The Sith Mother existed within the galaxy as a Sith Lord, a female, and a near-human being strong in the Force. Her path led her to a certain planet where she encountered a young girl named Daal, whom she chose to be her apprentice. The Sith Mother tasked Daal with a dangerous mission: to journey to the perilous region known as the Screecher's Reach and eliminate the Sith residing there, a being known as the Screecher. Once Daal completed this deadly task, the Sith Mother met her on the planet's surface and departed with her aboard her starship.
The Force-sensitive Sith Lord, a female near-human known as the Sith Mother, had set out to find a suitable Sith apprentice. Her travels eventually brought her to a planet where she encountered a young girl called Daal, who toiled in one of the planet's workhouses. The Sith Mother offered Daal a chance to escape her harsh life, but only if she could prove her worth. To facilitate communication, she gifted Daal an amulet that served as a means of contact.
One day, the Sith Mother reached out to Daal, instructing her to venture into a dangerous area of the planet called the Screecher's Reach. Her mission was to slay the "Screecher," a Sith who had become a legendary figure, whispered about as a ghost among the workhouse children. The Sith Mother told the girl that the Screecher was merely a product of her imagination, and that she would need to overcome the Screecher with strength and courage. Upon entering the Screecher's cave, Daal and her friends—Baython, Keena, and Quinn—became separated, and Daal pressed on alone. While holding the amulet, Daal repeated a mantra, asking for strength and courage because she had been led to believe that the Screecher was an apparition. She ultimately confronted the Screecher, discovering its true nature as a Sith and a tangible being. After killing the Screecher, Daal claimed its lightsaber, left the cave, and rejoined her friends in a nearby valley.
Realizing her newfound strength, Daal used the amulet again to contact the Sith Mother, acknowledging that the Sith Mother had empowered her. The Sith Lord responded, declaring that it was time for them to meet in person. Daal watched as the Sith Mother's ship descended and landed before her. As the Sith Mother emerged, Daal questioned the Sith Lord, stating that she was told the test was in her mind, to which the Sith Mother replied that a true test is always one of the mind. She assured Daal that she had successfully passed the test and instructed her to keep the Screecher's lightsaber. After inviting the child to enter her ship, Daal inquired about her friends joining them. The Sith Mother clarified that she had only come for her apprentice. She presented Daal with a choice: remain with her friends or accompany her. Daal chose the latter, and the two departed in the ship.
The Sith Mother possessed white skin, grey eyes, and grey hair. Despite her inherently sinister nature, she projected an image of a kind and gentle person. She skillfully manipulated Daal into abandoning her friends on their home planet, convincing her that she had been the source of Daal's newfound power.

The Sith Mother was developed for "Screecher's Reach," a short film featured in the second volume of the Star Wars: Visions anthology series. Paul Young directed the short, with Will Collins and Jason Tammemägi of Cartoon Saloon serving as writers. It premiered on May 4, 2023 on Disney+. Anjelica Huston provided the voice for the Sith Mother in the episode, and while her name is not explicitly mentioned in the episode itself, it is listed in the credits.
The creative team at Cartoon Saloon conceived the Sith Mother as a character who appeared outwardly sweet and caring, concealing a sinister nature beneath the surface. They envisioned her taking on a beautiful, angelic form. The design process emphasized the duality of her character, drawing inspiration from the image of a deadly flower. The Sith Mother's cape was designed to resemble flower petals, while her armor incorporated aggressive design elements and textures.