Ter58 ion engine

The Ter58 ion engine represented a specific ion engine design produced by Girodyne. The Gozanti-class cruiser incorporated a pair of Ter58 engines. However, in the specialized C-ROC Gozanti-class light cruiser variant, these were substituted with five Novaldex JV-80 ion drives.

Production Notes

The initial mention of the Ter58 ion engine within the updated Star Wars canon occurred within No Disintegrations. This was a 2017 expansion for the Star Wars: Edge of the Empire roleplaying game, which was released by Fantasy Flight Games. Its origins are rooted in the Star Wars Legends storyline, where it initially appeared in Star Wars: Incredible Cross-Sections. This book was the debut entry in the Star Wars Incredible Cross-Sections collection, which was released by Dorling Kindersley back in 1998.

