Slither vines were a weapon of the Galactic Empire, created through bioengineering on the world of Setron.
These vines were originally developed on the planet Setron within an Imperial laboratory. They typically hung from overhead locations like ceilings or trees. While they would react to being touched, slither vines became significantly more aggressive when targeted by blaster fire. They demonstrated the ability to thrive in diverse environments, including the jungle, the remnants of their creation facility, and even underwater.
The slither vines were initially conceived as an Imperial weapon within an Imperial medical laboratory, under the supervision of Doctor Royce Hemlock. However, the Empire lost control of these organisms, leading to an evacuation and the authorization of a Base Delta Zero protocol. This involved bombarding the base from orbit with the intention of completely eradicating the slither vines. Contrary to their intentions, the vines persisted, flourishing both within the ruined facility and throughout the surrounding jungle.
Approximately around 18 BBY, the Bad Batch journeyed to Setron, seeking the laboratory where they believed their comrade, Omega, was being held captive. There, they encountered clone cadets Deke, Mox, and Stak, who offered to guide them to their camp, hoping to assist the clones in obtaining information. During their journey, Wrecker inadvertently made contact with a slither vine and was subsequently attacked. Hunter intervened, severing the vine with his knife.
Upon discovering the purpose of their visit, Deke volunteered to escort Hunter and Wrecker to the facility to gather intelligence regarding the Empire's experiments and Omega's whereabouts. During this expedition, slither vines launched an assault on them and their vessel, the Marauder. A particularly large vine attempted to consume the group, using its tendrils to latch onto the ship. However, it was ultimately destroyed by the detonation of a significant quantity of explosives within its mouth.