Imperial royal guard

The Imperial royal guard was a specialized unit of clone commandos under the command of the Advanced Science Division. They were garrisoned at the Galactic Empire's research complex situated within Mount Tantiss on the planet of Wayland.


Imperial Royal Guard commandos wore distinctive grey markings on their armor.
The Imperial royal guard were Clone Commandos stationed on Mount Tantiss.

During the early years of the Galactic Empire's reign, the Imperial royal guard was a special force of clone commandos within its ranks. Their base of operations was Tantiss Base located inside Mount Tantiss, the central location for the Imperial cloning program.

Their Katarn-class Commando Armor was white with grey markings displayed on their helmets, chest armor, and various parts of their leg and shoulder armor. The unit's symbol, a triangle pointing downwards with a circle cutout containing two exits, was displayed on their right shoulder. They carried DC-15A blaster carbines as well as DC-17m Interchangeable Weapon Systems.


Receiving Nala Se

Imperial royal guards escorted Doctor Nala Se to Tantiss Base on Wayland.

After the Empire's operation on Kamino concluded around 19 BBY, resulting in the removal of vital information, resources, troopers, and scientific staff from Tipoca City, along with the subsequent destruction of the city and other Kaminoan settlements, Doctor Nala Se, the Kaminoan Chief Medical Scientist, was transported to Tantiss Base on Wayland via a Rho-class transport shuttle.

Upon her arrival, eight Imperial royal guard clone commandos, positioned with four on each side of the shuttle, greeted Se. Two commandos escorted her outside, where she was welcomed by Doctor Scalder, a medical officer from the cloning program, and the facility's administrator. The officer was accompanied by two more commandos. After Nala Se was greeted, these commandos, along with the initial pair that escorted her, led the two scientists inside the facility.

Transport 904 incident

Clone Commander Scorch served with the Imperial royal guard under the authority of Doctor Royce Hemlock.

Roughly 18 BBY, more than a year following Kamino's destruction, the Imperial royal guard, alongside numerous other Imperial clone commandos, maintained their presence at the Wayland facility within Mount Tantiss. When Doctor Royce Hemlock and his assistant, Doctor Emerie Karr, arrived to take charge of the Imperial cloning program, they were received and escorted by a contingent of royal guards. Following the disappearance of transport 904, an Imperial vessel connected to the cloning operation, along with its asset, a cloned Zillo Beast, several royal guard members were deployed as part of a task force to recapture the creature. After the Zillo Beast was subdued using an ion cannon and subsequently captured, members of the royal guard observed its placement into stasis.

Attack in the Balmorra system

The Imperial royal guard was involved with transporting dissident clones to Wayland.

In that same year, many Imperial royal guard commandos were stationed at an Imperial base on Balmorra. Under the leadership of Captain Pearce, one commando, accompanied by a unit of stormtroopers, boarded a Gozanti-class cruiser to transport three dissident clone troopers to Wayland. As the ship departed Balmorra and prepared for hyperspace, it was ambushed and disabled by a ship belonging to Clone Captain Rex, who had defected, and his rebel group, the Clone Underground. The rogue clones then boarded the vessel utilizing a leech vessel. Realizing his forces were about to be defeated, Captain Pearce instructed the royal guard commando to wipe the ship's databanks to prevent the invaders from obtaining the information. However, before the commando could finish, the rogue clones entered the bridge and stunned him. After extracting the remaining information, the rogue clones escaped the Gozanti-class cruiser as Imperial Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing starfighters attacked and destroyed the ship.

Simultaneously, Crosshair, a prisoner at Tantiss Base, escaped during an interrogation. After navigating the facility's corridors and defeating several stormtrooper squads, Crosshair used Terminal 3 to access a satellite and send a distress signal to his former squad, warning them about the Empire's search. Nearby, a royal guard commando and a stormtrooper noticed the unauthorized transmission. The commando ordered the connection to be cut and the terminal sealed. As Terminal 3 was flooded with a toxin that rendered Crosshair unconscious, Doctor Hemlock and a royal guard commando entered the room to retrieve him.

Capture of Omega

Doctor Hemlock and the Imperial royal guards tracked Clone Force 99 in order to capture a clone known as Omega.

After receiving a tip from the information broker Ciddarin Scaleback that the rogue clones of Clone Force 99 were seeking refuge in her parlor following a disastrous mission, the Imperial Advanced Science Division deployed a group of royal guard commandos to Ord Mantell. Doctor Hemlock personally led the commandos in the raid, aiming to capture the rogue clone Omega and force Nala Se to work for the Advanced Science Division. The commandos stormed the parlor, immediately subduing the rogue clone Wrecker and holding him at gunpoint. Hemlock then threatened the renegade squad's leader, Hunter, demanding he lower his blaster and surrender, which he eventually did. As Hemlock and the royal guard commandos escorted Hunter and Wrecker through Ord Mantell's streets, they were ambushed by Omega.

The Imperial royal guard captured Omega with the help of Clone Commander Scorch.

After Hemlock stalled Omega, Clone Commander Scorch stunned and captured her. While Omega boarded a Nu-class attack/transport shuttle with Hemlock and Scorch, a group of royal guard commandos escorted Hunter and Wrecker to a Low Altitude Assault Transport. Before they could be transported off-world, the renegade clone Echo ambushed the Imperials with a captured AT-AC walker, giving his squadmates time to break free and defeat the Imperial clone commandos.

Later, Hemlock returned to Mount Tantiss with Omega, finally convincing Nala Se to work for the Empire. As Omega was escorted into the Wayland facility, she entered a laboratory guarded by two royal guard commandos, where she discovered Crosshair strapped down and unconscious.

