A Protection Bubble, also known as a bubble of safety, represented a Force ability, likely connected to the Force barrier skill. This power allowed a Force user to generate a protective sphere around their person. Descriptions portray it as a shimmering globe of blue energy. It was capable of shielding against various forms of assault, including deflecting laser fire, guarding against lightsabers, providing protection from vacuums, and even inflicting some damage upon physical contact with adversaries. Protection bubbles could also be applied in an offensive manner. If a user were to enclose an opponent within a Protection bubble, the attacker might become a casualty of their own offensive action, trapped within the blast radius. However, maintaining the bubble demanded significant focus, often necessitating the user to remain briefly immobile during its activation, and sometimes, completely still to sustain it.
Darth Bane and Kas'im, his former lightsaber combat instructor, engaged in a duel on Lehon after Bane's departure from the Brotherhood of Darkness, leading to Kas'im being dispatched to eliminate him. Bane initially gained the upper hand against Kas'im's double-bladed lightsaber with ease, until Kas'im switched to his Jar'Kai fighting style. Bane quickly lost ground, retreating from the Temple of the Ancients. Subsequently, Bane unleashed a powerful shockwave. Kas'im deployed a protection bubble to survive the shockwave, but the collapse of the temple resulted in his death by crushing.
In an act of ingenuity and desperation, the Ithorian Jedi Master Worror employed a Protection bubble to restrain Darth Bane during the final moments of their duel on Tython. Worror encased both himself and Bane within the bubble to shield Johun Othone from the Dark Lord's assault of Force lightning. However, the lightning lacked the power to penetrate the bubble; rather than reaching its intended target (Othone), it rebounded off the bubble's inner surface, resulting in Worror's death and causing severe electrocution to Darth Bane.
Talzin in a protection bubble.
Mother Talzin, a Dathomirian Nightsister, demonstrated a variation of the protection bubble during the Battle of Dathomir. In line with other Nightsister magicks, the shield exhibited a green hue. It served to deflect blaster bolts from approaching battle droids and was employed in conjunction with Force lightning.
Cin Drallig utilized this Force technique as a means of self-preservation during his meditative healing process amidst his confrontation with Darth Vader within the Jedi Temple.
Tash Arranda instinctively called upon this ability to resist the Enzeen. Subsequently, with greater conscious control, she employed it to shield herself from Spore. Her untrained application of the power resulted in brief durations, with the bubble collapsing after only a few seconds on each occasion.
Sith Lord Darth Azard possessed considerable skill in employing this technique, utilizing it to safeguard himself from both an explosion and a subsequent fall following his duel with Imperial Knight Treis Sinde. Sinde himself made use of a protection bubble while providing assistance to Mon Calamari refugees on Dac. Furthermore, Cade Skywalker employed this ability to shield both himself and Deliah Blue after the self-destruction of Darth Maladi's laboratory.