The Army of Terror represented the final stage of Project Starscream. This group comprised bio-engineered weapons designed to be immortal, capable of shapeshifting at will, able to discern the thoughts of their prey and exploit their greatest anxieties, becoming more powerful with each consumption, and resistant to the Force—although this final trait was never fully realized. They were programmed to obey any command given by their creator. In their early stages, these beings resembled ordinary Humans, but they were destined to transform into grotesque, monstrous figures clad in purple, scale-like armor. Their growth was extremely fast, and they sustained themselves by devouring other life forms. Luckily, only a single prototype was produced by Borborygmus Gog, the Shi'ido overseeing the project. Tash Arranda named this prototype Eppon, initially oblivious to the child's real identity. In the end, with Tash's assistance, a fully-grown Eppon rebelled against his master, but Gog activated a small explosive device implanted within his [brain](/article/brain/legends] from a distance, resulting in the destruction of a large portion of Eppon's body and his death.