"Shadows of Tantiss" represents the third installment in the third season of the animated series Star Wars: The Bad Batch. This particular episode was initially broadcast on February 21, 2024, concurrently with the first and second episodes of the season.
One morning begins with Emerie Karr paying a visit to Omega inside her room, subsequently escorting her to her designated work assignment at Tantiss Base. The corridors are populated by Clone commandos, TK stormtroopers, and staff members from the Advanced Science Division. Inmates who are Clone troopers, Crosshair included, are escorted out of a cylindrical chamber, which a mysterious masked figure then enters. Within the blood donation section, Omega takes note of an unusually large number of soldiers. Upon inquiring about the reason for this, Karr responds that they will be informed if necessary.
Dr Royce Hemlock and Nala Se then enter the unit. Hemlock tells them that an unexpected visitor is scheduled to arrive and meet with him and Nala Se. He instructs Karr to supervise the Central lab while she is away. When Nala Se suggests overseeing the latest test results following the visit, Hemlock assures her that Karr is fully capable of managing such tasks. A clone commando then informs Hemlock that a shuttle has departed from the orbital station and has transmitted its coordinates. Hemlock then dispatches additional Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing starfighters to accompany the shuttle to the base. Nala Se is visibly anxious as she observes Karr carrying a tray containing blood samples, including Omega's, toward a blood testing machine.
Once Omega is alone, Nala Se gives her a secret warning that she will be in danger if Karr tests her blood sample. She urges her to escape from the facility before it is too late. When Omega asks if this is why she has been destroying her blood samples, Nala Se confirms that this is indeed the reason. She reveals to Omega that it is related to a top-secret Imperial project. As the Imperials bring their conversation to an end and summon Nala Se, she instructs Omega to go to the lab and retrieve her datapad in order to facilitate her escape from the Imperial facility. Nala Se tells her to flee on a shuttle. Nala Se then departs with Hemlock.
Omega proceeds past a number of Clone commandos and stormtroopers. After clearing the security checkpoint, she enters the blood testing facility and questions Karr about the identity of the VIP visitor. Karr responds that it is better not to ask any questions. When Omega pretends to feel unwell, Karr grants her permission to take a break from her duties and get some rest. Omega then subtly steals a datapad and slips away.
In the vastness of space, a shuttle, accompanied by its V-wing escorts, emerges from hyperspace. The fighters then escort the shuttle to the Wayland facility. Hemlock is there, waiting with an honor guard of stormtroopers. Two Emperor's Royal Guards step out of the shuttle, followed by Emperor Palpatine himself. Hemlock greets the Emperor, who expresses his eagerness to be updated on the progress of his research. Once inside the facility, Hemlock informs the Emperor that they have achieved four times their initial goals in record time. Two Clone commandos then lead them into a larger facility.
Hemlock informs the Emperor that their exotic matter facilities have been expanded, which allows for the alteration and testing of significantly larger assets. The Emperor acknowledges that he has need of grand designs but that the purpose of this visit is to discuss Project Necromancer. Hemlock then directs the Emperor and his guards into a chamber that glows red.
In the meantime, Omega uses the datapad to gain access to a turbolift. An MSE series droid attempts to enter the lift, but Omega kicks it out. She then enters the detention block and speaks with Crosshair. When he asks if she has discovered a weakness, Omega replies that she is improvising and offers to explain later. She manages to convince Crosshair to create a diversion for the stormtrooper sentries while she uses the datapad to unlock his cell.
Crosshair engages the first stormtrooper in combat, using him as a shield against the blaster bolts fired by the second stormtrooper. He then uses the first stormtrooper's blaster to stun the second. Crosshair proceeds to lock the guards inside his former cell. As they leave the detention block, Omega explains that Nala Se instructed her to escape, using her datapad to navigate the base and locate a shuttle. As they move outside the detention block, they conceal themselves from two passing stormtroopers, who are discussing the Emperor's visit. Crosshair expresses pessimism about their chances of a successful escape.
Omega notices that Crosshair's right hand is trembling, but he dismisses her concerns. After examining the datapad and the network terminal, she discovers that all shuttles at the Wayland facility have been grounded. She then decides to steal the Emperor's shuttle. When Crosshair points out that it is too heavily guarded, Omega suggests using a downed shuttle that crash landed when she first arrived. She suggests using its comms to contact Hunter and Wrecker. Crosshair agrees to let Omega lead the way.
Within the Tantiss vault, Hemlock presents Palpatine with several specimens, which are contained in special tanks. Hemlock expresses his hope to achieve a successful M-count replication with sufficient time and resources. Palpatine states that Project Necromancer is essential for securing the Empire's future and promises Hemlock the resources he requires.
Elsewhere, Karr visits Omega’s cell, only to find it empty. She sighs. Meanwhile, Omega breaks into the lurca hounds' kennels. Crosshair eliminates K-9X1 using his blasters. Omega tells Crosshair that they will use the kennel chute to escape outside. She explains that it is protected by a timed ray shield and that they will need to be quick. Karr confronts the two and Crosshair points his blaster at her despite Omega’s pleas. Karr tells them that they are not thinking clearly and offers to drop the matter if they surrender. Omega refuses to be trapped on Wayland and asks Karr to help them. Karr declares she's doing this for her own good but Crosshair stuns her as she alerts her superiors.
Before his departure, the Emperor warns Hemlock to maintain the secrecy and security of the Wayland facility, as there are individuals within the Imperial hierarchy who would view his work as an abomination. Hemlock also shares his aspirations of ascending to the position of scientific minister, which would grant him oversight over all Imperial science divisions. The Emperor assures him that this will happen in due course, before departing.
After the Emperor leaves, Scorch informs Hemlock that Omega and Crosshair have gone missing and that an alarm was activated in the lurca kennels. Hemlock orders the kennel's chute tunnels be sealed off. Omega and Crosshair barely manage to escape before the ray shields activate. Once outside, Crosshair asks Omega if she knows the way to the shuttle. Omega admits that she does not, so Crosshair suggests that they follow the flight path of the departing Imperial shuttle.
Inside the kennels, Hemlock and the Clone commandos find Karr, who informs them that Omega obtained a datapad and used it to escape with Crosshair through a kennel chute. Hemlock dispatches lurca hounds and patrols to track down the fugitives. When Karr expresses concern that the lurcas will kill Crosshair and Omega, he responds that they are escapees and that the time for half measures is over. After dismissing Karr, Hemlock questions Nala Se about how Omega escaped. Nala Se professes loyalty but Hemlock does not believe her and orders the Clone commandos to secure her in a cell.
Imperial stormtroopers and Rho-class transport shuttles are deployed to hunt down the fugitives. Omega uses the datapad to guide their way through the jungle. She trips on a branch and Crosshair helps her up. They are confronted by a hulking dryax but the lurca hounds attack the creature. The clones take the opportunity to escape and locate the downed Imperial Nu-class attack/transport shuttle. Omega tries to power up the ship but finds that its comms are dead.
Meanwhile, Karr examines the blood samples including Omega’s. An Imperial stormtrooper pilot reports an unusual surge in sector four. Omega is despondent but Crosshair reassures her that they have gotten this far and asks if she is familiar with Plan 72. The Rho-class shuttle circles nearby. A Clone commando tells the stormtroopers they need to find the prisoners before they abseil down using grappling cables. While they search the downed shuttle, Crosshair shoots at them and takes out a few.
Omega approaches the grappling cable but is cornered by a stormtrooper. The lurca hound she freed, Batcher, attacks the stormtrooper and Omega stuns the soldier. She is happy to see Batcher and tells her to stay close. Crosshair takes out the Clone commando and a few stormtroopers in hand to hand combat. Omega takes a lift to the cockpit and stuns the pilot. She shoots at the stormtroopers with the ship’s weapons and dispatches the landing ramp for Crosshair to board the shuttle. Omega then returns to the ramp and provides covering fire as Crosshair ascends to the cockpit and throws the pilot out.
A stormtrooper informs the Wayland facility that their shuttle has been hijacked and stolen by the fugitives. Imperial V-wing star fighters are dispatched after the stolen shuttle. At Omega’s signal, Batcher boards the stolen shuttle after knocking down two stormtroopers. While V-wings pursue the ship, Karr discovers that Omega’s blood sample supports a positive M-count transfer. She informs Hemlock, who orders the V-wings to stand down since they need Omega alive. Omega and Crosshair escape into hyperspace. He dismisses their escape as a minor setback and vows to find them with the full resources of the Empire.