A specialized variation of the Gozanti-class cruiser saw action with the CIS Navy throughout the Clone Wars, a conflict between the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Galactic Republic.
The Gozanti-class cruisers used by the Separatist Alliance were customized for military applications. Consequently, these cruisers featured Separatist colors, and they were equipped with a pair of sublight engines. These Separatist models, much like the standard civilian versions produced by the Corellian Engineering Corporation, possessed a dorsal and two ventral rectennas, landing gear, and a ventral twin laser cannon turret.
The Confederacy of Independent Systems Navy introduced the Gozanti-class cruiser by 20 BBY. At this time, during the Clone Wars between the Separatists and the Galactic Republic, a Separatist fleet that included at least eight Separatist Gozanti-class cruisers was led by the ST-series military strategic analysis and tactics droid known as Aut-O. Later, several Separatist Gozanti-class cruisers were present on Oba Diah while Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker dueled the Separatist Head of State Count Dooku, secretly the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Tyranus, during a mission.
During a mission to Utapau by Kenobi and Skywalker later in the conflict, multiple Separatist Gozanti-class cruisers were situated within the primary hangar of a Separatist Providence-class Dreadnought that was part of a fleet commanded by Supreme Commander of the Droid Army General Grievous. The cruisers, along with the rest of the fleet, were obliterated when a massive kyber crystal detonated inside a Dual Hemisphere-Omni Support Vessel. Throughout the war, the Republic Navy maintained a heightened state of alert whenever Gozanti-class cruisers were detected, as the Confederacy and the Black Sun criminal organization frequently modified these cruisers for use as both warships and smuggling vessels.
The Separatist Gozanti-class cruiser made its debut in "Secret Weapons," an episode from the fifth season of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series.