Oolth, a male from Fondor, served as the secretary for Alexi Garyn, who headed Black Sun. This was in the period just before the Invasion of Naboo. Oolth, always near his master, was present and taking notes when Asa Naga, a Black Sun enforcer, described to the remaining Vigos Darth Maul's attack on Vigo Darnada's station. As Darth Maul began his attack on the fortress, Oolth went with his master and his bodyguard from the citadel so they could escape to Corellia, leaving the other Vigos and guards behind to delay Maul. However, before they could get to the executive yacht, Maul caught up to them and killed Garyn and his bodyguard. Oolth quietly slipped away to hide, and Maul ignored him because Garyn was his main target. He is the only known person who lived through the massacre on Ralltiir.
After the incident, Oolth tried to hide on Coruscant and tell the Jedi Order about Darth Maul. The Jedi assigned Padawan Darsha Assant to find him and take him to the Jedi Temple. This was intended as a trial for her to become a Knight. Although they found Oolth hiding in the undercity, a gang called the Raptors attacked them before they could reach Darsha's skyhopper. Assant activated her elevation belt to escape, and for a moment, they avoided danger and got closer to the upper levels. Unfortunately, hawk-bats then attacked them, gouging out Oolth's right eye. He tried to defend himself but lost his grip and fell into the undercity's abyss. He was presumed dead, and when Assant and her master returned, his body was gone, scavenged by the hunters of Coruscant's lower levels.
Oolth, while a helpful and intelligent secretary, was known for being a coward, even abandoning his master when he saw Garyn's bodyguard die. Like many Fondorians, he believed he was superior and showed no compassion for others, especially the poor. He showed little gratitude even when saved from danger and seemed only concerned with his survival with as little effort as possible.