Project Starscream was a set of scientific trials executed under the auspices of the Galactic Empire. The primary goal of this project was the creation of a supersoldier army for the Empire's military forces. Key scientists involved included the Shi'ido project supervisor, Borborygmus Gog, and the infamous criminal Doctor Cornelius Evazan, who was brought in because of his specialized knowledge of dead tissue reanimation. Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader took a direct, hands-on approach to monitoring the progress of the project.
The project involved five major preliminary experiments: an attempt to seize control of the sentient planet D'vouran, Evazan's reanimation experiments conducted on Necropolis, research into a virulent plague on Gobindi, the development of a "Nightmare Machine" located on Hologram Fun World, and the deployment of an "Essence Stealer" on Nespis VIII. Some of the work stretched back to the Empire's earliest days. However, not all were successful, as Gog and his Shi'ido colleague Mammon Hoole's life-study experiments extinguished all life on the planet Kiva, leaving only wraiths in its wake. Although Hoole felt responsible for the catastrophe and went into self-imposed exile for many years, Gog and Palpatine had intentionally engineered the experiment to eliminate the Kivan population.
In 0 ABY, Mammon Hoole, along with his young Human proteges, Tash and Zak Arranda, stumbled upon the Project Starscream experiments during their travels, and they successfully disrupted or terminated each of them. While these encounters might have seemed coincidental to his adopted relatives, Hoole was consciously trying to make amends for the devastation on Kiva by dismantling the project that had evolved from those initial experiments.
Ultimately, their journey led them to the planet Kiva, where they allied with a Rebel group led by the Heroes of Yavin to destroy the project. On Kiva, they encountered a powerful entity called Eppon, who was intended to be the prototype for an army of similar beings. Tash Arranda utilized her Force sensitivity to persuade Eppon to turn against Borborygmus Gog, which compelled Gog to destroy his own creation. Subsequently, Gog was killed by the wraiths, who had discovered that he and Palpatine (not Hoole) were the ones responsible for the Kivan genocide.