Darsha Assant was a Human female Jedi Padawan who used a yellow-colored lightsaber. She served as the apprentice to Master Anoon Bondara before the events of the Battle of Naboo.
She met her end at the hands of Darth Maul, becoming one of many Jedi to fall victim to him, during a mission that, had it succeeded, likely would have resulted in her promotion to Knighthood.
Identified as Force-sensitive, Darsha Assant, a Human, was found as an orphan on her home planet of Alderaan at the age of two by Jedi Master Anoon Bondara. Bondara brought the young Assant to the Coruscant Jedi Temple, where she received education in the ways of the Force from the Jedi Order's most skilled instructors, including Master Qui-Gon Jinn. After completing her studies at the Temple academy, Assant was chosen by Master Bondara to continue her training as his Padawan.
During her time training with Bondara, Padawan Assant constructed her own lightsaber that emitted a yellow blade, which she wielded with both courage and skill. In one training bout, she even defeated fellow Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi. After years of study with Master Bondara to become a Guardian, her Twi'lek master deemed her ready to undertake the Trials of Knighthood and recommended her for knighting to the Jedi High Council.
Before the High Council, Master of the Order Mace Windu assigned Assant the task of rescuing the Fondorian informant Oolth from the depths of Coruscant's undercity. Success in this mission would earn her the rank of Jedi Knight from the High Council. While Assant was eager to take on her first solo mission, her master felt it was too dangerous for her, but he deferred to the High Council's judgment.
Venturing into the most dangerous area of the Crimson Corridor, Assant tried to bring Oolth back to her skyhopper, which had fallen into the hands of the notorious Raptors, a brutal criminal gang. Using the Force to influence the minds of the numerous Raptor criminals, she made her way to the skyhopper. However, Oolth's screams from a nearby alley interrupted her progress; an armored rat was biting his leg. This broke her concentration, severing her connection to the Raptor gang. Assant was compelled to fight off her attackers with her lightsaber, severing limbs and inflicting injuries that caused many Raptors to flee from her fierce defense. During the chaos, a Raptor's vibroblade damaged the skyhopper's control panel, rendering it unusable. After rescuing Oolth from the rat and discovering the damage to the skyhopper, Assant realized they needed to ascend at least 20 meters through the fog layer to escape the lower levels of the Crimson Corridor and arrange transport back to the Jedi Temple. One or two of the Raptor gang still hadn't given up the previous assault and began firing on Assant and Oolth. Assant fired her ascension gun above the fog layer to where the grappling hook would find purchase on the ledge of the nearest building. As they ascended with Oolth wrapped around Assant's body, they ran into a nest of the extremely territorial hawk-bats, that were defending a nearby nest. The hawk-bats began pecking at Assant & the Fondorian through the ascent up the building, causing deep cuts on both and eventually pecking out Oolth's eye, among other injuries. He let go of Assant to fight off the hawk-bats, and fell 10-15 meters to the pavement below, killing him. Assant used her lightsaber to break a glass window into the building to escape the hawk-bats' rage.
Having failed in her task, Assant returned to the Temple and confessed her failure to her master. She anticipated anger from her master and the Council, but he was simply relieved to see her alive. Unconvinced of Oolth's death, Master Bondara accompanied Assant back to the area to search for the informant. Finding only a bloodstain on the pavement, Bondara and Assant sensed a disturbance in the Force nearby. They flew their speeder to the source and witnessed Darth Maul using his Force Leap to pursue Lorn Pavan and I-5YQ. Darth Maul had just assassinated Hath Monchar, an employee of the Trade Federation, but left a Sith Holocron containing information about the Trade Federation's embargo of Naboo in Monchar's open safe. Lorn Pavan retrieved this Sith Holocron when he was about to visit Monchar but found him dead just like Yanth the Hutt whom he tried to sell the Holocron to when he was interrupted by Darth Maul who took the Sith Holocron from Yanth's dead fingers.
Now, Lorn Pavan and his droid were running from Darth Maul's force leaps. Master Bondara then managed to incapacitate Darth Maul with Bondara's speeder and rescued Lorn Pavan and I-5YQ. Darth Maul, however, recovered faster than they anticipated. As they were leaving, Maul was able to force leap and hang onto the underside of the speeder. He began to cut into the the speeder, which damaged it, preventing the speeder from ascending past level 20. Darsha Assant used a force shove powerful enough to cause Maul to lose his grip and drop to the ground. Darth Maul proceeded to follow the speeder with a speederbike of his own but Bondara jumped onto Maul's speeder and engaged in a fierce lightsaber duel. Before leaping, Bondara told Assant to get back to the Jedi Temple and safeguard Lorn Pavan and I5, but Assant went to save her Master instead. Bondara fought Darth Maul on the roof of a nearby building where Maul's speederbike crashed, and, knowing he was overmatched, sent his lightsaber through Maul's speederbike into the repulsor drive housing causing the speeder bike's explosion, killing Bondara in the process and stunning Darth Maul who fell 50 stories to the pavement and remained unconscious for some time. Within the speeder skycar, Assant tried to steer away from the explosion but could not, damaging the skycar further, though I5 dragged away Lorn Pavan and Assant once the skycar settled to the Coruscant downlevel pavement just before the speeder exploded. Assant was knocked unconscious for a long while but later helped guide I5 and Lorn Pavan through the Coruscant underground to avoid Darth Maul.

After sensing her master's passing, Padawan Assant relied on Pavan to prevent herself from succumbing to despair. Finding strength in her own abilities, the group survived encounters with Cthons and a taozin, as well as Darth Maul, before returning to the main level of the Crimson Corridor. There, Lorn Pavan and Darsha Assant began to develop romantic feelings for each other, even though Lorn Pavan harbored resentment towards the Jedi for taking his Force-sensitive son, Jax Pavan, and for firing him from his job at the Jedi Temple. Subsequently, they were unknowingly lured into a trap by the Zabrak assassin in a warehouse building. While attempting to call an air taxi, Padawan Assant opened a door in the warehouse's upper level, revealing the enraged Sith Lord Maul. Assant confronted Maul in a fierce lightsaber duel while closing the door to protect Lorn Pavan and his droid.
Realizing she could not defeat Maul, despite experiencing a newfound connection to the Force as an aspiring Jedi, she detonated explosive chemicals in the warehouse rafters, hoping to kill both herself and Maul. Obi-Wan Kenobi witnessed the explosion from afar while investigating Bondara's and Assant's disappearance from the Temple. I5, the nearly sentient droid, convinced Lorn Pavan to enter a carbonite freezing machine in the warehouse, activating it just before the explosion to ensure their survival. Darth Maul was able to escape the warehouse as the explosion occurred but did not sense the survival of Lorn Pavan and I5 because they were unconscious from being frozen in carbonite.
In the vicinity of the Temple district, Tuden Sal, Lorn Pavan's friend, observed Darth Maul boarding his starship to leave Coruscant while escorting Lorn Pavan and I5 to the Jedi Temple to deliver crucial information about the Trade Federation's blockade of Naboo. Lorn Pavan requested that Tuden Sal take I5 to the Jedi Temple to deliver the important information, so Lorn Pavan could find his own starship to pursue Darth Maul and retrieve the Sith Holocron. Once Lorn Pavan was gone, Tuden Sal deactivated the almost sentient droid I-5YQ with the intention of selling him. As a result, the Jedi did not learn of the Trade Federation's blockade of Naboo until it had already begun.
Obi-Wan Kenobi was dispatched to investigate her disappearance, but upon his return, his Master instructed him to prepare immediately for a new mission: to negotiate with the Trade Federation, which had just initiated the blockade of Naboo. Kenobi delivered his somber report about the deaths of Bondara and Assant to the Jedi Council en route. Consequently, Assant's disappearance and death at the hands of the newly emerged Sith were never thoroughly investigated, allowing Darth Maul and his Master to remain hidden.
Lorn Pavan tracked Darth Maul to a space station orbiting Coruscant. Using a taozin ball to conceal himself from Maul's Force senses, Pavan ambushed Maul with a blaster set to low power, temporarily stunning him and allowing Pavan to retrieve the Sith Holocron. However, Darth Maul quickly recovered and severed Lorn Pavan's hand, though Pavan was able to escape Maul and deliver the Sith Holocron to Senator Palpatine, who he encountered on the space station in the solarium. Palpatine secured medical attention for Pavan and set him up in a moderate hotel planetside. However, Maul was provided Pavan's location and soon arrived, fulfilling his mission by executing Lorn Pavan.