Clone Sergeant, alternatively referred to as clone trooper sergeant, designated a military rank carried by clone troopers serving within the Galactic Republic's Grand Army. These sergeants were in charge of leading squads composed of nine troopers. Each platoon contained four sergeants, with each being overseen by a Clone Lieutenant. Phase I sergeants typically had armor distinguished by four green circles displayed on the left side of their chest plate, alongside a pesto-colored stripe running down each arm, vertically along the center of the helmet, and horizontally encircling the visor.
Instructions detailing the appropriate actions for clones to take should their sergeant become incapacitated and unable to fulfill their leadership duties were present in at least one clone trooper regulation manual. Individuals who held this rank included Slick from a squad, O'Niner, Stew, Crasher from the Clone Youth Brigade, Appo of the 501st Legion, Sinker from the 104th Battalion, and Hunter of Clone Force 99.