled Rule of Two. Karpyshyn explored a portion of Worror's backstory, although this remains his first and only appearance to date. In the novel, he is only given one line of dialogue.

