Enzeen, infrequently seen blue-skinned humanoids, resided on D'vouran, despite not being native to that planet. Instead of hair, they possessed needle-like spikes atop their heads, and their bodies were somewhat plump. As a component of Project Starscream, a group of Enzeen was moved to D'vouran by Borborygmus Gog. They developed a mutually beneficial association with Gog's genetically engineered world. These Enzeen lured sightseers to the world, guiding them into the woods for the planet to consume. In exchange, the planet furnished nourishment, which the Enzeen extracted from its surface utilizing their elongated, tube-shaped tongues. Every Enzeen on D'vouran wore small pendants that generated protective energy shields, preventing the planet from devouring them. It was thought that Enzeen originated from a world that remains unknown, although some hypothesized that the Enzeen were a bioengineered race themselves.