
The Shi'ido were a sentient species of shapeshifters originating from the planet of Lao-mon. Mammon Hoole, who held the title of Senior Anthropologist, was a Shi'ido. He utilized his unique abilities to infiltrate and observe various other alien species.

Biology and appearance

A Shi'ido

The biology of the enigmatic Shi'ido was largely a mystery. In their true forms, they appeared as humanoids characterized by pale skin, expansive mouths, and deeply recessed eyes. Their entire physical structure was remarkably flexible, and their skeletons consisted of exceptionally thin, yet remarkably dense, bone. Their tendons possessed the unique ability to detach and be repositioned within their bodies at will.

Thanks to their malleable form, Shi'ido possessed the capability to mimic almost any object or living being, including Humans and Rodians. They could also dramatically increase their overall size, a feat accomplished by hidden reserves of flesh within their bodies that aided in these transformations. Furthermore, Shi'ido could alter the texture of their skin to resemble materials like rocks, trees, scales, or fur. Mammon Hoole, the Senior Anthropologist and a member of this species, claimed to have once assumed the forms of both a Hutt and a Whaladon. However, it was known that attempting to significantly increase their size in this manner could result in the Shi'ido being trapped in that form for a period ranging from several weeks to several months. Unlike Clawdites, Shi'ido were not restricted to mimicking humanoid species and experienced no pain or discomfort during their transformations. Moreover, Shi'ido did not automatically revert to their natural form upon becoming fatigued or incapacitated, as Clawdites did.

Shi'ido enjoyed exceptionally long lifespans, potentially reaching 500 [years](/article/standard_year-legends], and were considered adults at the age of 61. Their shapeshifting abilities improved with age, becoming both more refined and easier to execute. Younger Shi'ido were limited to changing their skin color and imitating species of similar shape, while those over 150 years old could transform into almost any alien species or creature, from small to large.

To perfect the illusion, Shi'ido also possessed a form of telepathy. They employed this ability to project false impressions onto other species, masking any inconsistencies in their transformations. This was particularly useful when studying species that relied on scent for identification, as a Shi'ido could project the sensation of possessing the same scent. However, their telepathy demanded intense concentration, and any distraction could cause them to lose control. Like their shapeshifting abilities, this telepathic ability grew stronger with age.

Society and culture

Dark Lord of the Sith, Belia Darzu

The Shi'ido evolved on the planet Lao-mon, which they referred to as Sh'shuun, situated within the Unknown Regions. While they possessed a native language and readily learned other languages such as Basic, some xenobiologists were still debating the existence of a written form of Shi'idese as late as 0 BBY. They referred to their inherent shapeshifting abilities as "skinshifting."

Shi'ido were known for being a reserved yet inquisitive species. They generally avoided confrontations with other species, especially on their homeworld. Despite their secretive nature, some Shi'ido, particularly those of advanced age, found it difficult to resist the temptation to explore the galaxy and study other cultures. Although their secretive nature and natural abilities often led them to be perceived as thieves, assassins, and spies, such individuals were actually quite rare among the Shi'ido.

The Shi'ido maintained a democratic government that chose to remain isolated from all galactic powers.

Their culture emphasized the importance of extended family, considering all relatives to be part of their immediate family unit. This explains why Mammon Hoole felt obligated to care for the young Humans Tash and Zak Arranda after the death of their parents. In reality, Hoole's connection to the children was only through his brother's marriage to their aunt, Beryl.


The Shi'ido civilization thrived on Lao-mon, a planet located in the Unknown Regions. According to Mammon Hoole, whenever scout ships approached the planet, the Shi'ido population would disguise themselves as rocks or trees to remain hidden, or transform into monstrous creatures to frighten away potential colonists. Their democratic government made the decision to remain apart from galactic affairs, a policy that persisted at least until the era of the New Republic.

Belia Darzu, a Shi'ido who ventured into the wider galaxy, rose to become a Dark Lord of the Sith during the Sictis Wars. She held this position from 1250 to 1230 BBY. Despite her prowess in the Force and her creation of monstrous beings known as Technobeasts, she was ultimately killed by her fellow Sith Lords, poisoned by the Mecrosa Order.

Around 1000 BBY, the Jedi textbook The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force mentioned the Shi'ido, cautioning students that influencing them with the Force was extremely challenging and that they should not be underestimated as adversaries.

In 67 BBY, a Force-sensitive Shi'ido used his abilities to cheat in a series of casinos across the galaxy, providing funds for the heavily indebted Kerred Santhe the Second. His Force sensitivity attracted the attention of the Bith aspiring Sith Lord Darth Venamis, who considered the Shi'ido as a potential apprentice. Following Venamis's defeat and incapacitation by Darth Plagueis, the Muun Sith Lord tracked down the Shi'ido to a casino in Lianna City. Plagueis confronted the Shi'ido and threatened him into disappearing to a place where neither the Galactic Gaming Commission nor Plagueis would be able to find him.

In 27 BBY, a group of Shi'ido mercenaries employed by the former Jedi Knight Reess Kairn encountered the bounty hunter Aurra Sing, but they were all killed by her.

During the Clone Wars, two Shi'ido, Mammon Hoole and Borborygmus Gog, served the Galactic Republic. Both worked to combat the biological weapons developed by the Confederacy of Independent Systems. After the rise of the Galactic Empire, both Shi'ido continued in their roles, although their differing beliefs led them down very different paths. Another Shi'ido, Vandolae, also served the New Order, but he was killed by smugglers while impersonating one of their own.

