1151 served in the Clone Youth Brigade as a clone cadet during the Clone Wars conflict.


As with all clone cadets, the Kaminoans engineered 1151 exclusively for armed forces duty. By the year 21 BBY, 1151 underwent cadet training on the Venator-class Star Destroyer Endurance. At that time, the vessel was under the leadership of Jedi General Mace Windu and Admiral Kilian. The cadets were unaware that their group had been infiltrated by Boba Fett, an aspiring bounty hunter and mercenary, who sabotaged the Star Destroyer intending to kill Windu. After a bomb that Fett placed in Windu's living quarters failed to eliminate him, Fett proceeded to destroy the reactor. Recognizing that the ship could not be salvaged, Kilian gave the command for the cadets to evacuate the ship. Crasher, a Clone Sergeant leading the tour, instructed the eight cadets to divide themselves into two groups consisting of four members each. 1151, along with three additional cadets, entered the escape pod that Crasher occupied, while Fett and the remaining three cadets boarded a separate pod.

