Paths Unknown

"Paths Unknown" represents the second installment within the third season of the animated series, Star Wars: The Bad Batch. This particular episode was initially broadcast on February 21, 2024, simultaneously with both the initial and third episodes.

Official description

Hunter and Wrecker, acting on a promising clue, stumble upon a truly surprising revelation.

Plot summary

A favor originating from the Durands

On the planet of Devaron, Roland Durand and his mother, Lady Isa Durand, are presiding over the trial of a Devaronian captain inside their fortress. Despite the captain's insistence on his innocence, Lady Durand finds him guilty of plotting against her family. The captain boldly declares that the syndicate has become weakened under her leadership. She then questions her other captains to see if they share this sentiment, but they remain silent. Lady Durand then activates a hidden trapdoor, causing the captain to fall through. A red light illuminates the area before the trapdoor closes.

Shortly thereafter, Hunter and Wrecker enter the Durand's court, bringing with them a captured Pyke. Lady Durand acknowledges their bravery in entering her court and credits her son, Roland, with persuading her to grant them an audience. Hunter then returns Roland's severed horn, explaining that they have apprehended the Pyke who has brought dishonor to the Durand family. Wrecker emphasizes that the prisoner now belongs to them, while Hunter assures the Durands that the capture cannot be traced back to them. Lady Durand instructs her guards to take the prisoner away to the dungeons. As he is being escorted away, he vows that their conflict is far from over.

Lady Durand observes that the Bad Batch must have been desperate to antagonize the Pyke Syndicate in order to acquire the information they seek, and then inquires about the details. Hunter explains that Dr. Royce Hemlock has abducted someone of great value to them, and they have heard that the Durands' syndicate possesses the necessary connections to locate the Imperials' base. He then insists that she fulfill her part of their agreement. Lady Durand then activates a bridge, and her son Roland begins to speak with the clones. He explains that Hemlock's location is heavily guarded by the Galactic Empire, but one of their sources has discovered coordinates linked to his laboratory. After Roland provides the coordinates on a chip, Lady Durand warns the clones to leave before her generosity expires. Roland offers them his best wishes in their search for their friend.

The world of jungles

The clones then depart Devaron aboard the Marauder. As they travel through hyperspace, Wrecker informs Hunter that Echo and Rex will require two rotations to meet them at their designated coordinates. Despite Hunter's impatience, Wrecker reminds him that during their previous storming of an Imperial base without backup, not everyone made it out safely. However, Hunter is unwilling to delay the rescue of Omega for even another day.

Using the coordinates provided by the Durands, the Clones journey to a jungle planet known as Setron. Upon landing their ship, Wrecker comments that the environment smells strongly of rancid Jotaz. Hunter discovers that their scanners are malfunctioning, suspecting that the Empire is employing jamming technology. Continuing their search, they come across the remains of Hemlock's laboratory, which has been obliterated by orbital bombardment.

The cadets who were lost

When Wrecker inquires if Omega was present, Hunter suggests that the Durands' information may be inaccurate and proposes that they investigate the site. While exploring the surrounding jungle, Hunter senses that they are not alone. They soon find themselves surrounded by two young clone cadets named Deke and Stak, who are armed with makeshift weapons. When the cadets demand that they identify themselves, Hunter and Wrecker remove their helmets and explain that they are fellow clones.

One of the cadets remarks that they do not appear to be clones, but the other recognizes them as defective clones. When Hunter asks what they are doing in this location, one of the cadets explains that they are survivors. When one asks if the Empire has sent them to finish them off, Wrecker assures them that they are not affiliated with the Empire. Hunter explains that they are searching for a female clone and suspects that she was brought to the lab here. One of the cadets believes that Mox will be helpful, but his comrade disagrees. Hunter pleads with the cadets for assistance, explaining that she is a member of their squad. The cadets agree to let the Bad Batch follow them but warn them to avoid touching the slither vines.

The first cadet explains that the Empire transferred them from Kamino under the guise of training, but instead transported them to the jungle planet where they were imprisoned and had samples of their blood extracted. Hunter asks about the Empire's activities at this location. The first cadet explains that the Empire destroyed the laboratory and that the cadets were among the few survivors. He adds that they have been living in the jungle ever since.

Hunter and Wrecker are then attacked by a slither vine, which ensnares the latter. Hunter manages to free Wrecker using a knife, and the four of them flee. When Wrecker asks about the vine, the first cadet explains that the slither vine was a genetically engineered weapon created by the Empire that spiraled out of control. The second cadet believes that the vines were the reason the Empire destroyed their facility with a Base Delta Zero bombardment. The cadets lead them to a crag, which the slither vines have not yet reached.

A place of safety

The cadets introduce Hunter and Wrecker to Mox, who views the defective clones with suspicion. Hunter explains that they are searching for a female clone named Omega, who was taken by Dr. Hemlock. Mox claims that he has not seen a female clone, but he recognizes Hemlock as the one in charge of the base. He explains that the Empire abandoned the facility one day. He and his fellow cadets seized the opportunity to escape, and the three of them were the only ones who survived the orbital bombardment. Mox adds that even the Clone troopers abandoned them. One of the cadets adds that the clone troopers had said that they were following orders. Wrecker says they have also lost people.

Hunter offers to take the cadets to a safe location but expresses his desire to find out where Hemlock took Omega and believes that there must be some information within the base. Stak explains that one of the base's control room panels was still intact during their last scouting mission. He attempted to use it to send a signal, but there was no power. When Hunter asks if the cadets can lead them there, Mox warns that the former base is toxic and tells Hunter and Wrecker they are on their own. Deke says the clones need help and volunteers to go with them. Mox warns of the dangers. After the clones have left, Stak remarks that he thought that Deke was the "smart one."

Entering the base

Deke informs Hunter and Wrecker that he can guide them inside the ruins but warns that they will need a power source for the console. Wrecker says they have power source aboard their ship. Deke asks about Omega. Hunter says she has been gone for too long but vows not to give up. Deke wishes the other clones cared for them and says that they may be defective but they are still loyal.

At the Marauder, Deke notices that the ship has seen action due to its dents and scorch marks. Stak remarks that he had hoped to fly a starship during a mission. Wrecker retrieves that GNK-series power droid Gonky while Deke dons a breathing mask. The clones then venture into the former Imperial base, which is heavily infested with slither vines. As they travel deeper into the base, Deke explains that he and his comrades had to cease scavenging due to the proliferation of the vines.

When Hunter asks about the nature of the Imperial experiments, Deke admits that he is unsure but says it was nothing good. As they venture further, Deke is suddenly grabbed by a vine. Hunter and Wrecker manage to free him. They soon encounter vines that have evolved into three-legged creatures. Hunter kills one, but the others quickly vanish into the darkness.

The cadets' decisions

Back at the crag, Stak suggests stealing the Bad Batch's ship, but Mox disagrees, arguing that it would make them no better than the Clone troopers who abandoned them. Mox states that he respects Hunter and Wrecker for risking their lives to save a member of their squad. Stak believes that the three clones will not survive the slither vines. He fears that if they wait for the others to return, their chance of escape may be gone. Mox asks Stak where is their ship. Stak replies that it is at the northern ridge. Mox asks him to show him.

Extraction and escape

Meanwhile Hunter, Wrecker, and Deke locate the console in a putrid swamp. After lifting the wreckage, they attach Gonky to the console. They hear strange sounds and Hunter senses a creature is approaching them from he swamp. While Deke operates the console, several tendrils emerge from the swamp. Hunter and Wrecker shoot at the creatures.

Elsewhere Stak and Mox manage to unlock the Marauder's door. Inside Mox asks if Stak can fly the ship. Stak replies that he was the top of the class. When Mox asks where they will go, Stak says anywhere but Setron. Stak spots a DC-17 while Mox notices a tooka doll belonging to Omega. The two cadets then receive a distress call from Deke via comlink.

The Bad Batch successfully download data from the console onto a datapad. The clones then escape with Gonky as the mutated vines converge on them. While trying to climb structures, Deke falls but Hunter pulls him up. They reach the surface but find themselves surrounded by more slither vines. Stak and Mox arrive with the Marauder. Mox extends grappling cables which the three clones and Gonky use to ascend to the ship. The slither vines extend tendrils around the starship and a maw emerges from the ground, revealing itself to be a mutated variant that resembles a sarlacc.

The clones fire at the maw and Wrecker even throws a thermal detonator. At Wrecker's urging, the cadets bring a cache of explosives, which they throw into the maw of the beast. This causes the giant slither vine to implode, allowing the Marauder to break free. The Bad Batch escape with Gonky aboard the ship he flew into hyperspace.

Moving forward

Later, Hunter meticulously examines the data, while Wrecker shares jokes with the cadets as Gonky observes. Based on the extracted data, Hunter discovers that Hemlock has relocated his base and experiments to a new location. He learns that the base is in a certain sector. Wrecker vows to find Omega. Hunter informs the cadets that he will first drop them off on the peaceful island of Pabu. When Mox questions their purpose without being in an army, Hunter says that they will have time to figure their lives out. He encourages them to forge their own paths and become something other than soldiers. Hunter says he and Wrecker's mission is not over yet. He shakes hands with Mox. The camera focuses on Omega's Tooka doll.


