
D'vouran existed as a free-floating planet within the galaxy, known for its insatiable hunger and consumption of anything that came within its reach.


The Enzeen, a parasitic species characterized by their blue skin and spiky hair, were the sole permanent residents. They maintained a symbiotic existence with D'vouran, drawing sustenance directly from the planet's resources. These beings were not native, having been transplanted to D'vouran by Borborygmus Gog. The Enzeen could often be heard making slurping sounds in the darkness of night. These sounds came from them using their tubular tongues to extract nutrients from the planetary soil. The planet sustained them, because they attracted more food to the planet.

At D'vouran's center, the digestion of beings proceeded slowly, with the planet meticulously extracting every last nutrient. This agonizing process was designed to last for a full week. The planet consumed beings through small openings in the ground, leaving no sign of the victim's demise. Suffocation was the most common cause of death during this consumption. Those unfortunate enough to be cast into the Heart of D'vouran endured a week-long, torturous digestion.

Despite their claim that "Our Goal is to Serve", the Enzeen's true intention was to serve any visitor to D'vouran as food to the planet. Protection from the planet's consumption could be achieved by hovering above its surface (avoiding ground contact) or by wearing a specially designed amulet. This so-called amulet was, in reality, a field generator. This generator, a creation of D'vouran's original scientists, shielded them from both laser fire and the planet itself. However, Chood, the Enzeen leader, inadvertently cast the generator into the planet's heart when he fell in with the other Enzeen. The generator's power caused chaos within the planet's core, transforming the surface into a molten mud-like substance.


Before it developed its ravenous nature, D'vouran existed as a beautiful world with blue-green hues. The Misanthrope, under the command of Captain Kevreb Bebo, discovered the planet and subsequently crash-landed. Following the unexplained disappearances of crew members, Imperial reports indicated that all but the captain had perished in the crash. However, the majority of the crew had survived and issued a distress signal. As the crew continued to vanish, they sought a secure location.

The crew discovered an Imperial outpost and established it as their base of operations. Despite this, the crew still needed to periodically check the distress beacon. Those who ventured to check the beacon never returned. Eventually, only two crew members remained: Bebo and his companion, Lonni. Lonni initially refused to leave their shelter until Bebo assured her of their safety. Ironically, the planet consumed her upon her exit.

It was later revealed that D'vouran was the first of six scientific experiments within Project Starscream, overseen by Borborygmus Gog. However, the planet spiraled out of control due to the overwhelming power released when it consumed the field generator, leading to its apparent destruction. The reality was that the planet had been transported to a different star system. Although the planet's surface was covered in lava-like mud after it consumed the amulet, it was later restored to its original form. A pilot rediscovered the planet in its new location.

