Isa Durand

Lady Isa Durand, a celebrated Devaronian female crime lord, commanded the Durand crime family's organization and its Durand's Council during the Imperial Era. In the year 19 BBY, a Pyke operative severed the horn of her son, Roland Durand, bringing dishonor upon the Durands. Eventually, Roland persuaded her to permit the Bad Batch's clone mercenaries to deliver the Pyke into their custody.

Sometime around 18 BBY, she oversaw the trial of a Devaronian captain accused of plotting against the Durand family, ultimately finding him guilty and condemning him to a fall into a deep abyss. Subsequently, when Hunter and Wrecker, members of the Bad Batch, presented Isa with the Pyke responsible for harming Roland, she granted her son permission to provide the clones with the information they sought—the coordinates of Imperial doctor Royce Hemlock's laboratory—before signaling for them to depart.


Isa and Roland Durand in their fortress on Devaron

Lady Isa Durand, a Devaronian female, was active around the time of the Imperial Era. As a well-known and distinguished crime lord within the Durand family, she held a position on the Durand's Council, which meted out punishments to those who transgressed against the family's criminal enterprise. Durand was the mother of Roland Durand, a male Devaronian criminal. In 19 BBY, while held captive by the Pyke Syndicate, Roland shared with the human female clone Omega his family's method of seizing what they desired, a skill he attributed to Isa's mastery. Following his escape, he chose to work more closely with his mother at his family's fortress on the planet Devaron. Isa's son convinced her to engage the services of the Bad Batch's clones—who functioned as mercenaries—to apprehend the Pyke operative responsible for the offense of severing one of Roland's horns, in exchange for intelligence regarding the location of Imperial doctor Royce Hemlock's laboratory.

Within their Devaron fortress circa 18 BBY, Isa presided over the trial of a Devaronian captain as a member of the family's Durand's Council. From her [throne](/article/throne], she declared the defiant captain guilty of conspiracy and inquired if he had any final words. When the captain accused her of weakening the Durand syndicate under her leadership, she sought confirmation from those present, receiving only silence from the audience chamber in response. Lady Durand then activated a button on her throne, deactivating the force field beneath the captain's feet, causing him to plummet into a dark pit. Subsequently, she signaled for her next audience to be brought before her, and Roland complied by instructing the fortress guards to open the doors.

Isa and Roland Durand met with Hunter and Wrecker after they brought the Durands a Pyke who had wronged their family.

The Bad Batch members Hunter and Wrecker entered the chamber, presenting the Pyke who had severed Roland's horn to Isa. They tossed the severed horn fragment to Roland, assuring Isa that the Pyke's capture would not be linked back to the Durands. After ordering the protesting Pyke to be taken away, the lady contemplated their reasons for seeking information about Hemlock, remarking that she would have killed them had her son not persuaded her to consider their offer. Ultimately, she permitted Roland to furnish the clones with the coordinates to the doctor's laboratory. Despite Hunter's skepticism regarding the information's accuracy, Isa indicated that the pair should take what they came for and depart to avoid testing her generosity. The two clones swiftly departed and later discovered that the coordinates led to a different laboratory, which had been destroyed by orbital bombardment, prompting them to question the accuracy of the Durand family's information.

Personality and traits

Isa possessed white hair, red eyes, fair skin, and a pair of light-colored horns. She stood at a height of 2.01 meters. The woman often maintained a measured tone of voice when addressing conflict, readily imposing severe punishments on those who threatened her family. Her son, Roland—who was frequently by her side—was sometimes able to influence his mother to consider alternative courses of action at his request. Isa displayed displeasure towards those who tested her patience, glaring at Hunter during his visit to the family's fortress. As a crime boss, the woman aimed to instill in her son the principle that Durands always took what they desired.


On Devaron, she donned a high-necked purple dress complemented by matching purple horn and hair accessories. Her dress also featured gold-colored chest ornamentation bearing the Durand syndicate's emblem, and she wore dark-colored shoes. The crime boss wielded a long staff, which she employed to command attention in her fortress audience chamber.

Behind the scenes

In Star Wars: The Bad Batch, Isa Durand was voiced by Anjelica Huston.

Isa Durand was initially mentioned in "Infested," the thirteenth episode of the first season of the animated television series Star Wars: The Bad Batch, which aired on July 23, 2021. Her first appearance was in "Paths Unknown," the second episode of the series' third season, which premiered on February 21, 2024. In the episode, Isa's voice was provided by Anjelica Huston, an actor who had previously voiced the character of Sith Mother in the Star Wars: Visions anthology television series.

The 2014 reference book Star Wars Rebels: The Visual Guide, authored by Adam Bray, specifies that male Devaronians possess horns while females are hornless. However, in "Paths Unknown," Isa Durand is depicted with a pair of horns, and other female Devaronians have been depicted with horns in other media, such as the 2015 mobile game Star Wars: Uprising. This article operates under the assumption that the precedent established in Star Wars Rebels: The Visual Guide has since been retconned.

