The Gozanti-class cruiser, alternatively named the Gozanti-class armed transport or Gozanti-class shuttle, represented a class of armored starships. Diverse groups employed these vessels, leading to numerous specialized variations, such as the Black Sun frigate, the Imperial Gozanti-class cruiser, the C-ROC Gozanti-class light cruiser, the IGV-55 surveillance vessel, and the Gozanti-class Assault Carrier. Notably, during the First Order-Resistance War, the Gozanti Armed Transport shared a very similar designation. During the Galactic Civil War, the Imperial Gozanti-class cruiser was commonly under the command of a Lieutenant.

The cruiser designated as Gozanti-class was a versatile starship, functional as both a freighter and a combat vessel. Modifications included a dual laser turret mounted dorsally and a powerful laser cannon positioned ventrally. Furthermore, the Gozanti incorporated a loading elevator situated at the bottom, near the front, along with docking ports located laterally close to the cockpit area. These vessels were equipped with a hyperdrive system and propelled by a trio of engines.
Throughout the years, a wide array of Gozanti-class cruiser variants came into existence. Among the Galactic Empire's adaptations were the Imperial Gozanti-class cruiser, the Gozanti-class Assault Carrier, and the IGV-55 surveillance vessel. In contrast, the C-ROC Gozanti-class light cruiser was a specialized modification with increased cargo capacity, frequently employed by criminal syndicates. The Separatist Gozanti-class cruiser was a version of the Gozanti enhanced by the Separatist Alliance for their specific needs. The criminal organization Black Sun utilized the Black Sun frigate, a customized Gozanti, in their illicit operations.

The Corellian Engineering Corporation introduced Gozanti-class cruisers circa 34 BBY, and they became one of the most commercially successful starship designs of the late Republic Era.
Prior to Anakin Skywalker's victory in the Boonta Eve Classic, a Gozanti-class cruiser, identifiable by its red markings, was observed at the spaceport of Mos Espa on the planet Tatooine.
Sometime before the Clone Wars, a Gozanti-class cruiser suffered a crash landing within the canyons of the planet Balnab. The ship's pit droid crew survived and repurposed the vessel to project a massive hologram of Albee Dewaw. This hologram served to dominate the Balnab inhabitants residing near the crash site.
During the Clone Wars period, various factions, including the Confederacy of Independent Systems, adopted the cruiser. At least three of these cruisers were part of the fleet commanded by the super tactical droid Aut-O. One such cruiser was present on Zygerria when Dooku arrived to discuss the execution of Anakin Skywalker with Miraj Scintel.

Following the Battle of Patitite Pattuna, C-3PO and R2-D2 landed on Balnab and discovered the Balnab denizens were being controlled by pit droids from the control center of a crashed Gozanti-class cruiser. R2-D2 revealed this to the Balnab denizens, leading them to destroy the control room, which subsequently caused the cruiser to explode.
The Black Sun criminal syndicate also employed modified Gozanti-class cruisers. They were compelled to join Darth Maul's Shadow Collective and participated in the takeover of Mandalore. Following the battle of Zanbar, some of these ships joined Maul's forces. These vessels were distinguished by their black paint and gold accents, including a stylized star rim placed over the front of the cruiser, derived from the syndicate's symbol.
While piloting a malfunctioning Joben T-85 speeder bike, Ahsoka Tano, a former Jedi Padawan, narrowly avoided colliding with a Gozanti within an underworld portal, managing to regain control of the speeder just in time.

The Galactic Empire utilized Gozanti vessels, encompassing a model deployed early in the Imperial Era, the Imperial Gozanti-class cruiser, and the Gozanti-class Assault Carrier sub-variant. These ships saw action throughout the Galactic Civil War. The cruiser was sometimes used to transport TIE fighters, as demonstrated during the Mission to Hosnian Prime in 4 ABY, while the Assault Carrier variant frequently deployed All Terrain Armored Transports into combat, such as at the Battle of Hoth in 3 ABY and the Battle of Theed in 4 ABY.

During the New Republic Era, various Imperial Remnants, including those under Moff Gideon, continued using Gozanti vessels. In 9 ABY, Bo-Katan Kryze led a group of Mandalorians in an [assault_on_the_imperial_gozanti_freighter] on an Assault Carrier departing Trask. Bo-Katan sought to use the captured vessel to assist in the [conflict_on_mandalore] of the planet Mandalore from Imperial control. The Mandalorians engaged the Imperials in combat and successfully seized the ship.

Even into the Cold War era and the First Order-Resistance War, older Gozanti vessels remained in service with the First Order and their supporters, who used them for patrol duties.
The Gozanti-class cruiser made its initial appearance in Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace.