The Clone Youth Brigade represented a brigade in the Grand Army of the Republic, consisting of youthful clone cadets in the process of training to become full-fledged clone troopers. On one occasion, a unit from this Youth Brigade was dispatched for a tour of the _Venator_-class Star Destroyer named Endurance, during which the bounty hunter and clone known as Boba Fett managed to infiltrate the vessel. Fett's objective was to get retribution on the Jedi Master Mace Windu, who was responsible for the death of his father Jango Fett, who served as the genetic source for the entire clone army. After integrating himself into a clone squad which included Whiplash, Jax, Hotshot, 1151, and others, Boba Fett successfully carried out acts of sabotage on the vessel, ultimately leading to the Endurance's crash landing on the planet Vanqor.