Spore, a fusion of Vesuvague and Bafforr tree genetic material, was confined to an asteroid by the Ithorians during the era known as the Golden Age of the Old Republic.
The origin of Spore lies in the efforts of Ithorian botanists. They sought to combine the genetic makeup of a Vesuvague tree and a bafforr tree, along with other biological components, in order to engineer a sapient plant. However, the result was a being that absorbed the minds of others to fuel its own intellect and destructive nature. This entity possessed the ability to enhance its power by assimilating the consciousnesses of virtually any living organism. It was believed that Spore could simultaneously control the minds of thousands of individuals.
The crisis began in 439 BBY (404BrS:4:11). Even with the assistance of the Jedi Knights, it took the Ithorians over a century to subdue and contain Spore. Ultimately, they entombed the entity within an asteroid, where the harsh vacuum of space forced it into a state of dormancy.
The Ithorians, bound by their unwavering commitment to the Law of Life, chose not to terminate Spore. When Mining Station Alpha was established on the asteroid for mineral extraction, the Ithorians maintained vigilant oversight, fearing the discovery of Spore's prison. Regrettably, Hodge and his team unearthed the tomb shortly after the Battle of Yavin.
Upon its release, Spore's dark influence resonated through the Force. Emperor Palpatine dispatched the Dark Jedi Jerec to capture Spore. However, the hybrid had already broken free from its confinement and taken refuge within the body of the mining chief, Hodge. The Ithorian Fandomar, overcome with dread, desperately attempted to flee the asteroid before Spore could spread its infection, but her efforts were in vain.
She unwittingly transported Hodge—and Spore—back to Ithor, where Spore launched an assault on the rescue party sent to retrieve them. Dark tendrils erupted from Hodge's mouth and eyes, ensnaring the Ithorians and eventually capturing the Shi'ido Mammon Hoole and Zak Arranda. Contact with each tendril resulted in immediate infection. Spore exhibited patience, confident that it would eventually infiltrate an Ithorian herdship. Jerec intercepted Spore on Ithor, offering it passage off the planet in exchange for infecting the crew of the Vengeance and enslaving them to his will. Spore initially attacked Jerec, but Jerec, wielding the power of the Dark side of the Force, easily repelled Spore's tendril. Spore then feigned agreement, harboring no intention of serving Jerec for long. Spore then attempted to seize Tash Arranda and Fandomar Nadon, but they lured Spore into an asteroid belt teeming with space slugs. The space slugs attacked and disabled the Vengeance's deflector shields. The ensuing bombardment of asteroids breached the Vengeance's hull, exposing it to the vacuum of space.