Clone cadet

As a rank within the Grand Army of the Republic, the title of clone cadet was bestowed upon clone troopers still undergoing instruction to become soldiers for the Galactic Republic. These cadets, originating from the extragalactic planet of Kamino, received their training at facilities like Tipoca City and other [cloning](/article/cloning] centers throughout the Kaminoan homeworld.


Education on Kamino

A juvenile clone cadet named Jax.

The Kaminoans employed the genetic code of Jango Fett to engineer a human clone army for the Galactic Republic. The clone template was modified not only for increased obedience but also for accelerated growth, a crucial element in the clone army's design that allowed them to reach adulthood in just a decade's time. During an inspection of Tipoca City, Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi observed clone cadets at varying developmental stages, including a group created roughly five years before his visit.

Within the cloning facilities of the extragalactic planet Kamino, young clone cadets underwent a concentrated and accelerated education. This training involved focus-enhancing even-class training helmets and division into teams to foster teamwork and competition. At this stage, Kaminoan scientists and fully-grown clone troopers holding the military rank of Clone Sergeant supervised the cadets.

Clone cadets experienced a rapid military education during their early accelerated years.

As the Clone Wars approached, hired mercenaries and Advanced Recon Commandos took over the supervision of older cadets, seeking out clones with exceptional skills and the potential to join the ARC troopers. Jedi Master Shaak Ti of the Jedi High Council acted as the Jedi Order's liaison to the Kaminoan government under Prime Minister Lama Su, overseeing the clone trooper training program. Before the Jedi's involvement, engineers threatened cadets with disposal for failing training. Clones exhibiting divergent behavior were placed in isolation within retraining pods. The Jedi Generals controlling the Grand Army of the Republic ended these practices, reassigning failed clones to non-combat roles such as maintenance. Sometime during the clone army's history, CT-380 and their squad participated in a training exercise emphasizing mutual support under fire.

Clone Wars

The training simulations became more rigorous as the cadets grew older and closer to becoming soldiers.

During the Clone Wars, Shaak Ti observed Domino Squad's struggles to complete their final training test. Bric, a bounty hunter and one of their trainers, suggested failing the squad and assigning them to maintenance. The Togruta Jedi Master considered this, but ultimately granted Domino cadets a second chance. After succeeding, CT-00-2010, CT-1409, CT-4040, CT-5555, and CT-782 graduated to become full clone troopers.

As the conflict escalated, the Clone Youth Brigade—a brigade comprised of young clone cadets—was permitted to leave Kamino under the supervision of Sergeant Crasher. They were dispatched to the Endurance, a Venator-class Star Destroyer in the Republic Navy, to observe battle-ready clone troopers in action as part of their training. Unbeknownst to them, Boba Fett, an unaltered clone, infiltrated their ranks with the intention to assassinate Jedi General Mace Windu.

Age of the Empire

Following the rise of the Galactic Empire, clone troopers and cadets were relocated from Kamino. According to Nala Se, the clone cadets' training would continue elsewhere, ensuring they would still become soldiers.

However, the young clones were instead imprisoned in a laboratory on the jungle planet Setron and subjected to experimentation by Doctor Royce Hemlock, the head of the Advanced Science Division. After using them as test subjects for Project Necromancer, the Empire abandoned the lab and the cadets, attempting to destroy the facility with orbital bombardment. Three clones, Mox, Deke, and Stak, survived and remained on the planet until members of Clone Force 99, specifically Hunter and Wrecker, discovered them. After aiding the two commandos in accessing a terminal within the ruins of the slither vine-infested laboratory, Hunter and Wrecker rescued the boys and transported them to the island refuge of Pabu.


Clone Cadets in training armor

During combat simulations, clone cadets wore training armor and helmets distinct from the standard battle armor used by fully trained clone troopers. The cadets' armor featured color-coded pauldrons and gauntlets, such as red for Bravo Squad and green for Domino Squad.

