
Setron existed as a planet covered in jungle terrain, located within the galaxy. Royce Hemlock, a Doctor serving the Galactic Empire, once maintained a laboratory at a station on this world.


Characterized by towering trees, Setron was a jungle planet. The landscape was rugged, featuring hills and ridges, and perpetually veiled in mist. From realspace, Setron had a green visual appearance, accompanied by a putrid odor that Wrecker likened to the stench of a jotaz.


The Imperial medical laboratory

In the early years of the Galactic Empire's reign, Royce Hemlock, a Doctor, oversaw operations at a medical laboratory situated on Setron. Clone troopers were held there as prisoners, and samples of their blood were extracted for experimentation. The Empire also developed an experimental bioweapon referred to as slither vines; however, they ultimately lost control of it, leading to the vines' infestation of Setron's jungles. A Base Delta Zero orbital bombardment was subsequently authorized to obliterate the facility, prompting the Empire to move its personnel and equipment to another location.

Later on, Hunter and Wrecker of Clone Force 99 made their way to Setron aboard their vessel, the Marauder, with the intention of locating their captured sister, Omega. Instead of finding her, they encountered three young clone cadetsDeke, Stak, and Mox – who had managed to survive the destruction of Hemlock's lab. Together, the group navigated the ruined laboratory, recovered data from its database, and eventually escaped the infested planet.

Behind the scenes

Setron made its debut in "Paths Unknown," which serves as the second episode of the third season of Star Wars: The Bad Batch. While the planet's designation was absent from the episode itself, it was subsequently revealed within the official episode guide available on

