Balmorra Imperial outpost

An Imperial outpost existed on the world of Balmorra. Around 18 BBY, its main function was to imprison ex-clone troopers who had rebelled against and challenged the directives of the Imperial regime.


Main complex

The primary structure of the outpost was an extensive, sizable complex constructed within a mountainside in a remote area of Balmorra. This location functioned as both a storage facility, where troopers moved supply crates, and a detention center, holding numerous rebellious clone troopers. While most of the outpost's staff consisted of TK stormtroopers, several clone personnel, including Imperial clone commandos and clone stormtroopers, were also assigned to this location.


Adjacent to the main complex was a sizable shipyard. Here, ships delivered provisions to the base, and Gozanti-class cruisers belonging to the Galactic Empire's Advanced Science Division transported clone prisoners away from the planet.

