Orbalisk armor

Armor known as Orbalisk armor was made up of orbalisks, which were nearly indestructible parasites that came from Dxun. These parasites had incredibly tough shells and could even block lightsabers. These creatures used thousands of small teeth to attach themselves to a body, and they sustained themselves by feeding on the dark side of the Force within the host.

Darth Bane and Freedon Nadd are the only known individuals who utilized orbalisk armor. During a duel against five Jedi, some of the orbalisks on Bane's armor perished. His own Force lightning, redirected back at him by a dying Jedi master, was the cause. Caleb's healing abilities allowed Bane to survive, thanks to a deal Caleb had made with Bane's apprentice, Darth Zannah.


The Darth Bane orbalisks provided incredible healing capabilities to their host, along with greatly increased strength and agility. However, they also prevented him from using stealth, a crucial skill for a Sith. Because the orbalisks were so conspicuous, Bane had to rely on his apprentice, Darth Zannah, for tasks that required discretion, such as gathering supplies and information.

Bane could utilize the orbalisks' capacity to flood his system with adrenaline, creating a consistent cycle of power that amplified his connection to the dark side. If the host continually gathered the Force and released it into the orbalisks, they could erupt in a fit of rage, destroying anything or anyone nearby. It was thought that if the host could control the orbalisks, they could constantly draw power from them, becoming an unstoppable force. In battle, if an orbalisk was killed, it would inject chemicals into the host, leading to death within days by breaking them down at a subatomic level. Despite this danger, orbalisks could withstand the concentrated force of eight force pikes set to maximum power, causing minimal harm to the host.

To prevent the orbalisks from eventually covering his eyes, nose, and mouth and suffocating him, Bane was also compelled to wear a specially designed helmet and mask while sleeping.

