Anoon Bondara was a Jedi Master of the Rutian Twi'lek species, a male who could wield the Force. He dedicated his life to the service of the Jedi Order during the final years of the Galactic Republic. After becoming a Jedi instructor, Bondara imparted his knowledge of lightsaber combat to numerous students. Furthermore, he held the position of Jedi Watchman overseeing the Ryloth system.

Anoon Bondara, who possessed Force-sensitivity, underwent instruction in the ways of the Force by the Jedi Order, eventually attaining the rank of Jedi Knight. As a contemporary of Qui-Gon Jinn, Jedi Bondara earned the respect of his fellow Jedi and established himself as a formidable warrior. Through years of studying the path of the Jedi Guardian, Bondara achieved such proficiency with a lightsaber that many considered him the most skilled practitioner of the weapon within the Order. After reaching the rank of Jedi Master, Bondara accepted the role of Watchman for the Ryloth system, residing among the Twi'leks of Ryloth and maintaining order within the system. Eventually, he relinquished this position and was nominated by the acting Temple Battlemaster to serve as an instructor at the Coruscant Jedi Temple. In addition to his responsibilities at the academy, Bondara successfully trained three Padawans, each of whom went on to become a Knight. He also instructed Jedi Initiates such as Obi-Wan Kenobi, and in addition to studying the lightsaber, he became a Weapon Master through his mastery of the Teräs Käsi martial arts form.
Darsha Assant was Master Bondara's fourth and last Padawan, and she received training at the Temple on Coruscant while the seasoned Twi'lek continued his teaching duties there. By 32 BBY, Padawan Assant had progressed to the point where the Jedi High Council determined that she had learned all she could from Bondara and was prepared to face the Trials of Knighthood. Instead of the traditional Trials at the Temple, the High Council tasked Assant with venturing into Coruscant's Crimson Corridor to escort the Fondorian informant Oolth back to the Temple for questioning. Although Bondara disagreed with the Council's decision, he was obligated to allow her to proceed. He was on standby in his quarters when a distressed Assant returned without the informant. After she recounted the Fondorian's descent into the Coruscant underworld, Master Bondora agreed to accompany his student in search of the body. As the pair recovered the man's corpse, they witnessed a tattooed Zabrak pursuing Lorn Pavan and I-5YQ. The Jedi rescued the fleeing Human and droid in their airspeeder and promptly questioned them about the reason for the pursuit. Realizing that the Zabrak was in pursuit, Master Bondara left Assant at the controls of the speeder and leaped out the window, landing on the front of the Zabrak's speeder bike.
Bondara ignited his lightsaber and forced the assassin to crash onto a pedwalk, engaging the tattooed Zabrak in a lightsaber duel. Despite Bondara's mastery of lightsaber combat, it became apparent that he was unlikely to win. Seeing no other option, Bondara made the ultimate sacrifice by detonating a speeder bike in an attempt to eliminate his opponent in the resulting explosion. While Bondara perished in the blast, the assassin, who was actually the secret Sith apprentice Darth Maul, survived the explosion with only minor injuries.
Anoon Bondara's proficiency with a lightsaber as a Jedi Guardian was so advanced that he earned the title of Weapons Master. In addition to his mastery of Teräs Käsi, the Twi'lek favored the Juyo form. As he was ambidextrous, he had some skill with Jar'Kai. Despite his martial prowess, he proved to be no match for Darth Maul, who was also a Teräs Käsi practitioner.
Beyond his swordsmanship, Bondara possessed some skill in the Force. He was capable of using the mind trick, telekinesis, battlemind, Force empathy, Force sight, and serenity.
Bondara also demonstrated proficiency in languages, including his native Twi'leki and Lekku, Basic, and Huttese.
In both of Bondara's appearances, he is portrayed as possessing lightsaber skills that are second to none. This has led some to speculate that Anoon Bondara may have been the Jedi Battlemaster before Cin Drallig. This theory is supported by the aforementioned information, the fact that he served as a lightsaber instructor to Jedi Initiates and Padawans such as Obi-Wan Kenobi, and that he died in 32 BBY, the same year that Cin Drallig assumed the role of Battlemaster.
A lightsaber crystal named after him, Bondara's Folly, is available for players to use in Star Wars Galaxies.